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#include "burguer.h" int main (void) { tMenu m; tOrders o; tBurguer b; tIngredient i; int pos; init (&m, &o); = 0; strcpy(, "special"); b.ingredients=NULL; b.numIng=0; b.price=10.5; strcpy(, "lettuce"); i.quantity = 100; add_ingredient (&b, i); strcpy(, "onion"); i.quantity = 100; add_ingredient (&b, i); strcpy(, "bacon"); i.quantity = 100; add_ingredient (&b, i); printf("\n number of ingredients = %d \n", b.numIng); for (pos=0; pos<b.numIng; pos++) printf("\n i=%d name=%s quantity=%d\n", pos, b.ingredients[pos].name, b.ingredients[pos].quantity); del_ingredient (&b, "lettuce", 50); del_ingredient (&b, "onion", 100); del_ingredient (&b, "bacon", 200); del_ingredient (&b, "mushroom", 20); printf("\n number of ingredients = %d \n", b.numIng); for (pos=0; pos<b.numIng; pos++) printf("\n i=%d name=%s quantity=%d\n", pos, b.ingredients[pos].name, b.ingredients[pos].quantity); return 0; }
#include "burguer.h" void init(tMenu *m, tOrders *o) { m = NULL; printf("[ OK ] Menu Initialized!\n"); o->orders = (tOrder *)malloc(sizeof(tOrder)); if (o->orders == NULL) printf("[ERROR] Unable to allocate memory for Orders\n"); printf("[ OK ] Orders Initialized!\n"); } void add_ingredient(tBurguer *b, tIngredient i) { if (b->numIng == 0) // If no ingredient yet... { b->ingredients = (tIngredient *)malloc(sizeof(tIngredient)); // Allocate memory for one ingredient if (b->ingredients == NULL) // Sanity check { printf("[ERROR]: Memory error\n"); } else { printf("[ OK ] Ingredients Initialized!\n"); b->ingredients[0] = i; // Initialize the list with the first ingredient "i" b->numIng++; // Increment the ingredient count by one return; // ...and exit the function. } } else // If there is/are ingredient(s) already... { for (int pos = 0; pos < b->numIng; pos++) // Cycle through all ingredients looking for a match. { printf("Pos: %i b->numIng: %i\n", pos, b->numIng); if (!strcmp(b->ingredients[pos].name, // If the ingredient is already in the list { b->ingredients[pos].quantity += i.quantity; // ... then add "i.quantity" grams. printf("[ OK ] Ingredient \"%s\" added +%igrams\n",, i.quantity); return; // ... ends the loop and exits the function. } else if (pos == (b->numIng - 1)) // If I'm the last item in the list and no match then realloc() one and add ingredient. { b->ingredients = (tIngredient *)realloc(b->ingredients, (b->numIng + 1) * sizeof(tIngredient)); if (b->ingredients == NULL) { printf("[ERROR] Unable to reallocate more memory for ingredients\n"); return; } b->ingredients[pos + 1] = i; // Adds ingredient to the new position b->numIng++; // ...and adds one to the ingredient count. return; // ...and exits the function. } } } } bool del_ingredient(tBurguer *b, char *name, int quantity) { if (!b->numIng) // If there's no ingredients then fail { printf("[ERROR] Burguer id:%i doesn't have ingredients!\n", b->id); return false; } else { for (int pos = 0; pos < b->numIng; pos++) // Loop through the ingredient list and... { printf("Ingrediente %s pos %i\n", b->ingredients[pos].name, pos); if (!strcmp(b->ingredients[pos].name, name) && (quantity < b->ingredients[pos].quantity)) // If name matches AND quantity ins't bigger than stored { b->ingredients[pos].quantity -= quantity; // Substract quantity and return true. return true; } else if (!strcmp(b->ingredients[pos].name, name) && (quantity >= b->ingredients[pos].quantity)) // If name matches AND quantity is bigger than stored { int resize_index = 0; // Initializes Aux array index tIngredient *aux = (tIngredient *)malloc(b->numIng * sizeof(tIngredient)); // Create an auxiliar dynamic array the size of the actual one. if (aux == NULL) { printf("[ERROR] Unable to allocate AUX memory!\n"); return false; } memcpy(aux, b->ingredients, b->numIng * sizeof(tIngredient)); // Copy b->ingredients memory into the aux list for (int pos = 0; pos < b->numIng; pos++) { printf("Aux[%i].name = %s - resize_index=%i\n", pos, aux[pos].name, resize_index); if (strcmp(aux[pos].name, name)) // If name doesn't equal to aux[pos].name then add back to the list { b->ingredients[resize_index] = aux[pos]; printf("b->ingredients[%i].name= %s\n", resize_index, b->ingredients->name); resize_index++; } } b->ingredients = (tIngredient *)realloc(b->ingredients, sizeof(resize_index * sizeof(tIngredient))); // This will free up the last element if (b->ingredients == NULL) { printf("[ERROR] Unable to reallocate memory for ingredient\n"); free(aux); return false; } b->numIng -= 1; // Update the current number of ingredients free(aux); // Free the auxiliar array aux = NULL; // and null the aux pointer return false; } } printf("[ERROR] No ingredient with name %s exists\n", name); // If no ingredient is found then return false. return false; } return false; }
#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAX_BURGER_TYPE 100 #define MAX_CHAR 20 typedef enum { false, true } bool; typedef char string[MAX_CHAR + 1]; typedef struct { string name; int quantity; } tIngredient; typedef struct { int id; string name; int numIng; float price; tIngredient *ingredients; } tBurguer; typedef struct { int id; int burguer_id; int quantity; } tOrder; typedef struct { tOrder *orders; } tOrders; typedef struct { tBurguer *burguers[MAX_BURGER_TYPE]; } tMenu; void init(tMenu *m, tOrders *o); void add_ingredient(tBurguer *b, tIngredient i); bool del_ingredient(tBurguer *b, char *name, int quantity);

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