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#include <iostream> #include <string> // For strings #include <cctype> // Check digit using namespace std; // Element struct. struct std_element { char oper; unsigned operand; }; // Typedef lets us simply call it by saying Element typedef struct std_element Element; struct Node { Element el; Node *next; // Pointer to next node. }; // Simply call it by saying Node. typedef struct Node Node; struct Stack { Node *top; // Topmost node of the stack. LIFO }; // Call by saying Stack. typedef struct Stack Stack; // Function prototypes. // Creates a new stack, returns with top = null. Stack *create_stack(); // Push the most recent element onto the stack. void push(Stack *stack, Element recent_el); // Pop and return the topmost Element from the stack. Element pop(Stack *stack); // Terminate the stack and free up some memory. void terminate_stack(Stack *stack); // Creates a new stack, returns with top = null. Stack *create_stack(){ Stack *new_stack = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack)); new_stack->top = NULL; return new_stack; } // Push the most recent element onto the stack. // Checks if starting from very start or not. void push(Stack *stack, Element recent_el){ Node *newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); newNode->el = recent_el; newNode->next = NULL; // If empty if(stack->top == NULL){ stack->top = newNode; } else { // Push on top of stack. newNode->next = stack->top; stack->top = newNode; } } // Pop and return the topmost Element from the stack. Element pop(Stack *stack){ Node *temp; // Check if stack is empty; if(stack->top == NULL){ Element el_error; el_error.oper = '#'; el_error.operand = 0; return el_error; } // Remove top item and copy over data. temp = stack->top; stack->top = stack->top->next; Element temp_el = temp->el; // Free up memory. free(temp); return temp_el; } // Terminate the stack and free up all memory. void terminate_stack(Stack *stack){ Node *temp_item; // Check if is not empty. if(!(stack->top == NULL)){ temp_item = stack->top; // Loop through and free up all memory. while(stack->top != NULL){ temp_item = stack->top; stack->top = stack->top->next; free(temp_item); } } } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ Stack* stack = create_stack(); cout << "Please enter a math expression: "; string line; // Math expression is put into this. getline(cin, line); // Gets one line. int temp_num = 0; // Checks/sets up any numbers. for(unsigned int i = 0; i<line.length(); i++) { char ch = line[i]; // Character if(isdigit(ch)){ // Read number in and then push on stack. temp_num *= 10; const char* chi = &ch; temp_num += atoi(chi); if(!isdigit(line[i + 1])){ // Check next char in string and see if it's not a digit. Element num_el; num_el.oper = '#'; num_el.operand = temp_num; push(stack, num_el); temp_num = 0; } // Else it'll wait for next number to process that one. } else if(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/'){ // Push operator on stack. } else if(ch == ')'){ // Pop number, pop operator, pop number. // Push result onto stack. } } Element popped = pop(stack); cout << popped.operand; terminate_stack(stack); return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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