online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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// Online C++ compiler to run C++ program online /****************************************************************************** Welcome to GDB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, C#, OCaml, VB, Perl, Swift, Prolog, Javascript, Pascal, HTML, CSS, JS Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world. *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> //#include <cxxabi.h> #include <string.h> #include <memory> #include <array> using u32 = uint32_t; using s32 = int; // The enum_name class provides a name function for a given enum type and value. template<typename enum_type, enum_type enum_value> class enum_name final { // Helper function that directly takes an enum_type value template parameter to get the name of the classes template enum type value as a string. template <enum_type value> static const char* helper_name() { // Clang compiler format: __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = static const char *u_enum_name<ENUM_TYPE_NAME, ENUM_TYPE_NAME::ENUM_VALUE_NAME>::helper_value() [enum_type = ENUM_TYPE_NAME, enum_value = ENUM_TYPE_NAME::ENUM_VALUE_NAME, value = ENUM_TYPE_NAME::ENUM_VALUE_NAME] // MSVC compiler format: __FUNCSIG__ = const char *__cdecl u_enum_name<enum ENUM_TYPE_NAME,ENUM_VALUE>::helper_value<ENUM_TYPE_NAME::ENUM_VALUE_NAME>(void) static const unsigned long long function_name_length = sizeof(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); static const std::string function_name(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); static const unsigned long long type_name_start = function_name.rfind('=') + 2; static const unsigned long long type_name_end = function_name_length - 2; static const unsigned long long type_name_length = type_name_end - type_name_start; static const std::string type_name_string = function_name.substr((size_t)type_name_start, (size_t)type_name_length); return type_name_string.c_str(); } public: static const char* name() { return helper_name<enum_value>(); } // Get the name of the classes template enum type and value as a string. }; struct token { const char * name; s32 id; }; template<typename enum_type, enum_type begin, enum_type end> struct token_holder { constexpr static inline int count_values(enum_type type) { return (type != end) ? count_values((enum_type)(s32(type)+1)) : (s32(type)+1); } static constexpr u32 N = count_values(begin); using tokens = std::array<token, N+1>; // because have {0, 0} in last element template<typename e_enum_type, e_enum_type enum_value> constexpr token make_name() { return { enum_name<e_enum_type, enum_value>().name(), enum_value }; } template<typename e_enum_type, u32... Indices> constexpr tokens make_tokens_helper(std::integer_sequence<u32, Indices...>) { tokens ts = { make_name<e_enum_type, (e_enum_type)Indices>()... }; ts[N] = {0, 0}; return ts; } template<typename e_enum_type> constexpr tokens make_tokens() { return make_tokens_helper<e_enum_type>( std::make_integer_sequence<u32, N>{}); } operator const token *() const { return values.unsafe_ptr(); } const token *data() const { return values.unsafe_ptr(); } constexpr token_holder() : values{make_tokens<enum_type>()} {} tokens values; }; enum test_enum { te_first, te_second, te_third, te_count }; int main() { const token_holder<test_enum, te_first, te_count> test_tokens; for (auto &s: test_tokens.values) std::cout << "{" << ( ? : "null") << ", " << << " }" << std::endl; return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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