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/* Name: Email: Lab: */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; const int MAX = 100; //maximum of 100 cities int ReadInput(ifstream& fin, string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double number_households[], double average_households[]); void output(string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double average_households[], int count_records, ofstream& out); double ComputeAverage(double number_households[], int count_records); int GetCityWithHighestAverageAge(double average_age[], int count_records); void SelectionSort(string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double number_households[], double average_households[], int count_records); void Swap(double& x, double& y); void FindCity(string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double number_households[], double average_households[], int count_records, ofstream& out); int main() { //five arrays string name[MAX]; //one for name of city double total_poulation[MAX]; //one for total population double average_age[MAX]; //one for average age of residents double number_households[MAX]; //one for number of households double average_households[MAX]; //one for the average number of people per household. int count_records = 0; //open file ifstream fin;"cityCensus.txt"); //if file not opened if (!fin) { cout << "ERROR: File not found\n\n"; return 1; } //open output file ofstream fout;"output.txt"); //call function to read values from file count_records = ReadInput(fin, name, total_poulation, average_age, number_households, average_households); //Call the output function to output to a file all data in the original order. output(name, total_poulation, average_age, average_households, count_records, fout); double average_population = ComputeAverage(number_households, count_records); cout << "Average Population = " << average_population << endl; int index = GetCityWithHighestAverageAge(average_age, count_records); cout << "City with highest average age " << name[index] << endl; //call selection sort function to sort the array SelectionSort(name, total_poulation, average_age, number_households, average_households, count_records); //Write the sorted array to the file. fout << endl << endl; output(name, total_poulation, average_age, average_households, count_records, fout); //call findcity function FindCity(name, total_poulation, average_age, number_households, average_households, count_records, fout); fout.close(); cout << "All output written to file output.txt\n\n"; return 0; } /* Description: function to input the name of each city, the total population, the average age of residents, and the number of households. Pre: fin - Input File pointer name - city name total_poulation - total poulation of city average_age - average age number_households - number of households average_households - average of households Post - number of records read from file */ int ReadInput(ifstream& fin, string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double number_households[], double average_households[]) { int i = 0; while (getline(fin, name[i])) { fin >> total_poulation[i]; fin >> average_age[i]; fin >> number_households[i]; //average number of people per household is not read in but it is calculated by dividing the total population by the number of households. average_households[i] = total_poulation[i] / number_households[i]; i++; fin.ignore(); } return i; } /*Description:function to print output to file in original order Pre: name - city name total_poulation - total poulation of city average_age - average age average_households - average of households count_records - number of records out - Output File Pointer Post - None */ void output(string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double average_households[], int count_records, ofstream &out) { out << setw(20) << left << "City" << setw(15) << "Population" << setw(15) << "Average Age" << setw(15) << "Average number" << endl; out << setw(65) << right << " People / household" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < count_records; i++) { out << setw(20) << left << name[i] << setw(15) << right << setprecision(0) << fixed << total_poulation[i] << setw(10) << setprecision(1) << fixed << average_age[i] << setw(10) << average_households[i] << endl; } } /*Description: function to compute and return the average population for all cities. Pre: number_households - number of households count_records - number of records Post- average of number_households */ double ComputeAverage(double number_households[], int count_records) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count_records; i++) { sum = sum + number_households[i]; } return sum / count_records; } /* Description: function to return the subscript of the city with the highest average age. Pre: average_age - average age count_records - number of records Post: index of city with highest average age */ int GetCityWithHighestAverageAge(double average_age[], int count_records) { double highest = average_age[0]; int index = 0; for (int i = 1; i < count_records; i++) { if (average_age[i] > highest) { highest = average_age[i]; index = i; } } return index; } /*Description: function to swap teo double values, used in selection sort Pre: x - reference value to be swapped y - reference value to be swapped Post: None */ void Swap(double& x, double& y) { double temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } /*Descritpion: selection sort to sort cities by population in descending order. Pre: name - city name total_poulation - total poulation of city average_age - average age number_households - number of households average_households - average of households count_records - number of records Post: None */ void SelectionSort(string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double number_households[], double average_households[], int count_records) { int i, j, max_index; for (i = 0; i < count_records - 1; i++) { max_index = i; for (j = i + 1; j < count_records; j++) if (total_poulation[j] > total_poulation[max_index]) max_index = j; Swap(total_poulation[max_index], total_poulation[i]); Swap(average_age[max_index], average_age[i]); Swap(number_households[max_index], number_households[i]); Swap(average_households[max_index], average_households[i]); string temp = name[max_index]; name[max_index] = name[i]; name[i] = temp; } } /*Description: function to prompt the user for the name of a city. Output to the file from this function the population, average age, and average number of people per household or output message “No such cityin the list”. Pre: name - city name total_poulation - total poulation of city average_age - average age number_households - number of households average_households - average of households count_records - number of records out - Output File Pointer POST: None */ void FindCity(string name[], double total_poulation[], double average_age[], double number_households[], double average_households[], int count_records, ofstream &out) { string city; cout << "Enter City name: "; getline(cin, city); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < count_records; i++) { if (city == name[i]) { out << endl << "City Name: " << name[i] << endl; out << "Population: " << total_poulation[i] << endl; out << "Average Age: " << average_age[i] << endl; out << "Average Number of People/Household: " << average_households[i] << endl; out << endl; found = true; } } if (found == false) { cout << "No such city in the list\n"; } }
ACTON 7993 45.2 2729 AERIAL ACRES 3074 27 1056 BREA 3613 38.6 1154 CITY RANCH 50798 37 15963 COMMERCE 45903 28.4 10727 CRYSTALAIRE 1259 52.4 569 DEL SUR 70918 34.4 20964 ELIZABETH LAKE 2932 41.7 1079 FIRESTONE PARK 57110 26.6 12971 FRAZIER PARK 5077 44 2080 FULLERTON 51767 36 15849 GORMAN 1699 40.9 623 HI VISTA 72046 28.3 20672 HOLLYWOOD 45151 38.3 21929 JUNIPER HILLS 2138 43.3 816 LAKE LOS ANGELES 7285 30.9 1982 LOS ANGELES 51223 25.5 11731 MARICOPA 4176 38.4 647 PALMDALE 38158 28.4 9690 PEAR BLOSSOM 388 44.5 103 PINON HILLS 6220 41.8 2198 PIRU 2031 29.3 522 ROSAMOND 18910 32.4 6469 SIMI VALLEY 54366 39 18650 WRIGHTWOOD 4894 44.1 1998

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