online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/** * Author: Emily Sillars * Description: This is an educational game for c programmers! * Eating the ASCII graphics sandwich demonstrates the difference in size * between bytes, nybbles, and crumbs. * * Food for thought: * Start by eating the sandwich byte by byte; the sandwich slowly disappears. * Next, eat the sandwhich crumb by crumb; symbols change before disappearing! * Why does this happen � * * ^ FOR ONLINE GDB, HIT THE GREEN RUN BUTTON ABOVE :) ^ * * compile with: gcc -Wall -g -o s sandwich.c * run with: ./s * * Released: 1/2/20 on */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> //commands #define BITE 3 #define NYBBLE 4 #define CRUMB 5 #define EAT 6 #define HELP 7 #define QUIT 8 //game states #define INTRO 0 #define RULES 1 #define GAME 2 #define WIN 3 //measurements #define WORDSIZE 7 //max word size of seven characters, including null terminator. #define LINESIZE 50 //max line size of 50 characters. Any more and game might break. //stats int bytes = 0; int nybbles = 0; int crumbs = 0; int totalBitsLeft = 0; int bitsLeft = 8; //reading input char input[WORDSIZE]; //input string (one 7 character word, max). char line[LINESIZE]; //input line (50 characters, max). int repeat = 1; //flag int command = -1; //which commmand int times = -1; //repeat command this # of times //printing int startIndex = 17; int endIndex = 1159; char tempChar = 0; char * helpScreen[21]; char * gameScreenTop[2]; char * gameScreenBottom[3]; char sandy[1160] =" ____________________________ _____\n ||---------------------------\\\\ /-----\\\\\n ,---|| . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\\\\/. . . . \\\\----,\n | ||. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\\\\ |\n | ||. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . || |\n | ||. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . || |\n | ||. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . || |\n | ||. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .//| |\n | ||. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /\\ . . ....//| |\n | ||_._._.__._._._._._._._._._._./||\\._._._//|| |\n | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||| | | |||/ |\n | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|,/\\|_|_|/,/ |\n | |\n `----,----------------------------------------,----'\n ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (,)\n `\\/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\_/^\\__)\n | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||| | | |||/\n |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|,/\\|_|_|/,/\n"; // commands void bite(); void nybble(); void crumb(); void repeatCommand(int times); // IO int getAndParseLine(); // stats int abs(int value); void calculateBitsLeft(); // printing void printfood(); void printCommandRejection(); void printRules(); void printWin(); int main() { gameScreenTop[0] = " ************************** SANDWICH SIMULATOR ***************************\n"; gameScreenTop[1] = " * *\n"; gameScreenBottom[0] = " * *\n"; gameScreenBottom[1] = " * *\n"; gameScreenBottom[2] = " ***** Byte, nybble, or eat crumb by crumb! Type 'help' for more info. ***\n"; helpScreen[0] = " * ____________________________________________________________________ *\n"; helpScreen[1] = " * |--------------------------------------------------------------------|*\n"; helpScreen[2] = " * | --THE RULES-- |*\n"; helpScreen[3] = " * | |*\n"; helpScreen[4] = " * | 1 byte = 8 bits: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] |*\n"; helpScreen[5] = " * | 1 nybble = 4 bits: [ ][ ][ ][ ] |*\n"; helpScreen[6] = " * | 1 crumb = 2 bits: [ ][ ] |*\n"; helpScreen[7] = " * | |*\n"; helpScreen[8] = " * | 1.Type 'byte'+ press ENTER to bite the sandwich. |*\n"; helpScreen[9] = " * | 2.Type 'nybble' + press ENTER to nibble the sandwich. |*\n"; helpScreen[10] = " * | 3.Type 'crumb' + press ENTER to eat a crumb from the sandwich. |*\n"; helpScreen[11] = " * | 4.Type <eat command> + <number> + press ENTER to repeat the |*\n"; helpScreen[12] = " * | command <number> of times. For Ex. 