online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef struct { double x, y; double vx, vy; double r, phi; double rmax, rmin; } State; static void update(State *s, double GM, double dt) { const double r = sqrt(s->x * s->x + s->y * s->y), F = -GM / (r * r); s->vx += F * s->x / r * dt; s->vy += F * s->y / r * dt; s->x += s->vx * dt; s->y += s->vy * dt; s->r = r; s->phi = atan2(s->y, s->x); if (s->rmax == 0 || s->r > s->rmax) s->rmax = s->r; if (s->rmin == 0 || s->r < s->rmin) s->rmin = s->r; } int main() { const double GM = 1.0, dt = 0.0001; State planets[] = { {.x = 10.0, .vx = 0.0, .vy = 0.2}, {.x = 5.0, .vx = 0.1, .vy = 0.1}}; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(planets) / sizeof(planets[0]); i++) { double t = 0, phiprev = 0.0; while (!(planets[i].phi > 0 && phiprev < 0)) { phiprev = planets[i].phi; update(&planets[i], GM, dt); t += dt; } const double a = (planets[i].rmax + planets[i].rmin) / 2.0; printf("Planet %d: a^3 / T^2 = %f\n", i, (a * a * a) / (t * t)); } }

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