online compiler and debugger for c/c++

code. compile. run. debug. share.
Source Code    Language
PROGRAM Donut ;USES CRT;VAR k,x,y,o,r :Integer;A,B,i,j,c,d,e,f,g,h, q,l,m,n,t:Single; z:ARRAY[0..1759] OF Single;p:ARRAY[0..1759]OF Char;BEGIN A:=0; B:=0; clrscr; WHILE True DO BEGIN// FillChar(z,SizeOf(z),0);FillChar(p,SizeOf(p ),' ');j:=0;WHILE j<6.28 DO BEGIN i:=0; WHILE i<6.28 DO BEGIN c :=sin(i);d:=cos(j ); e:=sin(A);f:= sin(j);g:=cos(A) ;h:=d+2;q:=1/( c*h*e+f*g+5);l := cos(i); m:= cos(B);n:=sin( B);t:=c*h*g-f* e;x:=Trunc(40+ 30*q*(l*h*m-t* n));y:= Trunc( 12+15*q*(l*h*n +t*m));o:=x+80 *y;r:=Trunc(8*(( f*e-c*d*g)*m-c*d *e-f*g-l*d*n));IF (22>y)AND(y>0)AND (x>0)AND(80>x)AND(q>z[o]) THEN BEGIN z[o]:=q; IF r>0 THEN p[o]:='.,-~:;=!*#$@'[r] ELSE p [o]:='.';END;i:=i+0.02;END;j:=j+0.07;END ;gotoxy(1,1);FOR k:=0 TO 1760 DO BEGIN IF k MOD 80 = 0 THEN writeln ELSE write(p[k]); END; A:=A+0.04; B:=B+0.02;Delay(5);{ }END; END.//

Compiling Program...

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



Program is not being debugged. Click "Debug" button to start program in debug mode.