'byte 5' will byte 5 times. |*\n"; helpScreen[13] = " * | 5.Type 'help' + press ENTER to return to this screen. |*\n"; helpScreen[14] = " * | 6.Type 'quit' + press ENTER to quit the game. |*\n"; helpScreen[15] = " * | |*\n"; helpScreen[16] = " * | BON APPETIT! |*\n"; helpScreen[17] = " * | |*\n"; helpScreen[18] = " * | Type 'eat' to start... |*\n"; helpScreen[19] = " * |____________________________________________________________________|*\n"; helpScreen[20] = " * *\n"; char * intro[20]; intro [0] = " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n"; intro [1] = " * __ *\n"; intro [2] = " * /\\ __ __ __ __ __ ______ ___ __ | | *\n"; intro [3] = " * / \\ /^\\ | \\ || | .\\ || || |__ __| / _ \\ | | | | *\n"; intro [4] = " * / /|_\\ / .\\ | \\ \\ || ||\\.\\ || || || | / \\/ | | | | *\n"; intro [5] = " * \\ \\ | /\\ .| | |\\ \\ || || \\.| || || || | | | |__| | *\n"; intro [6] = " * \\ \\ | || .| | | \\ \\|| || |.| || /^\\ || || | | | ,--, | *\n"; intro [7] = " * __\\ \\ | _ .| | | \\ | || /.| ||//^\\\\|| || | | | | | | *\n"; intro [8] = " * \\ \\| / | | | | | | \\ | ||/./ | / \\\\| __||__ | \\_/\\ | | | | *\n"; intro [9] = " * \\ / |_| |_| |_| \\| |__/ |/ \\| |______| \\___/ |_| | | *\n"; intro [10] = " * \\/ |_| *\n"; intro [11] = " * *\n"; intro [12] = " * __ _ ___ _ _ *\n"; intro [13] = " * \\ `| |\\/| | | | |_| | / \\ |_\\ *\n"; intro [14] = " * \\_\\ | | | |_| |__ | | | \\_/ | \\ *\n"; intro [15] = " * *\n"; intro [16] = " * *\n"; intro [17] = " * *\n"; intro [18] = " * Type 'eat' to start... *\n"; intro [19] = " * *\n"; char state = INTRO; //start by printing introduction screen. int j; for(j =0; j<20; j++){ printf("%s",intro[j]); } calculateBitsLeft(); getAndParseLine(); //enter game loop while(command != QUIT){ switch (state) { case GAME: //playing the game if(repeat == 1){ repeatCommand(times); if (totalBitsLeft == 0){ state = WIN; printWin(); } break; } switch(command){ case BITE: bite(); break; case NYBBLE: nybble(); break; case CRUMB: crumb(); break; case HELP: state = RULES; printRules(); break; default: printCommandRejection(); } if (totalBitsLeft == 0){ state = WIN; printWin(); } break; case RULES: //reading the rules switch(command){ case EAT: state = GAME; printfood(); break; case BITE: printf("\n * You can't byte the sandwich here. Type 'eat' and then press ENTER to get to the sandwich.\n"); break; case NYBBLE: printf("\n * You can't nybble the sandwich here. Type 'eat' and then press ENTER to get to the sandwich.\n"); break; case CRUMB: printf("\n * You can't eat a crumb from the sandwich here. Type 'eat' and then press ENTER for the sandwich.\n"); break; case HELP: state = RULES; printRules(); break; default: printCommandRejection(); } break; case INTRO: //introduction screen switch(command){ case EAT: state = GAME; printfood(); break; case HELP: state = RULES; printRules(); break; default: printCommandRejection(); } break; } if(state == WIN){break;} getAndParseLine(); } //exit game printf(" * *\n * Exited simulator. See you later! *\n * *\n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n"); return 0; } //end of main void bite(){ if(totalBitsLeft < 8) { repeat = 0; printfood(); printf(" * Cannot byte the sandwich! No more bytes left!\n"); } else{ command = BITE; bytes ++; bitsLeft -= 8; if(bitsLeft == 0){ sandy[startIndex] = 0; startIndex ++; bitsLeft = 8; } else if(bitsLeft < 0){ sandy[startIndex] = 0; startIndex ++; tempChar = sandy[startIndex]; tempChar <<= abs(bitsLeft); sandy[startIndex] = tempChar; bitsLeft += 8; } else{ printf("ERROR: somehow bitsLeft is > 0 after a bite!