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#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <array> #include <cstddef> namespace wrap { template <std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2, std::size_t N3> void internal(std::array<float, N1 * N2> &, std::array<float, N3> &) { std::cout << "Called internal float. A = " << N1 << "," << N2 << " b = " << N3 << std::endl; } template <std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2, std::size_t N3> void internal(std::array<double, N1 * N2> &, std::array<double, N3> &) { std::cout << "Called internal double. A = " << N1 << ", " << N2 << " b = " << N3 << std::endl; } } /** Select the maximum between two constant number at compile time */ template < std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2 > struct biggest_dim { static std::size_t const value = std::conditional< N1 >= N2, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, N1 >, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, N2 > >::type::value; }; /** Creating a type to accomodate the vector */ template < typename REAL_T, std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2 > using b_array_t = std::array< REAL_T, biggest_dim< N1, N2 >::value >; /** Here we have the function that allows only the call with b of * the correct size to continue */ template < typename REAL_T, std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2 > void solve(std::array< REAL_T, N1 * N2 > & A, b_array_t< REAL_T, N1, N2 > & b) { wrap::internal< N1, N2, biggest_dim< N1, N2 >::value >(A, b); } int main() { /* Case 1: A = 2 x 2, b = max(rows, cols) = max(2, 2) = 2: it works */ const std::size_t n1_1 = 2; const std::size_t n2_1 = 2; std::array<double, n1_1 * n2_1> A_1 = {0}; std::array<double, n2_1> b_1 = {0}; solve<double, n1_1, n2_1>(A_1, b_1); /* Case 2: A = 2 x 1, b = max(rows, cols) = max(2, 1) = 2: it works */ const std::size_t n1_2 = 2; const std::size_t n2_2 = 1; std::array<double, n1_2 * n2_2> A_2 = {0}; std::array<double, n1_2> b_2 = {0}; solve<double, n1_2, n2_2>(A_2, b_2); /* Case 3: A = 1 x 2, b = max(rows, cols) = max(1, 2) = 2: it works */ const std::size_t n1_3 = 1; const std::size_t n2_3 = 2; std::array<double, n1_3 * n2_3> A_3 = {0}; std::array<double, n2_3> b_3 = {0}; solve<double, n1_3, n2_3>(A_3, b_3); /* Case 4: A = 1 x 2, b = 1!!: it MUST RAISE A STATIC_ASSERTION error */ /* as for now it raises an error that it is difficult to understand (and it is more difficult in a more complex library setup) */ /* Uncomment this for see the compile error const std::size_t n1_4 = 1; const std::size_t n2_4 = 2; std::array<double, n1_4 * n2_4> A_4 = {0}; std::array<double, n1_4> b_4 = {0}; solve<double, n1_4, n2_4>(A_4, b_4); */ return 0; }

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