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// C++ program for the above approach #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int Guess; int Total; // Question Class class Question { private: string Question_Text; string Answer_1; string Answer_2; string Answer_3; string Answer_4; int Correct_Answer; int Question_Score; public: // Setter Function void setValues(string, string, string, string, string, int, int); // Function to ask questions void askQuestion(); }; // Driver code int main() { cout << "\n\n\t\t\t\tTHE DAILY QUIZ" << endl; cout << "\nPress Enter to start " << "the quiz... " << endl; // Input cin.get(); string Name; // int Age; // Input the details cout << "What is your name?" << endl; cin >> Name; cout << endl; // cout << "How old are you?" << endl; // cin >> Age; // cout << endl; // string Respond; // cout << "Are you ready to take" << " the quiz " << Name << "? yes/no" << endl; // cin >> Respond; // if (Respond == "yes") { // cout << endl; // cout << "Good Luck!" << endl; // } // else { // cout << "Okay Good Bye!" << endl; // return 0; // } // Objects of Question Class Question q1; Question q2; Question q3; Question q4; Question q5; // 3 is the position of correct answer q1.setValues("Question : What is capital of India?", "Bangalore", "Kolkata", "Delhi", "Chennai", 3, 10); q2.setValues("Question : Chairman of Infosys?", "N.R. Narayan Murthy", "Nitin Gadkari", "Elon Musk", "M.S.Dhoni", 1, 10); q3.setValues("Question : Prime minister of India?", "Narendra Modi", "Nirav Modi", "Sundar Pichai", "Sourav Ganguly", 1, 10); q4.setValues("Question : Founder of Apple Company?", "Bjarne Stroustrup", "Steve Jobs", "Mark Juckerberg", Name, 2, 10); q5.setValues("Question : Full form of RBI?", "Registered Bank of India", "Revised Bank of India", "Reserve Bank of India", "Return Bank of India", 3, 10); q1.askQuestion(); q2.askQuestion(); q3.askQuestion(); q4.askQuestion(); q5.askQuestion(); // Display the total score cout << "Total Score = " << Total << " out of 50" << endl; // Display the results // If the player pass the quiz if (Total >= 30) { cout << "Congrats you passed the" << " quiz!" << endl; } // Otherwise else { cout << "Alas! You failed the quiz." << endl; cout << "Better luck next time." << endl; } return 0; } // Function to set the values of the questions void Question::setValues(string q, string a1,string a2, string a3,string a4, int ca, int pa) { Question_Text = q; Answer_1 = a1; Answer_2 = a2; Answer_3 = a3; Answer_4 = a4; Correct_Answer = ca; Question_Score = pa; } // Function to ask questions void Question::askQuestion() { cout << endl; // Print the questions cout << Question_Text << endl; cout << "1. " << Answer_1 << endl; cout << "2. " << Answer_2 << endl; cout << "3. " << Answer_3 << endl; cout << "4. " << Answer_4 << endl; cout << endl; // Display the answer cout << "What is your answer?(in number)" << endl; cin >> Guess; // If the answer is correct if (Guess == Correct_Answer) { cout << endl; cout << "Correct !" << endl; // Update the correct score Total = Total + Question_Score; cout << "Score = " << Question_Score << " out of " << Question_Score << "!" << endl; cout << endl; } // Otherise else { cout << endl; cout << "Wrong !" << endl; cout << "Score = 0" << " out of " << Question_Score << "!" << endl; cout << "Correct answer = " << Correct_Answer << "." << endl; cout << endl; } }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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