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/* * Filename : Taschenrechner.exe * Author : Dennis Eckert * Date : 25.11.2018 * Description : einfacher Taschenrechner mit vier Grundrechenarten und Modulo-Operator */ #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; void input(double& op1, double& op2, char& opp); void addition(double& op1, double& op2, double& res); int main() { bool addRemainder = false; double leftOperator = 0.0; double rightOperator = 0.0; double result = 0.0; int remainder = 0; char symbolOperator = '\0'; do { input(leftOperator, rightOperator, symbolOperator); if (symbolOperator == '+') { addition(leftOperator, rightOperator, result); } else if (symbolOperator == '-') { result = leftOperator - rightOperator; } else if (symbolOperator == '*') { result = leftOperator * rightOperator; } else if (symbolOperator == '/') { if (rightOperator != 0.0) { char input = '\0'; do //Anfang Ganzzahldivision { cout << "Ganzzahldivision durchfuehren?(j/n)"; cin >> input; if (input == 'j') { if (static_cast<int>(leftOperator) - leftOperator == 0.0 && static_cast<int>(rightOperator) - rightOperator == 0.0) { result = leftOperator / rightOperator; result = static_cast<int>(result); remainder = static_cast<int>(leftOperator) % static_cast<int>(rightOperator); addRemainder = true; break; } else { cout << "Fuer die Ganzzahldivision muessen beide Operatoren ganzzahlig sein!" << endl; continue; } } else if (input == 'n') { result = leftOperator / rightOperator; break; } else { cout << "Ungueltige Eingabe!" << endl;; continue; } }while(true); //Ende Ganzzahldivision } else //Bezieht sich auf if(rightOperator != 0.0) { cout << "Es darf nicht durch null geteilt werden!" << endl; continue; } } else if (symbolOperator == '%') { if (static_cast<int>(leftOperator) - leftOperator == 0.0 && static_cast<int>(rightOperator) - rightOperator == 0.0 && static_cast<int>(rightOperator) > 0) { result = static_cast<int>(leftOperator) % static_cast<int>(rightOperator); } else { cout << "Fuer die Modulo-Operation muessen beide Operatoren ganzzahlig und der rechte groesser null sein!" << endl; continue; } } else { cout << "Es wurde kein gueltiges Operatorsymbol eingegeben!" << endl; continue; } cout << leftOperator << " " << symbolOperator << " " << rightOperator << " = " << result; if (addRemainder) { cout << " Rest : " << remainder << endl; addRemainder = false; } else { cout << endl; } }while(true); return 0; //Wird bei Aufgabenstellung, dass so viele Rechnungen wie man will ausgeführt werden können, sowieso nicht ausgeführt. } void input(double& op1, double& op2, char& opp){ cout << "Einfacher Taschenrechner" << endl; cout << "Verfuegbare Operationen : +, -, /, *, %" << endl << endl; cin >> op1 >> opp >> op2; } void addition(double& leftOperator, double& rightOperator, double& result){ result = leftOperator + rightOperator; }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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