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public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { VectorCalculator calcObj = new VectorCalculator(); calcObj.mainProcess(); } }
/* Name: Seung-Gu Lee Date: 10/27 ~ 12/1 (Semester 1 Interdisciplinary Project) Description: Adds vectors and calculates the resultant, final direction/angle, average, X and Y components < Pseudocode > main method { // Welcome message print("Welcome"); // Main loop do{ // reset variables reset counter, totalComponent // asks/assigns the input Method.askUserUnit print("Enter a unit"); vectorUnit = nextLine // loop of vector input do{ // receives magnitude of a vector Method.askUserMagnitude print("Enter the magnitude of vector #"+counter); vectorMagnitude = nextDouble // receives direction/angle and seperates the vector into X/Y components Method.calculationProcess do{ print("Enter the direction"); Direction = nextInt wrongInput = false // calculation if(Direction==1 which is north) newYcomp=vectorMagnitude else if(Direction==2 which is south) newYcomp=-1*vectorMagnitude else if(Direction==3 which is east) newXcomp=vectorMagnitude else if(Direction==4 which is west) newXcomp=-1*vectorMagnitude else if(Direction==5 which is northeast) { vectorAngle = Method.askUserAngle print("Enter angle") vectorAngleDegrees = nextDouble vectorAngleDegrees > vectorAngleRadians (convert) return (double vectorAngleRadians) newXcomp = vectorMagnitude * cos(vectorAngle) newYcomp = vectorMagnitude * sin(vectorAngle) } else if(Direction==6 which is northwest) { vectorAngle = Method.askUserAngle print("Enter angle") vectorAngleDegrees = nextDouble vectorAngleDegrees > vectorAngleRadians (convert) return (double vectorAngleRadians) newXcomp = vectorMagnitude * cos(vectorAngle) * -1 newYcomp = vectorMagnitude * sin(vectorAngle) } else if(Direction==7 which is southwest) { vectorAngle = Method.askUserAngle print("Enter angle") vectorAngleDegrees = nextDouble vectorAngleDegrees > vectorAngleRadians (convert) return (double vectorAngleRadians) newXcomp = vectorMagnitude * cos(vectorAngle) * -1 newYcomp = vectorMagnitude * sin(vectorAngle) * -1 } else if(Direction==8 which is southeast) { vectorAngle = Method.askUserAngle print("Enter angle") vectorAngleDegrees = nextDouble vectorAngleDegrees > vectorAngleRadians (convert) return (double vectorAngleRadians) newXcomp = vectorMagnitude * cos(vectorAngle) newYcomp = vectorMagnitude * sin(vectorAngle) * -1 } else { print("Error") wrongInput = true; } }while(wrongInput==true) // assigning variables newComponent[0], newComponent[1] = newXcomp, newYcomp // adds newest vector to total Method.addToTotal totalComponent[0, 1] += newComponent[0, 1] // keeping track of counter counter++ // ask repeat vector adding process Method.askRepeat print("Repeat?") repeatInput = nextLine do{ wrongInput=false if(repeatInput.ignoreCase=="yes") repeatInputBoolean=true; else if(repeatInput.ignoreCase=="no") repeatInputBoolean=false; else print("Error") wrongInput=true } while(wrongInput==true) } while(repeatInputBoolean==true) // calculates the resultant Method.calculateResultant finalResultant = Math.sqrt(totalX^2+totalY^2) // calculates the final angle Method.calculateFinalAngle finalAngleRadians = tan^-1(totalYcomp / totalXcomp) finalAngleRadians > finalAngleDegrees (convert) adjust angle if negative, change to positive if greater than or equal to 90, minus 90 // calculates the final direction Method.calculateFinalDirection if(x>0 & y>0) finalDirection = NE else if(x<0 & y>0) finalDirection = NW else if(x<0 & y<0) finalDirection = SW else if(x>0 & y<0) finalDirection = SE else if(x>0 & y=0) finalDirection = E else if(x<0 & y=0) finalDirection = W else if(x=0 & y>0) finalDirection = N else if(x=0 & y<0) finalDirection = S else if(x=0 & y=0) finalDirection = N/A // prints data of total of vectors print(finalResultant, finalAngle, finalDirection, totalXcomp, totalYcomp with vectorUnit) // calculates average Method.calculateAverage print("Print average?") responseAverage = nextLine if(responseAverage.ignoreCase=="yes") averageX = totalXcomp / counter averageY = totalYcomp / counter resultantAverage = finalResultant / counter print(averageX, averageY, resultantAverage) // printing table of X/Y components Method.printAllEntries print("Print all entries seperated to X and Y comps?") responseEntries = nextLine if(responseEntries.ignoreCase=="yes") for(int i, when i < counter, i++) { print((i+1), xComp[i], yComp[i]) but round it to 2 decimals } // asks user if repeat everything or not Method.askRepeatEverything do{ wrongInput = false; print("repeat everything?") repeatInput = nextLine if(repeatInput.ignoreCase=="yes") doItAgain = true else if(repeatInput.ignoreCase=="no") doItAgain = false else