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/* Now let's look at the algorithm which runs in O(n) time. The basic idea used here is that for a tree with root as currentNode to be a valid BST, it's left and right sub-trees have to be valid BSTs, value of currentNode has to be greater than the maximum valued node from its left sub-tree and value of currentNode has to be less than the minimum valued node from its right sub-tree. To check for above conditions, we return value of maximum valued node, minimum valued node and boolean variable stating if the tree is valid BST or not from every sub-tree. We also return size of a sub-tree if it is a valid BST or return -1 if it is not a valid BST. Using these returned variables from left and right sub-trees, we can check at the currentNode if the tree with its root as currentNode is a validBST or not. If the tree is a valid BST, we calculate size of tree using (1+sizeOfLeftSubtree +sizeOfRightSubtree) and return that along with other variables stated above. If it is not a valid BST we return -1 along with other variables. */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class node { public: int data; node *left; node *right; node(int d) { data = d; left = NULL; right = NULL; } }; node *createTreeFromTrav(int *in, int *pre, int s, int e) { static int i = 0; //Base Case if (s > e) { return NULL; } //Rec Case node *root = new node(pre[i]); int index = -1; for (int j = s; j <= e; j++) { if (in[j] == pre[i]) { index = j; break; } } i++; root->left = createTreeFromTrav(in, pre, s, index - 1); root->right = createTreeFromTrav(in, pre, index + 1, e); return root; } class Info { public: bool is_bst; int maxBSTsize; int leftmax; int rightmin; Info() { is_bst = true; maxBSTsize = 0; leftmax = INT_MIN; rightmin = INT_MAX; } }; Info greatestBSTinBT(node *root) { if (root == NULL) { return Info(); } Info left = greatestBSTinBT(root->left); Info right = greatestBSTinBT(root->right); Info ans; if (root->data >= left.leftmax && root->data < right.rightmin && left.is_bst && right.is_bst) { ans.maxBSTsize = left.maxBSTsize + right.maxBSTsize + 1; ans.is_bst = true; ans.leftmax = max(left.leftmax, root->data); ans.rightmin = min(right.rightmin, root->data); } else { ans.is_bst = false; ans.maxBSTsize = max(left.maxBSTsize, right.maxBSTsize); } return ans; } int main() { int n; cin >> n; int preOrder[10000], inOrder[10000]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> preOrder[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> inOrder[i]; } node *root = createTreeFromTrav(inOrder, preOrder, 0, n - 1); cout << greatestBSTinBT(root).maxBSTsize; return 0; }

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