online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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def main() -> None: user_input = input("\tPress enter to encrypt a message using a modified Caesar's Cipher. Enter 'quit' to exit the program\n>>> ").lower() if user_input == "quit": return encryption_key = int(input("\tEnter encryption key\n>>> ")) message_original = str(input("\tEnter your message\n>>> ")) message_encrypted = "" for char in message_original: char_unicode_old = ord(char) # checks if it is an uppercase letter or a lowercase letter or a number upper = char_unicode_old >= 65 and char_unicode_old <= 90 lower = char_unicode_old >= 95 and char_unicode_old <= 122 number = char_unicode_old >= 48 and char_unicode_old <= 57 # does nothing if it the character is not a letter or number char_unicode_new = char_unicode_old + (encryption_key * (upper or lower or number)) # makes unicode only be in between 65 - 90 (A - Z) if the original character was an uppercase letter char_unicode_new += upper * ((91 - ((65 - char_unicode_new) % 26) - char_unicode_new) * (char_unicode_new < 65)) char_unicode_new += upper * ( 65 + ((char_unicode_new - 65) % 26) - char_unicode_new) * (char_unicode_new > 90 ) # makes unicode only be in between 97 - 122 (a - z) if the original character was a lowercase letter char_unicode_new += lower * (123 - ((97 - char_unicode_new) % 26) - char_unicode_new) * (char_unicode_new < 97 ) char_unicode_new += lower * (97 + ((char_unicode_new - 97) % 26) - char_unicode_new) * (char_unicode_new > 122) # makes unicode only be in between 48 - 57 (0 - 9) if the original character was a number char_unicode_new += number * (58 - ((48 - char_unicode_new) % 10) - char_unicode_new) * (char_unicode_new < 48 ) char_unicode_new += number * (48 + ((char_unicode_new - 48) % 10) - char_unicode_new) * (char_unicode_new > 57 ) message_encrypted += chr(char_unicode_new) print("Encrypted message : " + message_encrypted) main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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