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import java.text.ParseException; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { static String Enter; static Scanner input = new Scanner(; static List<Admin> AdminList = new ArrayList<>(); static List<Customer> CustomerList = new ArrayList<>(); static List<Book> BooksList = new ArrayList<>(); static List<Cart> CartList = new ArrayList<>(); static List<Borrowed> BorrowedList = new ArrayList<>(); static List<Fine> FineList = new ArrayList<>(); public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Admin AdminTemp = new Admin("Keshav", "1234"); AdminList.add(AdminTemp); Book BookTemp1 = new Book("OneNight@CallCenter", "Chetan Bhagat", "Story", 978812910816L,95); BooksList.add(BookTemp1); Book BookTemp2 = new Book("OneNight@CallCenter", "Chetan Bhagat", "Story", 978812910818L,95); BooksList.add(BookTemp2); Book BookTemp3 = new Book("ITooHadALoveStory", "Ravinder Singh", "Story", 9780670090747L,399); BooksList.add(BookTemp3); Book BookTemp4 = new Book("BriefAnswerstotheBigQuestions", "Stephen Hawking", "Science", 9780670090106L,247); BooksList.add(BookTemp4); Book BookTemp5 = new Book("ABriefHistoryOfTime", "Stephen Hawking", "Science", 9780670090509L,149); BooksList.add(BookTemp5); Customer CustomerTemp1 = new Customer("[email protected]", "customer123", "User1", "Chennai", 1500,CustomerList.size()); CustomerList.add(CustomerTemp1); Customer CustomerTemp2 = new Customer("[email protected]", "keshav123", "User2", "Chennai", 1500,CustomerList.size()); CustomerList.add(CustomerTemp2); boolean loop =true; while(loop){ clrscr(); System.out.println("Welcome to LibraryApplication :)\n\nChoose any option : \n----------\n1.Admin\n2.Customer\n3.Exit\n----------\n"); int MainInput = input.nextInt(); switch(MainInput){ case 1: AdminAuth(); break; case 2: CustomerAuth(); break; default: loop = false; break; } } } public static void AdminAuth(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("Choose any option : \n----------\n1.Already have Account\n2.Create Account\n3.Back\n----------\n"); int AuthInput = input.nextInt(); switch(AuthInput){ case 1: Admin(); break; case 2: clrscr(); System.out.print("Enter UserName : ");String UserName =; System.out.print("Enter Password : ");String Password =; Admin AdminTemp = new Admin(UserName, Password); AdminList.add(AdminTemp); System.out.println("\n\nAccount created Suscessfully"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; break; default: break; } } public static void Admin(){ clrscr(); boolean Auth = false; System.out.print("Enter UserName : ");String UserName =; System.out.print("Enter Password : ");String Password =; for(Admin i : AdminList){ if(i.UserName.equals(UserName) && i.Password.equals(Password)){ Auth = true; } } if(Auth){ boolean loop =true; while(loop){ clrscr(); System.out.println("Welcome Admin " +UserName); System.out.println("\nChoose any option : \n----------\n1.Add Book\n2.View All Books\n3.Search Book By ISBN\n4.Search Book By Name\n5.Books Most Used\n6.Books Not Used\n7.Books Not Returned\n8.Remove Books\n9.Log Out\n----------"); int AdminInput = input.nextInt(); switch(AdminInput){ case 1: AddBook(); break; case 2: ViewAllBooks(); break; case 3: BookByIsbn(); break; case 4: BookByName(); break; case 5: BookMostUsed(); break; case 6: BookNotUsed(); break; case 7: BookNotReturned(); break; default: loop = false; break; } } }else{ clrscr(); System.out.println("\n\nInvalid Account!"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void CustomerAuth() throws ParseException{ clrscr(); System.out.println("Choose any option : \n----------\n1.Already have Account\n2.Create Account\n3.Back\n----------\n"); int AuthInput = input.nextInt(); switch(AuthInput){ case 1: Customer(); break; case 2: clrscr(); System.out.print("Enter Email : ");String Email =; System.out.print("Enter Password : ");String Password =; System.out.print("Enter Name : ");String Name =; System.out.print("Enter Address : ");String Address =; System.out.print("InitialDeposit(1500) : ");int InitialDeposite = input.nextInt(); Customer CustomerTemp = new Customer(Email, Password, Name, Address, InitialDeposite,CustomerList.size()); CustomerList.add(CustomerTemp); System.out.println("\n\nAccount created Suscessfully"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; break; default: break; } } public static void Customer() throws ParseException{ clrscr(); boolean Auth = false; System.out.print("Enter Email : ");String Email =; System.out.print("Enter Password : ");String Password =; Customer Customer = new Customer("", "", "", "", 0, 0); for(Customer i : CustomerList){ if(i.Email.equals(Email) && i.Password.equals(Password)){ Customer = i; Auth = true; } } if(Auth){ boolean loop =true; while(loop){ clrscr(); System.out.println("Welcome " + Customer.Name); System.out.println("\nChoose any option : \n----------\n1.View Books\n2.View Cart\n3.Borrowed History\n4.Fine History\n5.Search Book By Name\n6.Return Book\n7.Your Profile\n8.Logout\n----------\n"); int CustomerInput = input.nextInt(); switch(CustomerInput){ case 1: ViewAllBooksCustomer(Customer); break; case 2: ViewCart(Customer.Id); break; case 3: BorrowedHistory(Customer.Id); break; case 4: FineHistory(Customer.Id); break; case 6: ReturnBook(Customer.Id); break; case 7: YourProfile(Customer.Id); break; default: loop = false; break; } } for(int i=0 ; i<CartList.size();i++){ CartList.remove(i); } }else{ clrscr(); System.out.println("\n\nInvalid Account!"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void ViewAllBooks(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("------All Books------\n"); for( Book i : BooksList){ if(i.Borrowed){ for(Borrowed j : BorrowedList){ if(i.Isbn.equals(j.Book.Isbn)){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\nBorrowed : by User "+j.Customer.Id+"\nBorrowedCount : "+i.BorrowedCount+"\n----------\n"); } } }else{ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\nBorrowed : No \nBorrowedCount : "+i.BorrowedCount+"\n----------\n"); } } System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } public static void ViewAllBooksCustomer(Customer Customer){ clrscr(); System.out.println("------All Books------\n"); for( Book i : BooksList){ if(i.Borrowed == false){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\n----------"); } } System.out.println("\nEnter ISBN to Add Cart : ");Long Isbn = input.nextLong(); AddToCart(Isbn, Customer ); } public static void ViewCart( String UserId){ clrscr(); boolean BookNull = true; System.out.println("----------Your Cart----------"); for(Cart i : CartList){ if(i.Customer.Id.equals(UserId)){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Book.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.Book.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Book.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Book.Genre+"\n----------"); BookNull = false; } } if(BookNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Data Found"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.print("\nEnter 1 to Checkout All \nOr Enter ISBN to delete\n");Long CartInput = input.nextLong(); if(CartInput.equals(1L)){ Checkout(UserId); }else{ boolean Removed = false; for(int i=0 ;i<CartList.size();i++){ if(CartList.get(i).Customer.Id.equals(UserId) && CartList.get(i).Book.Isbn.equals(CartInput)){ CartList.remove(i); for(Customer j : CustomerList){ if(j.Id.equals(UserId)){ j.CartItemCount-=1; } } Removed = true; } } if(Removed){ System.out.println("\nRemoved Sucessfully"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; ViewCart(UserId); }else{ System.out.println("\nTry Again"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } } } public static void Checkout(String UserId){ boolean CartNotNull = false; for(int i =0;i<CartList.size();i++){ if(CartList.get(i).Customer.Id.equals(UserId)){ LocalDate Today =; Borrowed BorrowedTemp = new Borrowed(CartList.get(i).Book, CartList.get(i).Customer ,Today.getDayOfMonth(),Today.getMonthValue(),Today.getYear()); BorrowedList.add(BorrowedTemp); for(int j=0 ;j<BooksList.size();j++){ if(BooksList.get(j).Isbn.equals(CartList.get(i).Book.Isbn) && BooksList.get(i).Borrowed==false){ BooksList.get(j).Borrowed = true ; BooksList.get(j).BorrowedCount+=1; } } CartList.remove(i); } } for(Cart i : CartList){ if(i.Customer.Id.equals(UserId)){ CartNotNull = true; } } if(CartNotNull){ Checkout(UserId); }else{ clrscr(); for(Customer i : CustomerList){ if(i.Id.equals(UserId)){ i.CartItemCount=0; } } System.out.println("\nAll Books Checked Out :) "); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void ReturnBook(String UserId) throws ParseException{ clrscr(); System.out.println("------Return Book-------\n\n"); boolean BooksNull = true; for(Borrowed i : BorrowedList){ if(i.Customer.Id.equals(UserId) && i.Returned==false){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Book.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.Book.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Book.