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#include <iostream> using namespace std; /**Reads a sequence of floating-point numbers. @param inputs an array containing the numbers @param capacity the capacity of that array @return the number of inputs stored in the array*/ void append_inputs(double inputs[], int capacity, int& current_size) { cout << "Please enter values, Q to quit:" << endl; bool more = true; while (more) { double input; cin >> input; if ( { more = false; } else if (current_size < capacity) { inputs[current_size] = input; current_size++; } } } /** Multiplies all elements of an array by a factor. @param values a partially filled array @param size the number of elements in values @param factor the value with which each element is multiplied */ void multiply(double values[], int size, double factor) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { values[i] = values[i] * factor; } } /** Prints the elements of a array, separated by commas. @param values a partially filled array @param size the number of elements in values */ void print(const double values[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i > 0) { cout << ", "; } cout << values[i]; } cout << endl; } int main() { const int CAPACITY = 1000; int current_size = 0; double values[CAPACITY]; append_inputs(values, CAPACITY, current_size); multiply(values, current_size, 2); print(values, current_size); return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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