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<?php echo <<<'EOT' <style> .item-list { list-style-type: none; } .item-label { font-weight: bold; } </style> EOT; echo PHP_EOL; $product_html_template = file_get_contents('product_html_template.tpl'); $html = ''; $products = [ [ 'name' => 'product1', // other product data 'sizes' => [ ['name' => 's', 'link' => '#s1'], ['name' => 'm', 'link' => '#m1'] ] ], [ 'name' => 'product2', // other product data 'sizes' => [ ['name' => 's', 'link' => '#s2'], ['name' => 'm', 'link' => '#m2'], ['name' => 'xl', 'link' => '#xl2'] ] ] ]; foreach ($products as $product) { $row = $product_html_template; foreach ($product as $description_name => $description_value) { if (!is_array($description_value)) { if ($description_name == 'name') $row = str_replace('{{product-name}}', $description_value, $row); } else { if ($description_name == 'sizes') { $sizes = ''; foreach ($description_value as $sub_value) { $item = '<a href="{{link}}">{{name}}</a>, '; foreach ($sub_value as $key => $value) $item = str_replace('{{'.$key.'}}', $value, $item); $sizes .= $item; } $row = str_replace('{{product-size}}', rtrim($sizes, ', '), $row); } } } $html .= $row.PHP_EOL; } echo $html; ?>
<div> <ul class="item-list"> <li><span class="item-label">Nazwa produktu: </span>{{product-name}}</li> <li><span class="item-label">Rozmiar: </span>{{product-size}}</li> </ul> </div>

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