online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <locale.h> #include <time.h> typedef struct node Node; struct node{ Node *g[3]; long val; int vis; }; Node *create(long val){ Node *newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); newNode->val = val; for(int i = 0; i<3; i++) newNode->g[i] = NULL; newNode->vis = 0; return newNode; } void connect(Node *a, Node *b){ if(a->g[0] == NULL) a->g[0] = b; else if(a->g[1] == NULL) a->g[1] = b; else a->g[2] = b; } bool isSeparator(char c){ return c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\r'; } long wczytNext(){ char c; while( isSeparator(c = getchar()) ) c = getchar(); if(c==-1) return -2; char s[30]; int i = 1; s[0] = c; while(!isSeparator(c = getchar())){ s[i++] = c; } s[i] = 0; long ret; sscanf(s, "%ld", &ret); return ret; } #define N 100000 Node * poziom[N]; int poziomN = 0; Node * newPoziom[N]; int newPoziomN = 0; void build(){ newPoziomN = 0; for(int i = 0; i< poziomN; i++){ long aVal, bVal; aVal = wczytNext(); bVal = wczytNext(); if(aVal != -1){ Node *a = create(aVal); connect(a, poziom[i]); connect(poziom[i], a); newPoziom[newPoziomN++] = a; } if(bVal != -1){ Node *b = create(bVal); connect(b, poziom[i]); connect(poziom[i], b); newPoziom[newPoziomN++] = b; } } for(int i = 0; i<newPoziomN; i++) poziom[i] = newPoziom[i]; poziomN = newPoziomN; if(poziomN > 0) build(); } int vis[N]; int nextVis = 1; int d; Node* dfs(Node *v, long val, int odl){ if(v->val == val){ d = odl; return v; } v->vis = nextVis; for(int i = 0; i<3; i++){ Node * k = v->g[i]; if(k!=NULL && k->vis != nextVis){ Node * r = dfs(k, val, odl+1); if(r!=NULL){ return r; } } } return NULL; } // w sumie niepotrzebne //void clear(Node *v){ // v->vis = nextVis; // for(int i = 0; i<3; i++){ // Node * k = v->g[i]; // if(k!=NULL && k->vis != nextVis){ // clear(k); // } // } // free(v); //} int main() { long rootVal = wczytNext(); if(rootVal == -1){ return 0; } Node* root = create(rootVal); poziomN = 1; poziom[0] = root; build(); while(true){ long aVal, bVal; aVal = wczytNext(); if(aVal==-2) return 0; bVal = wczytNext(); Node *a = dfs(root,aVal, 0); nextVis++; dfs(a,bVal, 0); nextVis++; printf("%d ", d); } return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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