online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> int main( ) { char hex1[100], hex2[100]; int p = 0,q=0; int decimal1 = 0, decimal2 = 0; int r, i, j, sum=0; long decimalnum, quotient, rem; int ii, jj = 0; char hex3[100]; printf("Enetr first Hexadecimal: "); scanf("%s", hex1); printf("Enetr second Hexadecimal: "); scanf("%s", hex2); for(i=strlen(hex1)-1;i>=0;--i) { if(hex1[i]>='0' && hex1[i]<='9') { r=hex1[i]-'0'; } else { r=hex1[i]-'A'+10; } decimal1 = decimal1 +r*pow(16,p); ++p; } for(j=strlen(hex2)-1;j>=0;--j) { if(hex2[j]>='0' && hex2[j]<='9') { r=hex2[j]-'0'; } else { r=hex2[j]-'A'+10; } decimal2 = decimal2 +r*pow(16,q); ++q; } sum = decimal1 + decimal2; quotient = sum; //printf("\n Quotient is: %ld", quotient); while(quotient != 0) { rem = quotient % 16; if(rem < 10) { hex3[jj++] = 48 + rem; } else { hex3[jj++] = 55 + rem; } quotient = quotient/16; } jj--; printf("Sum of two hexadecimal number is "); for(ii=jj; ii>=0; ii--) { printf("%c", hex3[ii]); } return 0; }

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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