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/****************************************************************************** Welcome to GDB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, C#, VB, Perl, Swift, Prolog, Javascript, Pascal, HTML, CSS, JS Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world. *******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <type_traits> #include <iostream> #include "record.hpp" #include "find_prop_type.hpp" enum class f_int { v }; enum class f_float { v }; enum class f_str { v }; enum class f_rec { v }; enum class f_unknown { v }; enum class f_data {v}; enum class f_next {v}; using namespace tensors::type_map; using namespace tensors::structural; template <typename T> struct ll_node : virtual public record<prop<f_data, T>, prop<f_next, ll_node<T> *>> { ll_node() { (*this)[f_next::v] = nullptr; } }; int main() { using namespace std; cout << "Looking for " << typeid(f_int).name() << endl; using found1 = find_prop_type< f_int, prop<f_int, int>, prop<f_float, float> >; found1::print(std::cout); cout << "Value type found: " << typeid(value_type_of<typename found1::prop_type>).name() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Looking for " << typeid(f_float).name() << endl; using found2 = find_prop_type< f_float, prop<f_int, int>, prop<f_float, float> >; found2::print(std::cout); cout << "Value type found: " << typeid(value_type_of<typename found2::prop_type>).name() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Looking for " << typeid(f_unknown).name() << endl; using found3 = find_prop_type< f_unknown, prop<f_int, int>, prop<f_float, float> >; found3::print(std::cout); cout << "Value type found: " << typeid(value_type_of<typename found3::prop_type>).name() << endl; cout << endl; record < prop<f_int, int>, prop<f_float, float>, prop < f_rec, record < prop<f_str, const char *>, prop<f_int, int> > > > r1; r1[f_int::v] = 123; r1[f_float::v] = 2.7; r1[f_rec::v][f_str::v] = "Hello World!"; //this structure has fields order changed and one of the fields removed //but still compatible with the first one for assignment record < prop<f_float, float>, prop<f_int, int>, prop < f_rec, record < // prop<f_int, int>, prop<f_str, const char *> > > > r2; r2 = r1; r2[f_rec::v][f_str::v] = "Goodbye World!"; cout << "r1: " << typeid(f_int).name() << " == " << r1[f_int::v] << endl; cout << "r1: " << typeid(f_float).name() << " == " << r1[f_float::v] << endl; cout << "r1: " << typeid(f_rec).name() << "." << typeid(f_str).name() << " == " << r1[f_rec::v][f_str::v] << endl; cout << endl; cout << "r2: " << typeid(f_int).name() << " == " << r2[f_int::v] << endl; cout << "r2: " << typeid(f_float).name() << " == " << r2[f_float::v] << endl; cout << "r2: " << typeid(f_rec).name() << "." << typeid(f_str).name() << " == " << r2[f_rec::v][f_str::v] << endl; cout << endl; using lln = ll_node<int>; lln *head = nullptr; for (auto i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { lln *n = new lln; (*n)[f_next::v] = head; (*n)[f_data::v] = i; head = n; } for (lln *n = head; n; n = (*n)[f_next::v]) { cout << (*n)[f_data::v] << endl; } return 0; }
#pragma once namespace tensors { namespace structural { template <class T> struct key_value_traits { // key_type; // value_type; }; template <typename P> using key_type_of = typename key_value_traits<P>::key_type; template <typename P> using value_type_of = typename key_value_traits<P>::value_type; } }
#pragma once #include "key_value_traits.hpp" namespace tensors { namespace structural { template <class K, class V> struct prop { using key_t = K; using val_t = V; }; template <class K, class V> struct key_value_traits<prop<K, V>> { using key_type = K; using value_type = V; }; } }
#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> #include <type_traits> #include "key_value_traits.hpp" #include "prop.hpp" namespace tensors { namespace type_map { namespace details { using namespace tensors::structural; template <typename K, typename K0, typename V0, size_t I, typename P0, typename... P> struct find_prop_type_impl; template <typename K, size_t I, typename P0, typename... P> struct find_prop_type_impl_unpack; template <typename K, size_t I, typename...P> using unpack_and_go = find_prop_type_impl_unpack<K, I, P...>; template <typename K, size_t I, typename P0, typename...P> using forward_to_impl = find_prop_type_impl<K, key_type_of<P0>, value_type_of<P0>, I, P0, P...>; //has 2+ props: delegate lookup to the unpacker template <typename K, typename K0, typename V0, size_t I, typename P0, typename... P> struct find_prop_type_impl : public unpack_and_go<K, I - 1, P...> { using this_type = find_prop_type_impl<K, K0, V0, I, P0, P...>; using unpack_type = unpack_and_go<K, I - 1, P...>; using prop_type = typename unpack_type::prop_type; using unpack_type::is_found; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { os << "Looking for property with key [" << typeid(K).name() << "] in [" << typeid(this_type).name() << "]..." << std::endl; return unpack_type::print(os); } }; //has 2+ props: already found the match template <typename K, typename V0, size_t I, typename P0, typename... P> struct find_prop_type_impl<K, K, V0, I, P0, P...> { using this_type = find_prop_type_impl<K, K, V0, I, P0, P...