print("Error") wrongInput = true } while(wrongInput==true) } while (doItAgain) // Exit message print("bye!") } NOTICE FOR PSEUDOCODE - This pseudocode is to better visualize the algorithm - Variables/constants/strings/etc may not be declared nor initialized - Variables/constants/strings/etc name may change during the pseudocode (but it will be identifiable) - Variables/constants/strings/etc name may not be same to the actual code - Tasks will be done in the main method under Method.methodName - Code maybe modified (e.g. System.out.println to print) - Syntax rules are not constant (e.g. some loops may have {} but some may not) - For counter related variables, -1 or +1 can be done to make the things make sense but not shown in pseudocode - ONLY LOOK AT THE ALGORITHM!!! */ // Scanner import import java.util.Scanner; public class VectorCalculator { public static void main(String[] args) { mainProcess(); } public static void mainProcess() { // Declaration Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; String vectorUnit; double vectorMagnitude; double[] vectorAverage = new double[2]; int counter = 0; double[] newComponent = new double[2]; double[] xComponent = new double[100]; double[] yComponent = new double[100]; double[] totalComponent = {0, 0}; double[] averageComponent = new double[2]; boolean doItAgain = true; String calculateAverageResponse; double vectorResultant; double vectorFinalAngle; String vectorFinalDirection; // Welcome message System.out.println("Welcome to Vector Calculator!"); // Loop of Entire Process do{ // Resets variables counter = 0; totalComponent[0] = 0; totalComponent[1] = 0; // Assigns a unit vectorUnit = VectorCalculator.askUserUnit(); // Loop of Entering a Vector do{ // Receives magnitude vectorMagnitude = VectorCalculator.askUserMagnitude((counter+1)); // Receives direction input, seperates the vector to X and Y components newComponent = VectorCalculator.calculationProcess(vectorMagnitude); // Assignes the input value to another set of array xComponent[(counter)] = newComponent[0]; yComponent[(counter)] = newComponent[1]; // Adds the newly entered vector to total totalComponent = VectorCalculator.addToTotal(totalComponent, xComponent[(counter)], yComponent[(counter)]); // Keeps track of counter counter++; // If user wants, enter a new vector doItAgain = VectorCalculator.askRepeat(); // If user replied "yes" in askRepeat method, loop will be repeated } while(doItAgain==true); // Calculate resultant, final angle and direction vectorResultant = VectorCalculator.calculateResultant(totalComponent[0], totalComponent[1]); vectorFinalAngle = VectorCalculator.calculateFinalAngle(totalComponent[0], totalComponent[1]); vectorFinalDirection = VectorCalculator.calculateFinalDirection(totalComponent[0], totalComponent[1]); // Prints the total value & number of vectors entered System.out.println("\nThe total of your vectors is:\nResultant: "+vectorResultant+" "+vectorUnit+"\nAngle: "+vectorFinalAngle+" degrees\nDirection: "+vectorFinalDirection+" \n[x] "+totalComponent[0]+" "+vectorUnit+"\n[y] "+totalComponent[1]+" "+vectorUnit+"\nYou have entered a total of "+counter+" vectors.\nPlease note that the numbers might have up to ±0.01% error due to radian ↔ degree conversion.\n"); // If user wants, calculates average & all vectors divided into X/Y components VectorCalculator.calculateAverage(totalComponent[0], totalComponent[1], (counter+1), vectorUnit, vectorResultant); VectorCalculator.printAllEntries(xComponent, yComponent, totalComponent, averageComponent, counter); // If user wants, repeat the entire process doItAgain = VectorCalculator.askRepeatEverything(); // If user replied "yes" in askRepeatEverything method, loop will be repeated } while(doItAgain==true); // Exit message System.out.println("\nThank you!"); } // Receives input: Unit of Vector public static String askUserUnit() { // Declaration part Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; String unitInput; // Receives unit System.out.print("What is the unit of the vectors you are adding?\n>> "); unitInput = keyboard.nextLine(); // Return return unitInput; } // Receives input: Magnitude of Vector public static double askUserMagnitude(int pCounter) { // Declaration part Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; double magnitudeInput; // Receives magnitude System.out.print("\nPlease enter the magnitude of vector #"+pCounter+".\n>> "); magnitudeInput = keyboard.nextDouble(); keyboard.nextLine(); // Return return magnitudeInput; } // Receives input: Direction of Vector, Angle of Vector(if necessary), Calculates: Divides the vector into X and Y components public static double[] calculationProcess(double pMagnitudeInput) { // Declaration part Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; int directionInput; double[] calculatedComponent = new double[2]; double vectorAngle; boolean wrongInput; // Receiving direction and/or angle do{ // Receives direction System.out.println("\nEnter the direction of a vector.