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#include <stdint.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <vector> extern "C" void swap_context(void *, void *) asm("swap_context"); asm(R"( swap_context: mov 0x00(%rsp), %rdx lea 0x08(%rsp), %rcx mov %r12, 0x00(%rdi) mov %r13, 0x08(%rdi) mov %r14, 0x10(%rdi) mov %r15, 0x18(%rdi) mov %rdx, 0x20(%rdi) mov %rcx, 0x28(%rdi) mov %rbx, 0x30(%rdi) mov %rbp, 0x38(%rdi) mov 0x00(%rsi), %r12 mov 0x08(%rsi), %r13 mov 0x10(%rsi), %r14 mov 0x18(%rsi), %r15 mov 0x20(%rsi), %rax mov 0x28(%rsi), %rcx mov 0x30(%rsi), %rbx mov 0x38(%rsi), %rbp mov %rcx, %rsp jmpq *%rax )"); struct Context { void *reg[8]; std::vector<char> mem; Context(void (*func)() = nullptr) : mem(4096) { reg[4] = (void *)func; reg[5] = (char *)((uintptr_t)(&mem.back()) & ~15ull) - sizeof(void *); } } ma; Context *current = nullptr; void resume_coroutine(Context *coroutine) { current = coroutine; swap_context(&ma, current); } uint64_t GetMs() { timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); return ts.tv_nsec / 1000000 + ts.tv_sec * 1000ull; } struct Task { uint64_t expire; Context *coroutine; bool operator<(const Task &other) const { return expire > other.expire; } }; std::priority_queue<Task> tasks; void coroutine_sleep(int ms) { uint64_t expire = GetMs() + ms; tasks.push(Task{.expire = expire, .coroutine = current}); swap_context(current, &ma); } void event_loop(int timeout_in_seconds) { uint64_t start = GetMs(); while (true) { usleep(1000); while (!tasks.empty()) { if (GetMs() > { Task task =; tasks.pop(); resume_coroutine(task.coroutine); } else { break; } } if ((GetMs() - start) > timeout_in_seconds * 1000) { break; } } } void func1() { while (true) { std::cout << "Coroutine 1 print per 500ms" << std::endl; coroutine_sleep(500); } } void func2() { while (true) { std::cout << "Coroutine 2 print per 1000ms" << std::endl; coroutine_sleep(1000); } } int main() { Context co1(func1); resume_coroutine(&co1); Context co2(func2); resume_coroutine(&co2); event_loop(5); return 0; }

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