>; using prop_type = P0; static constexpr const bool is_found = true; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { os << "Found the property with key [" << typeid(K).name() << "] in [" << typeid(this_type).name() << "] => [" << typeid(prop_type).name() << "]" << std::endl; return os; } }; enum class unknown_value_type {v}; //has 1 prop: not found template <typename K, typename K0, typename V0, typename P0> struct find_prop_type_impl<K, K0, V0, 0, P0> { using this_type = find_prop_type_impl<K, K0, V0, 0, P0>; using prop_type = prop<K, unknown_value_type>; static constexpr const bool is_found = false; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { os << "Not found property with key [" << typeid(K).name() << "] in [" << typeid(this_type).name() << "]." << std::endl; return os; } }; //has 1 prop: found the match template <typename K, typename V0, typename P0> struct find_prop_type_impl<K, K, V0, 0, P0> { using this_type = find_prop_type_impl<K, K, V0, 0, P0>; using prop_type = P0; static constexpr const bool is_found = true; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { os << "Found the property with key [" << typeid(K).name() << "] in [" << typeid(this_type).name() << "] => [" << typeid(prop_type).name() << "]" << std::endl; return os; } }; //has 2+ props: unpack template <typename K, size_t I, typename P0, typename... P> struct find_prop_type_impl_unpack : public forward_to_impl<K, I, P0, P...> { using impl_type = forward_to_impl<K, I, P0, P...>; using prop_type = typename impl_type::prop_type; using impl_type::is_found; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { return impl_type::print(os); } }; //has 1 prop only: unpack template <typename K, typename P0> struct find_prop_type_impl_unpack<K, 0, P0> : public forward_to_impl<K, 0, P0> { using impl_type = forward_to_impl<K, 0, P0>; using prop_type = typename impl_type::prop_type; using impl_type::is_found; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { return impl_type::print(os); } }; } //-------------------------------------------------- template <typename K, typename P0, typename... P> struct find_prop_type : public details::unpack_and_go<K, sizeof...(P), P0, P...> { using impl = details::unpack_and_go<K, sizeof...(P), P0, P...>; static std::ostream &print(std::ostream &os) { return impl::print(os); } }; } }
#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include "remove_cvr.hpp" #include "find_prop_type.hpp" namespace tensors { namespace structural { template <typename... P> class record; namespace details { using namespace std; using namespace tensors::type_map; template <typename P> class record_field_storage { using this_type = record_field_storage<P>; using key_type = key_type_of<P>; using value_type = value_type_of<P>; public: value_type v; record_field_storage(const std::remove_cvr_t<value_type> &vv) : v(vv) {} record_field_storage(const this_type &s) = default; record_field_storage(this_type &&) = default; record_field_storage() = default; this_type &operator=(const this_type &s) = default; }; template <typename K, typename R> struct check_field { static constexpr const bool is_found = false; }; template <typename K, typename...P> struct check_field<K, record<P...>> { static constexpr const bool is_found = find_prop_type<K, P...>::is_found; }; template <typename Target, typename Source, size_t I, typename P0, typename...P> struct record_copier_impl : virtual public record_copier_impl<Target, Source, I - 1, P...> { using next = record_copier_impl<Target, Source, I - 1, P...>; using key_type = key_type_of<P0>; static const key_type &fake_key() { return *(key_type *)nullptr; } static void copy(Target &target, const Source &source) { if (check_field<key_type, Target>::is_found && check_field<key_type, Source>::is_found) { auto &k = fake_key(); target[k] = source[k]; } next::copy(target, source); } }; template <typename Target, typename Source, typename P0> struct record_copier_impl<Target, Source, 0, P0> { using key_type = key_type_of<P0>; static const key_type &fake_key() { return *(key_type *)nullptr; } static void copy(Target &target, const Source &source) { if (check_field<key_type, Target>::is_found && check_field<key_type, Source>::is_found) { auto &k = fake_key(); target[k] = source[k]; } } }; } template <typename... P> class record : virtual details::record_field_storage<P>... { using this_type = record<P...>; template <typename K> friend struct record_accessor; template <typename K> struct record_accessor { using record_type = this_type; using prop_type = typename tensors::type_map::find_prop_type<K, P...>::prop_type; using key_type = key_type_of<prop_type>; using value_type = value_type_of<prop_type>; using storage_type = details::record_field_storage<prop_type>; static storage_type &property_ref(record_type &r) { return static_cast<storage_type &>(r); } static const storage_type &property_ref(const record_type &r) { return static_cast<const storage_type &>(r); } }; template <typename...PS> struct record_copier : details::record_copier_impl<record<P...>, record<PS...>, sizeof...(P) - 1, P...> { using Target = record<P...>; using Source = record<PS...>; using impl = details::record_copier_impl<record<P...>, record<PS...>, sizeof...(P) - 1, P...>; static void copy(Target &target, const Source &source) { impl::copy(target, source); } }; public: record() = default; record(const this_type &) = default; record(this_type &&) = default; template <typename K> typename record_accessor<K>::storage_type &property_ref(const K &) { return record_accessor<K>::property_ref(*this); } template <typename K> const typename record_accessor<K>::storage_type &property_ref(const K &) const { return record_accessor<K>::property_ref(*this); } template <typename K> typename record_accessor<K>::value_type &operator[](const K &k) { return property_ref(k).v; } template <typename K> const typename record_accessor<K>::value_type &operator[](const K &k) const { return property_ref(k).v; } this_type &operator=(const this_type &s) = default; template <typename...PS> this_type &operator=(const record<PS...> &s) { record_copier<PS...>::copy(*this, s); return *this; } }; } }
#pragma once #include <type_traits> namespace std { template <typename T> using remove_cvr = remove_cv<typename remove_reference<T>::type>; template <typename T> using remove_cvr_t = typename remove_cvr<T>::type; }

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