online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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// Snake implementation for OnlineGDB. Adopted by Uri Keshet, March 2021 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // System-dependent part - do not modify. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- char nonblocking_getch(); void close_screen(), positional_putch(int x, int y, char ch); void millisecond_sleep(int n), init_screen(), update_screen(); #include <time.h> // nanosleep #include <ncurses.h> // getch, mvaddch, etc. char nonblocking_getch() { return getch(); } void positional_putch(int x, int y, char ch) { mvaddch(x, y, ch); } void millisecond_sleep(int n) { struct timespec t = { 0, n * 1000000 }; nanosleep(&t, 0);} void init_screen() { initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);} void update_screen() { refresh(); } void close_screen() { endwin(); } // // This should run on OnlineGDB and some similar online compilers. // To run this on Windows 10 using MSYS2, first install ncurses (on command line): // > pacman -S ncurses-devel // and when compiling, include a link to the ncurses library: // > gcc -lncurses // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <time.h> // time #include <stdlib.h> // rand, srand #define w 80 #define h 24 int head, quit, board[w * h]; enum Dir { N, E, S, W } dir; enum State { SPACE=0, FOOD=1, BORDER=2 }; // negative values represent snake (negated time-to-live in given cell) // reduce a time-to-live, effectively erasing the tail void age() { for(int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) if(board[i] < 0) ++board[i]; } // put food at random empty position void plant() { int r; do r = rand() % (w * h); while(board[r] != SPACE); board[r] = FOOD; } // initialize board, plant first food item void start(void) { for(int i = 0; i < w; ++i) board[i] = board[i + (h - 1) * w] = BORDER; for(int i = 0; i < h; ++i) board[i * w] = board[i * w + w - 1] = BORDER; head = w * (h - 1 - h % 2) / 2; // screen center for any h board[head] = -7; dir = E; quit = 0; srand(time(0)); plant(); } void step() { int len = board[head]; switch(dir) { case N: head -= w; break; case S: head += w; break; case W: --head; break; case E: ++head; break; } switch(board[head]) { case SPACE: board[head] = len - 1; // keep in mind len is negative age(); break; case FOOD: board[head] = len - 1; plant(); break; default: quit = 1; } } void show() { const char * symbol = " @."; for(int i = 0; i < w * h; ++i) positional_putch(i / w, i % w, board[i] < 0 ? '#' : symbol[board[i]]); update_screen(); } int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { init_screen(); start(); do { show(); switch(nonblocking_getch()) { case 'w': if (dir!=S) dir = N; break; case 'a': if (dir!=E) dir = W; break; case 's': if (dir!=N) dir = S; break; case 'd': if (dir!=W) dir = E; break; case 'q': quit = 1; break; } step(); millisecond_sleep(100); } while(!quit); millisecond_sleep(999); close_screen(); return 0; }

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