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Book.Genre+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Data Found"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\n\nEnter ISBN : ");Long isbn = input.nextLong(); System.out.println("\n\nEnter Return Date :"); System.out.print("\nDay(dd) : ");int Day = input.nextInt(); System.out.print("\nMonth(mm) : ");int Month = input.nextInt(); System.out.print("\nYear(yyyy) : ");int Year = input.nextInt(); boolean Booknull = true; for(int i=0;i<BorrowedList.size();i++){ if(BorrowedList.get(i).Book.Isbn.equals(isbn) && BorrowedList.get(i).Customer.Id.equals(UserId)){ Date BorrowedDate = new Date(BorrowedList.get(i).BorrowedYear , BorrowedList.get(i).BorrowedMonth,BorrowedList.get(i).BorrowedDay); Date TodayDate = new Date(Year,Month,Day); long Date1= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(TodayDate.getTime()); long Date2= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(BorrowedDate.getTime()); long diffrence = Date1 - Date2; if(diffrence>15){ int fine = ((int)diffrence - 15)*2; clrscr(); System.out.print("Enter the fine Amount of Rs : "+fine);int FineAmount = input.nextInt(); if(FineAmount == fine){ Fine FineTemp = new Fine(BorrowedList.get(i), FineAmount, "Late Return Total "+diffrence+" Days"); FineList.add(FineTemp); clrscr(); BorrowedList.get(i).Returned = true; BorrowedList.get(i).ReturnedDay = Day; BorrowedList.get(i).ReturnedMonth = Month; BorrowedList.get(i).ReturnedYear = Year; for(Book j : BooksList){ if(j.Isbn.equals(isbn)){ j.Borrowed = false; } } Booknull = false; }else{ System.out.println("Invalid"); } }else{ BorrowedList.get(i).Returned = true; for(Book j : BooksList){ if(j.Isbn.equals(isbn)){ j.Borrowed = false; } } Booknull = false; } } } if(Booknull){ System.out.println("\nNo Data Found"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\nBook Returned Sucessfully"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } } public static void BorrowedHistory(String UserId){ clrscr(); System.out.println("------Borrowed History-------\n\n"); boolean BooksNull = true; for(Borrowed i : BorrowedList){ if(i.Customer.Id.equals(UserId)){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Book.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.Book.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Book.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Book.Genre+"\nReturned : "+i.Returned+"\nBorrowed Date : "+i.BorrowedDay+"-"+i.BorrowedMonth+"-"+i.BorrowedYear+"\nReturned Date : "+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Data Found"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\n\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void YourProfile(String UserId){ clrscr(); for(Customer i : CustomerList){ if(i.Id.equals(UserId)){ System.out.println("\n----------Your Profile----------\n\nUserID : "+i.Id+"\nName : "+i.Name+"\nEamil : "+i.Email +"\nAddress : "+i.Address); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } } public static void AddToCart(Long Isbn, Customer Customer){ boolean Added =false; for(Book i : BooksList){ if(i.Isbn.equals(Isbn)){ if(i.Borrowed){ System.out.println("\nWrong Input"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ boolean AlredyExist = false; for(int j = 0 ; j<CartList.size();j++){ if(i.BookName.equals(CartList.get(j).Book.BookName) && Customer.Id.equals(CartList.get(j).Customer.Id)){ AlredyExist =true; } } if(AlredyExist){ System.out.println("\nBook Already exist in Your cart"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; ViewAllBooksCustomer(Customer); }else{ if(Customer.CartItemCount>=3){ System.out.println("\nCart Limit reached Checkout or delete Books"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ for(Customer k : CustomerList){ if(k.Id.equals(Customer.Id)){ k.CartItemCount+=1; Cart CartTemp = new Cart(i,Customer); CartList.add(CartTemp); Added = true; clrscr(); System.out.println("\nBook Added to Cart"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue \nEnter 2 to MainMenu \n ");int oneandtwo = input.nextInt(); if(oneandtwo==1){ ViewAllBooksCustomer(Customer); } } } } } } } } } public static void AddBook(){ clrscr(); System.out.print("Enter Book Name : ");String BookName =; System.out.print("Enter Author Name : ");String Author =; System.out.print("Enter Genre : ");String Genre =; System.out.print("Enter Book Price : ");int BookPrice = input.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter No Of Books : ");int BookCount = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("----------\n"); Long[] Isbns = new Long[BookCount]; for(int i=0;i<BookCount;i++){ System.out.print("ISBN of Book "+(i+1)+" : ");Long Isbn = input.nextLong(); Isbns[i] = Isbn; } for(int i=0;i<BookCount;i++){ Book BookTemp = new Book(BookName, Author, Genre, Isbns[i],BookPrice); BooksList.add(BookTemp); } System.out.println("\n\nBooks Added Suscessfully"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } public static void BookByIsbn(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("-----Search Books By ISBN-----\n"); System.out.print("Enter ISBN : ");Long isbn = input.nextLong(); System.out.println(""); boolean