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{Prueba del triangulo de pascal en Pascal} {29/01/21 - Usar enteros de 32 bits en lugar de 16} {$mode objfpc} program PascalTriangle (output); uses crt, sysutils; var Levels : integer; type Values = array of integer; PValues = ^Values; function CalculateLevel (Level : integer) : PValues; var i : integer; Result1 : PValues; PResult : PValues; begin new(Result1); Setlength(Result1^, Level); if (Level = 1) then begin Result1^[1] := 1; end; if (Level = 2) then begin Result1^[1] := 1; Result1^[2] := 1; end; if (Level > 2) then begin PResult := CalculateLevel(Level - 1); for i := 1 to Level do begin if (i = 1) or (i = Level) then begin Result1^[i] := 1; end else begin Result1^[i] := PResult^[i] + PResult^[i - 1]; end; end; end; exit(Result1); end; procedure DrawPascalTriangle(Number : integer); var i,j : integer; Result1 : PValues; begin if (Number > 20) then begin writeln('El nivel maximo es 20'); end else begin for i := 1 to (Number) do begin Result1 := CalculateLevel(i); for j := 1 to i do begin write(Result1^[j], ' '); end; writeln(); end; end; end; {Programa principal} begin writeln('Ingresa el número de niveles'); readln(Levels); DrawPascalTriangle(Levels); writeln('Listo'); end.

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