online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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<?php /****************************************************************************** This code for test the recive of a textarea and covert it to array contains the words greaded than 10 char. *******************************************************************************/ $textarea_value = "Hello world! to my test code. keep learning!"; // $textarea_value = $_GET['textarea'] ; $errors= array(); function textarea_to_array($textarea){ $array = str_word_count($textarea,1); if (count($array) > 5 ) { return $array; } else{ global $errors; $error = "the textarea words must be greater than 10."; array_push($errors, $error); } } print_r(textarea_to_array($textarea_value)); print_r($errors);

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



Program is not being debugged. Click "Debug" button to start program in debug mode.