BooksNull = true; for( Book i : BooksList){ if(i.Isbn.equals(isbn)){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Books Found : "); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void BookByName(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("-----Search Books By Name-----\n"); System.out.print("Enter Book Name : ");String BookName =; System.out.println(""); boolean BooksNull = true; for( Book i : BooksList){ if(i.BookName.equals(BookName)){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Books Found "); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void BookNotReturned(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("--------Books Not Returned--------\n"); boolean BooksNull = true; for(Borrowed i : BorrowedList){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Book.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.Book.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Book.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Book.Genre+"\nBorrower Name : "+i.Customer.Name+"\nBorrower Id : "+i.Customer.Id+"\nBorrowed Date : "+i.BorrowedDay+"-"+i.BorrowedMonth+"-"+i.BorrowedYear+"\n----------\n"); BooksNull = false; } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Books Found "); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void BookMostUsed(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("--------Books Most Used--------\n"); boolean BooksNull = true; for(Book i : BooksList){ if(i.BorrowedCount>=5){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\nBorrowed Count : "+i.BorrowedCount+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Books Found "); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void BookNotUsed(){ clrscr(); System.out.println("--------Books not Used--------\n"); boolean BooksNull = true; for(Book i : BooksList){ if(i.BorrowedCount<=1){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Genre+"\nBorrowed Count : "+i.BorrowedCount+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Books Found "); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void RemoveBook(){ } public static void FineHistory(String UserId){ clrscr(); System.out.println("------Fine History-------\n\n"); boolean BooksNull = true; for(Fine i : FineList){ if(i.Borrowed.Customer.Id.equals(UserId)){ System.out.println("ISBN : "+i.Borrowed.Book.Isbn+"\nName : "+i.Borrowed.Book.BookName+"\nAuthor : "+i.Borrowed.Book.Author+"\nGenre : "+i.Borrowed.Book.Genre+"\nReturned : "+i.Borrowed.Returned+"\nBorrowed Date : "+i.Borrowed.BorrowedDay+"-"+i.Borrowed.BorrowedMonth+"-"+i.Borrowed.BorrowedYear+"\nReturned Date : "+i.Borrowed.ReturnedDay+"-"+i.Borrowed.ReturnedMonth+"-"+i.Borrowed.ReturnedYear+"\nFine Amount Rs: "+i.Fine+"\nFine Reson : "+i.Reason+"\n----------"); BooksNull = false; } } if(BooksNull){ System.out.println("\nNo Data Found"); System.out.println("\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; }else{ System.out.println("\n\nEnter 1 to Continue : ");Enter =; } } public static void clrscr(){ System.out.print("\033[H\033[2J"); System.out.flush(); } } class Book{ String BookName , Author , Genre ; int BorrowedCount = 0; boolean Borrowed = false; int BookPrice ; Long Isbn ; public Book(String BookName , String Author , String Genre , Long Isbn ,int BookPrice){ this.BookName = BookName; this.Author = Author; this.Genre = Genre; this.Isbn = Isbn; this.BookPrice = BookPrice; } } class Customer{ String Email , Password , Name, Address ,Id; int InitialDeposite; int CartItemCount = 0; public Customer(String Email , String Password ,String Name, String Address , int InitialDeposite,int Idnumber){ this.Email = Email; this.Password = Password; this.Address = Address; this.InitialDeposite = InitialDeposite; this.Name = Name; this.Id = "LA00"+ (Idnumber+1); } } class Admin{ String UserName , Password ; public Admin(String UserName , String Password){ this.UserName = UserName; this.Password = Password; } } class Cart{ Book Book ; Customer Customer; public Cart(Book Book , Customer Customer){ this.Book = Book; this.Customer = Customer; } } class Borrowed{ Book Book ; Customer Customer; boolean Returned = false; int BorrowedDay ,BorrowedMonth , BorrowedYear , ReturnedDay ,ReturnedMonth ,ReturnedYear ; public Borrowed(Book Book , Customer Customer,int BorrowedDay ,int BorrowedMonth ,int BorrowedYear){ this.Book = Book; this.Customer = Customer; this.BorrowedDay = BorrowedDay; this.BorrowedMonth= BorrowedMonth; this.BorrowedYear = BorrowedYear; } } class Fine{ Borrowed Borrowed; int Fine; String Reason; public Fine(Borrowed Borrowed, int Fine , String Reason){ this.Borrowed = Borrowed; this.Fine = Fine; this.Reason = Reason; } }

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