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#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <any> #include <tuple> struct FunParam { // This will be a custom identifier (string for now) "int", "string", etc... std::string type; // Default value for that parameter std::any default_value; }; struct FunDeclaration { // Function input params std::unordered_map<std::string, FunParam> ins; // Function output params std::unordered_map<std::string, FunParam> outs; }; using FunctionsMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, FunDeclaration>; void print(FunctionsMap &fmap) { auto printParam = [](FunParam& p) { if (p.type == "int") { std::cout << "type: " << p.type << " default_value: " << std::any_cast<int>(p.default_value); } else if (p.type == "double") { std::cout << "type: " << p.type << " default_value: " << std::any_cast<double>(p.default_value); } else if (p.type == "float") { std::cout << "type: " << p.type << " default_value: " << std::any_cast<float>(p.default_value); } else if (p.type == "std::string") { std::cout << "type: " << p.type << " default_value: " << std::any_cast<std::string>(p.default_value); } }; for (auto& f : fmap) { std::cout << "Fun: " << f.first << std::endl; for (auto& in: f.second.ins) { std::cout << "\t[in] name: " << in.first << " "; printParam(in.second); std::cout << std::endl; } for (auto& in : f.second.outs) { std::cout << "\t[out] name: " << in.first << " "; printParam(in.second); std::cout << std::endl; } } } // Just an example function to work with, multiple inputs (default values), and multiple outputs std::tuple<double, float> foo(int a = 10, std::string b = "HelloWorld") { return { a * 10.0, b.size() }; } int main() { FunctionsMap gFuns; gFuns["foo"].ins = { {"a", {"int", std::any(int(10))} }, {"b", {"std::string", std::any(std::string("HelloWorld"))} } }; gFuns["foo"].outs = { {"out0", {"double", std::any(double())} }, {"out1", {"float", std::any(float())} } }; print(gFuns); return 1; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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