\n\n 1 \n | \n 6 | 5 \n | \n4------- -------3\n | \n 7 | 8 \n | \n 2 \n"); System.out.print("[1] North / Positive vertical \n[2] South / Negative vertical \n[3] East / Positive horizontal\n[4] West / Negative horizontal\n[5] Northeast / The first quadrant\n[6] Northwest / The second quadrant\n[7] Southwest / The third quadrant \n[8] Southeast / The fourth quadrant\n(Enter the integer in the brackets; 1 ~ 8.)\n>> "); directionInput = keyboard.nextInt(); // Depending on the direction, it asks the angle and/or divides it into X and Y components if(directionInput == 1) // North or Y+ { calculatedComponent[1] = pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 2) // South or Y- { calculatedComponent[1] = -1 * pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 3) // East or X+ { calculatedComponent[0] = pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 4) // West or X- { calculatedComponent[0] = -1 * pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 5) // NE or 1st quadrant { vectorAngle = VectorCalculator.askUserAngle(); calculatedComponent[0] = Math.cos(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; calculatedComponent[1] = Math.sin(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 6) // NW or 2nd quadrant { vectorAngle = VectorCalculator.askUserAngle(); calculatedComponent[0] = -1 * Math.cos(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; calculatedComponent[1] = Math.sin(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 7) // SW or 3rd quadrant { vectorAngle = VectorCalculator.askUserAngle(); calculatedComponent[0] = -1 * Math.cos(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; calculatedComponent[1] = -1 * Math.sin(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else if(directionInput == 8) // SE or 4th quadrant { vectorAngle = VectorCalculator.askUserAngle(); calculatedComponent[0] = Math.cos(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; calculatedComponent[1] = -1 * Math.sin(vectorAngle) * pMagnitudeInput; wrongInput = false; } else // if wrong input was entered, repeat { System.out.println("\nError: Please enter an integer between 1 ~ 8."); wrongInput = true; } } while(wrongInput == true); // Return return calculatedComponent; } // Receives angle of vectors and converts degrees input to radians (because Java Math methods are in radians) public static double askUserAngle() { // Declaration Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; double angleInputRadians; double angleInputDegrees; // Receives angle System.out.print("\nPlease enter the angle of vector above or below the horizontal.\n- For choices 5 and 6, enter the angle above the horizontal.\n- For choices 7 and 8, enter the angle below the horizontal.\n- The angle must be in degrees.\n>> "); angleInputDegrees = keyboard.nextDouble(); keyboard.nextLine(); // Converts to radians angleInputRadians = Math.toRadians(angleInputDegrees); // Return return angleInputRadians; } // Calculates: Adds newly entered vector to total public static double[] addToTotal(double[] pTotalComponent, double xNew, double yNew) { // Add newly entered vector to total pTotalComponent[0] += xNew; pTotalComponent[1] += yNew; // Return return pTotalComponent; } // Receives input: If user wants to add another vector or not public static boolean askRepeat() { // Declaration Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; boolean repeatInputBoolean = false; String repeatInput; boolean wrongInput = false; // Loop to ask user to add another vector or not do { // Receives user reply System.out.print("\nWould you like to enter another vector(s)?\nEnter yes for YES, no for NO\n(You may not enter more than 100 vectors.)\n>> "); repeatInput = keyboard.nextLine(); if(repeatInput.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) // "yes": repeat the vector-entering loop { repeatInputBoolean = true; wrongInput = false; } else if(repeatInput.