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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> int edges_start[3000]; int edges_end[3000]; float edges_len[3000]; int g_links_id[1000][100]; float g_links_weight[1000][100]; int cache_id[1000]; float cache_distance[1000]; int cache_prev[1000]; int cache_links_id[1000][100]; float cache_links_weight[1000][100]; int queue_id[1000]; float queue_distance[1000]; int queue_prev[1000]; int queue_links_id[1000][100]; float queue_links_weight[1000][100]; int queue_links_id_len[1000]; // MUSL memset implementation: // #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> void* __attribute__((weak)) memset(void* dest, int c, size_t n) { unsigned char* s = dest; size_t k; if(!n) { return dest; } s[0] = s[n - 1] = (unsigned char)c; if(n <= 2) { return dest; } s[1] = s[n - 2] = (unsigned char)c; s[2] = s[n - 3] = (unsigned char)c; if(n <= 6) { return dest; } s[3] = s[n - 4] = (unsigned char)c; if(n <= 8) { return dest; } k = -(uintptr_t)s & 3; s += k; n -= k; n &= (unsigned long)-4; n /= 4; // Cast to void first to prevent alignment warning uint32_t* ws = (uint32_t*)(void*)s; uint32_t wc = c & 0xFF; wc |= ((wc << 8) | (wc << 16) | (wc << 24)); /* Pure C fallback with no aliasing violations. */ for(; n; n--, ws++) { *ws = wc; } return dest; } #include <string.h> typedef int word; #define wsize sizeof(word) #define wmask (wsize - 1) void* memcpy(void* dst0, const void* src0, size_t length) { char* dst = dst0; const char* src = src0; size_t t; if(length == 0 || dst == src) { /* nothing to do */ goto done; } #define TLOOP(s) if (t) TLOOP1(s) #define TLOOP1(s) do { s; } while (--t) if((uintptr_t)dst < (uintptr_t)src) { t = (uintptr_t)src; /* only need low bits */ if((t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask) { if((t ^ (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask || length < wsize) { t = length; } else { t = wsize - (t & wmask); } length -= t; TLOOP1(*dst++ = *src++); } t = length / wsize; // Silence warning for alignment change by casting to void* TLOOP(*(word*)(void*)dst = *(const word*)(const void*)src; src += wsize; dst += wsize); t = length & wmask; TLOOP(*dst++ = *src++); } else { src += length; dst += length; t = (uintptr_t)src; if((t | (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask) { if((t ^ (uintptr_t)dst) & wmask || length <= wsize) { t = length; } else { t &= wmask; } length -= t; TLOOP1(*--dst = *--src); } t = length / wsize; // Silence warning for alignment change by casting to void* TLOOP(src -= wsize; dst -= wsize; *(word*)(void*)dst = *(const word*)(const void*)src); t = length & wmask; TLOOP(*--dst = *--src); } done: return (dst0); } void init_cpp(int L) { for (int i=0; i < L; i++) { queue_links_id_len[i] = 0; cache_id[i] = -2; queue_id[i] = -2; cache_distance[i] = 100000; queue_distance[i] = 100000; cache_prev[i] = -2; queue_prev[i] = -2; for (int j=0; j < 100; j++) { queue_links_id[i][j] = -2; queue_links_weight[i][j] = 100000; cache_links_id[i][j] = -2; cache_links_weight[i][j] = 100000; } } } void init_edges_cpp() { for (int i=0; i < 3000; i++) { edges_start[i] = -2; edges_end[i] = -2; edges_len[i] = -2.0; } for (int i=0; i < 1000; i++) { for (int j=0; j < 100; j++) { g_links_id[i][j] = -2; g_links_weight[i][j] = -2.0; } } } void add_edge_cpp(int index, int start, int end, float len) { edges_start[index] = start; edges_end[index] = end; edges_len[index] = len; } void fill_graph_cpp() { for (int i=0; i < 3000; i++) { int s = edges_start[i]; int e = edges_end[i]; float len = edges_len[i]; if (s == -2) { break; } int links_len = 0; for (int j=0; j < 100; j++) { if (g_links_id[s][j] == -2) { links_len = j; break; } } g_links_id[s][links_len] = e; g_links_weight[s][links_len] = len; for (int j=0; j < 100; j++) { if (g_links_id[e][j] == -2) { links_len = j; break; } } g_links_id[e][links_len] = s; g_links_weight[e][links_len] = len; } } void get_dists_cpp(int a, int L) { int i = L; while (--i >= 0) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { //console.log() if (g_links_id[i][j] == -2) { break; } cache_links_id[i][j] = g_links_id[i][j]; cache_links_weight[i][j] = g_links_weight[i][j]; } cache_id[i] = i; } queue_id[0] = cache_id[a]; cache_distance[a] = 0; queue_distance[0] = cache_distance[a]; queue_prev[0] = queue_prev[a]; for (int j=0; j < 100; j++) { if (cache_links_id[a][j] == -2) { queue_links_id_len[0] = j; break; } queue_links_id[0][j] = cache_links_id[a][j]; queue_links_weight[0][j] = cache_links_weight[a][j]; } i=0; int queue_len = 1; while (i < queue_len) { int node_id = queue_id[i]; float node_distance = queue_distance[i]; int node_prev = queue_prev[i]; /* int j=0; for (int k=0; k < 100; k++) { if (queue_links_id[i][k] == -2) { j=k; break; } } */ int j = queue_links_id_len[i]; while (--j >= 0) { int link_id = queue_links_id[i][j]; float link_weight = queue_links_weight[i][j]; int c_id = cache_id[link_id]; float c_distance = cache_distance[link_id]; int c_prev = cache_prev[link_id]; float d = node_distance + link_weight; if (d <= c_distance) { cache_prev[link_id] = node_id; cache_distance[link_id] = d; queue_id[queue_len] = cache_id[link_id]; queue_distance[queue_len] = cache_distance[link_id]; for (int k=0; k < 100; k++) { if (cache_links_id[link_id][k] == -2) { queue_links_id_len[queue_len] = k; break; } queue_links_id[queue_len][k] = cache_links_id[link_id][k]; queue_links_weight[queue_len][k] = cache_links_weight[link_id][k]; } queue_prev[queue_len] = cache_prev[link_id]; queue_len++; } } i++; } } int get_edges_start(int index) { return edges_start[index]; } float get_cache_distance(int index) { return cache_distance[index]; } int get_cache_prev(int index) { return cache_prev[index]; } int main() { init_edges_cpp(); init_cpp(5); add_edge_cpp(0, 0, 2, 1); add_edge_cpp(1, 0, 1, 1); add_edge_cpp(2, 1, 2, 1); add_edge_cpp(3, 2, 3, 1); add_edge_cpp(4, 2, 4, 1); add_edge_cpp(5, 3, 4, 1); fill_graph_cpp(); get_dists_cpp(0, 5); for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) { printf("vert: %d ", i); printf("dist: %f ", get_cache_distance(i)); printf("prev: %d\n", get_cache_prev(i)); } return 0; }

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