online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <iostream> #include <memory> struct Base; typedef std::unique_ptr<Base> BasePtr; struct Base { protected: // Kopierverbot. Base(const Base&) = default; Base& operator=(const Base&) = default; public: Base(int common):common(common) {} int common = 0; // das "operative" Interface meiner Ableitungen virtual void behavior() = 0; // polymorph clonen virtual BasePtr clone() = 0; // nur als Debug-Hilfe virtual void info() { std::cout << "Base int common: " << common << std::endl;;} }; struct TypeA: Base { TypeA(int common, int value):Base(common),value(value){} int value = 0; virtual void behavior() { common += 2; value *= 2; }; virtual BasePtr clone() { return BasePtr(new TypeA(*this)); } virtual void info() { Base::info(); std::cout << "TypeA int value: " << value << std::endl;; } }; struct TypeB: Base { TypeB(int common, double value):Base(common),value(value){} double value = 0.0; virtual void behavior() { common += 2; value *= 2.0; }; virtual BasePtr clone() { return BasePtr(new TypeB(*this)); } virtual void info() { Base::info(); std::cout << "TypeB double value: " << value << std::endl;; } }; void CloneAndReassigne(BasePtr& original) { std::cout << "CloneAndReassigne" << std::endl; BasePtr clone = original->clone(); std::cout << "Original:" << std::endl; original->info(); clone->behavior(); std::cout << "Clone nach Aenderung:" << std::endl; clone->info(); // *original = *clone; compiliert nicht mehr. Stattdessen: original = clone->clone(); std::cout << "Original nach Aenderung:" << std::endl; original->info(); } int main() { BasePtr a(new TypeA(1, 2)); BasePtr b(new TypeB(2, 4)); CloneAndReassigne(a); CloneAndReassigne(b); }

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