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) // "no": end the vector-entering loop { repeatInputBoolean = false; wrongInput = false; } else // anything else: repeat the loop, ask user again { System.out.println("\nError: Please enter either \"yes\", \"no\"."); wrongInput = true; } } while(wrongInput); // Return return repeatInputBoolean; } // Calculates: resultant using Pythagorean Theorem public static double calculateResultant(double pTotalX, double pTotalY) { // Declaration double finalResultant; // Calculates resultant finalResultant = Math.sqrt(((pTotalX * pTotalX)+(pTotalY * pTotalY))); // Return return finalResultant; } // Calculates: final angle using trigonometric equations public static double calculateFinalAngle(double pTotalX, double pTotalY) { // Declaration double finalAngleRadians, finalAngleDegrees; // Calculates final angle finalAngleRadians = Math.atan((pTotalY / pTotalX)); finalAngleDegrees = Math.toDegrees(finalAngleRadians); // Angle modification for angle to make sense if(finalAngleDegrees < 0) { finalAngleDegrees = finalAngleDegrees * -1; } if(finalAngleDegrees>=90) { finalAngleDegrees = finalAngleDegrees - 90; } // Return return finalAngleDegrees; } // Calculates: final direction using signs of X and Y components public static String calculateFinalDirection(double pTotalX, double pTotalY) { // Declaration String finalDirection = ""; // Final direction is calculated depending on the signs of X/Y components if(pTotalX > 0 && pTotalY > 0) { finalDirection = "1st quadrant (Northeast) above horizontal axis"; } else if(pTotalX < 0 && pTotalY > 0) { finalDirection = "2nd quadrant (Northwest) above horizontal axis"; } else if(pTotalX < 0 && pTotalY < 0) { finalDirection = "3rd quadrant (Southwest) below horizontal axis"; } else if(pTotalX > 0 && pTotalY < 0) { finalDirection = "4th quadrant (Southeast) below horizontal axis"; } else if(pTotalX > 0 && pTotalY == 0) { finalDirection = "Positive horizontal (East)"; } else if(pTotalX < 0 && pTotalY == 0) { finalDirection = "Negative horizontal (West)"; } else if(pTotalX == 0 && pTotalY > 0) { finalDirection = "Positive vertical (North)"; } else if(pTotalX == 0 && pTotalY < 0) { finalDirection = "Negative vertical (South)"; } else if(pTotalX == 0 && pTotalY == 0) { finalDirection = "N/A"; } // Return return finalDirection; } // Receives input: If user wants to see the average or not, Calculates: The average of vectors & Displays: The average of vectors public static void calculateAverage(double pXComponent, double pYComponent, int pCounter, String pUnit, double pResultant) { // Declaration double[] averageArray = new double[2]; double resultantAverage; String calculateAverageResponse; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Asks the user to print the average System.out.print("\nDo you want to see the average of the vectors?\nEnter \"Yes\" to calculate the average, and anything else to skip average calculation.\n>> "); calculateAverageResponse = keyboard.nextLine(); // If user replies "yes", calculates and prints average if(calculateAverageResponse.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { averageArray[0] = pXComponent / (pCounter-1); averageArray[1] = pYComponent / (pCounter-1); resultantAverage = pResultant / (pCounter-1); System.out.println("The average of your vectors is:\n[x] "+averageArray[0]+" "+pUnit+"\n[y] "+averageArray[1]+" "+pUnit+"\nResultant: "+resultantAverage); } } // Receives input: If users want to see all entries divided to X and Y components or not, Displays: All vectors divided into X and Y components public static void printAllEntries(double[] pXComponent, double[] pYComponent, double[] pTotalComponent, double[] pAverageComponent, int pCounter) { // Declaration Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; String tableResponse; // Asks user to print the table of X/Y components System.out.print("\nDo you want to see the table of the X and Y components?\nEnter \"Yes\" to see it, and anything else to skip.\n>> "); tableResponse = keyboard.nextLine(); // If user replies "yes", print all X/Y components using loop if(tableResponse.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { System.out.println("\nThese are the vectors you have entered, seperated into X and Y components.\n"); for(int i = 0; i < pCounter; i++) { System.out.println("#"+(i+1)+" | [x] "+pXComponent[i]+" | [y] "+pYComponent[i]); } } } // Receives input: If users want to repeat the entire process or quit public static boolean askRepeatEverything() { // Declaration Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; boolean repeatInputBoolean = false; String repeatInput; boolean wrongInput = false; // Loop: asks the user to repeat the entire process or not do { // reset variables, ask user wrongInput = false; System.out.print("\nWould you like to repeat the whole process again?\nEnter yes for YES, no for NO\n>> "); repeatInput = keyboard.nextLine(); // Depending on the reply, value of variable(s) is changed if(repeatInput.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { repeatInputBoolean = true; } else if(repeatInput.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) { repeatInputBoolean = false; } else { System.out.println("Error: Please enter either \"yes\", \"no\"."); wrongInput = true; } } while(wrongInput); // Return return repeatInputBoolean; } }

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