\n"); } calculateBitsLeft(); printfood(); } } void nybble(){ if(totalBitsLeft < 4) { repeat = 0; printfood(); printf(" * Cannot nybble the sandwich! No more nybbles left!\n"); } else{ command = NYBBLE; nybbles ++; bitsLeft -= 4; tempChar = sandy[startIndex]; tempChar <<= 4; sandy[startIndex] = tempChar; if(bitsLeft == 0){ startIndex ++; bitsLeft = 8; } else if(bitsLeft < 0){ startIndex ++; tempChar = sandy[startIndex]; tempChar <<= abs(bitsLeft); sandy[startIndex] = tempChar; bitsLeft += 8; } calculateBitsLeft(); printfood(); } } void crumb(){ if(totalBitsLeft < 2) { repeat = 0; printfood(); printf("* Cannot eat a crumb from the sandwich! The sandwich is gone!\n"); } else{ command = CRUMB; crumbs ++; bitsLeft -= 2; tempChar = sandy[startIndex]; tempChar <<= 2; sandy[startIndex] = tempChar; if(bitsLeft == 0){ startIndex ++; bitsLeft = 8; } else if(bitsLeft < 0){ startIndex ++; tempChar = sandy[startIndex]; tempChar <<= abs(bitsLeft); sandy[startIndex] = tempChar; bitsLeft += 8; } calculateBitsLeft(); printfood(); } } void printfood(){ printf(" **** | 1 Byte = 8 bits | | 1 Nybble = 4 bits | | 1 Crumb = 2 bits | ****\n"); printf("%s",gameScreenTop[1]); printf(" Bytes: %i \tNybbles: %i\tCrumbs: %i \tBits Left: %i",bytes, nybbles, crumbs, totalBitsLeft); int i; printf("\n"); for (i=0; i< endIndex; i++){ printf("%c",sandy[i]); } printf("%s",gameScreenBottom[1]); printf("%s",gameScreenBottom[2]); } void printCommandRejection(){ printf(" * Command not recognized. Type 'help' to see list of commands.\n"); } void calculateBitsLeft(){ totalBitsLeft = ((endIndex - startIndex) * 8) + bitsLeft; } void printRules(){ int k; for(k = 0; k < 21; k++){ printf("%s", helpScreen[k]); } } void printWin(){ printf("\n **** | 1 Byte = 8 bits | | 1 Nybble = 4 bits | | 1 Crumb = 2 bits | ****\n"); printf("%s",gameScreenTop[1]); printf(" Bytes: %i \tNybbles: %i\tCrumbs: %i \tBits Left: %i\n",bytes, nybbles, crumbs, totalBitsLeft); printf("%s",gameScreenTop[1]); printf(" * Congratulations, you ate the sandwich! *\n"); printf("%s",gameScreenTop[1]); printf(" * Sandwich contains 1143 bytes = %d bits.\n",(1143*8)); printf(" * Consumed %d bytes = %d bits.\n",bytes, (bytes*8)); printf(" * Consumed %d nybbles = %d bits.\n",nybbles, (nybbles*4)); printf(" * Consumed %d crumbs = %d bits.\n",crumbs, (crumbs*2)); printf(" * %d + %d + %d = %d bits = every bit eaten!\n", (bytes*8), (nybbles*4),(crumbs*2),((bytes*8)+(nybbles*4)+(crumbs*2))); printf("%s",gameScreenTop[1]); } void repeatCommand(int times){ int g = 0; switch(command){ case BITE: //byte while(repeat != 0 && g < times){ bite(); g++; } break; case NYBBLE: //nybble while(repeat != 0 && g < times){ nybble(); g++; } break; case CRUMB: //crumb while(repeat != 0 && g < times){ crumb(); g++; } break; default: printf("ERROR: repeat function found an invalid value for variable command!"); break; } repeat = -1; } int getAndParseLine(){ fgets(line, LINESIZE, stdin); //get line sscanf(line,"%6s%i",input, &times); //parse command and number repeat = -1; //determine which command if(strcmp(input,"quit") == 0){ command = QUIT; } else if(strcmp(input,"nybble") == 0){ command = NYBBLE; repeat = (times > 0) ? 1: -1; } else if(strcmp(input,"byte") == 0){ command = BITE; repeat = (times > 0) ? 1: -1; } else if(strcmp(input,"crumb") == 0){ command = CRUMB; repeat = (times > 0) ? 1: -1; } else if(strcmp(input,"help") == 0){ command = HELP; } else if(strcmp(input,"eat") == 0){ command = EAT; } else{ command = -1; } //if invalid command, return failure return (command != -1); } int abs(int value){ return (value >= 0) ? value: (-1)*value; //return value; }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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