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#ifndef Image_h #define Image_h #include <vector> #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <limits> #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename _T> _T random() { double result = static_cast<double>(rand()); result /= RAND_MAX; result *= numeric_limits<_T>::max(); return static_cast<_T>(result); } template <> double random<double>() { double result = static_cast<double>(rand()); result /= RAND_MAX; return result; } template <> bool random<bool>() { double result = static_cast<double>(rand()); result /= RAND_MAX; return (result >= 0.5) ? true : false; } template <typename _T> _T _or(_T _x, _T _y) { return _x | _y; } template <> double _or<double>(double _x, double _y) { return (_x >= _y) ? _x : _y; } template <> bool _or<bool>(bool _x, bool _y) { return _x || _y; } template <typename _T> _T _and(_T _x, _T _y) { return _x & _y; } template <> double _and<double>(double _x, double _y) { return (_x + _y); } template <> bool _and<bool>(bool _x, bool _y) { return _x && _y; } template <typename _T> double fill_factor(_T _data) { return static_cast<double>(_data); } template <> double fill_factor<bool>(bool _data) { return (_data) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } template <typename _T> _T _invert(_T _data) { return ~_data; } template <> double _invert<double>(double _data) { return 0.5 - _data; } template <> bool _invert<bool>(bool _data) { return !_data; } template <typename _T, typename _SizeT = unsigned int> class ImageT { _SizeT m_width; _SizeT m_height; vector<_T> m_data; public: typedef enum { ZeroFill, RandomFill } FillType; ImageT() { m_width = 0; m_height = 0; } static ImageT* create(_SizeT _width, _SizeT _height, FillType _ftype = ZeroFill) { assert(_width > 0); assert(_height > 0); ImageT* result = new ImageT(); result->m_width = _width; result->m_height = _height; result->m_data.resize(_width * _height); if (_ftype == RandomFill) result->random_fill(); else result->zero_fill(); return result; } ImageT(const ImageT& _src) { m_width = _src.width(); m_height = _src.height(); m_data.resize(m_width * m_height); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) m_data[y * m_width + x] = _src(x, y); } inline void resize(_SizeT _width, _SizeT _height, FillType _ftype = ZeroFill) { if ( _width == m_width && _height == m_height) return; vector<_T> tmp; tmp.resize(_width * _height); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < _height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < _width; ++x) tmp[y * _width + x] = m_data[y * m_width + x]; m_data.resize(_height * _width); m_width = _width; m_height = _height; if (_ftype == RandomFill) random_fill(); else zero_fill(); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < _height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < _width; ++x) m_data[y * _width + x] = tmp[y * _width + x]; } void random_fill() { srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr))); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) set_pixel_data(x, y, random<_T>()); } void zero_fill() { for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) set_pixel_data(x, y, static_cast<_T>(0)); } inline void set_pixel_data(_SizeT _x, _SizeT _y, _T _data) { assert(_x >= 0 && _x < m_width); assert(_y >= 0 && _y < m_height); m_data[_y * m_width + _x] = _data; } inline _T operator () (_SizeT _x, _SizeT _y) const { assert(_x >= 0 && _x < m_width); assert(_y >= 0 && _y < m_height); return m_data[_y * m_width + _x]; } ImageT& operator *= (_T _val) { for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) { _T _data = *this(x, y) * _val; set_pixel_data(x, y, _data); } return *this; } ImageT& operator += (_T _val) { for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) { _T _data = *this(x, y) + _val; set_pixel_data(x, y, _data); } return *this; } inline _SizeT width() const { return m_width; } inline _SizeT height() const { return m_height; } ImageT operator | (const ImageT& _val) const { _SizeT _w = (m_width > _val.width()) ? m_width : _val.width(); _SizeT _h = (m_height > _val.height()) ? m_height : _val.height(); ImageT result(*this); result.resize(_w, _h); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < _val.height(); ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < _val.width(); ++x) result.set_pixel_data(x, y, _or<_T>(result(x, y), _val(x, y))); return result; } ImageT operator & (const ImageT& _val) const { _SizeT _w = (m_width > _val.width()) ? m_width : _val.width(); _SizeT _h = (m_height > _val.height()) ? m_height : _val.height(); ImageT result(*this); result.resize(_w, _h); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < _val.height(); ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < _val.width(); ++x) result.set_pixel_data(x, y, _and<_T>(result(x, y), _val(x, y))); return result; } template <typename _Q, typename _SizeQ> ImageT<_T, _SizeT>& operator *= (const ImageT<_Q, _SizeQ>& _val) { _SizeT _w = (m_width > _val.width()) ? m_width : _val.width(); _SizeT _h = (m_height > _val.height()) ? m_height : _val.height(); resize(_w, _h); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < _val.height(); ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < _val.width(); ++x) { _T _data = (*this)(x, y) * static_cast<_T>(_val(x, y)); set_pixel_data(x, y, _data); } return *this; } template <typename _Q, typename _SizeQ = unsigned int> ImageT& operator += (const ImageT<_Q, _SizeQ>& _val) { _SizeT _w = (m_width > _val.width()) ? m_width : _val.width(); _SizeT _h = (m_height > _val.height()) ? m_height : _val.height(); resize(_w, _h); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < _val.height(); ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < _val.width(); ++x) { _T _data = (*this)(x, y) + static_cast<_T>(_val(x, y)); set_pixel_data(x, y, _data); } return *this; } ImageT operator ~ () const { ImageT result(*this); for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) result.set_pixel_data(x, y, _invert<_T>((*this)(x, y))); return result; } double fill_factor() const { double _square = m_width * m_height; double _sum = 0.; for (_SizeT y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) for (_SizeT x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) { _T _data = ::fill_factor<_T>((*this)(x, y)); _sum += _data; } _sum /= _square; return _sum; } }; template <typename _T, typename _SizeT = unsigned int> ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const ImageT<_T, _SizeT>& image) { double _max = 0.5; for (_SizeT y = 0; y < image.height(); ++y) { for (_SizeT x = 0; x < image.width(); ++x) { os << (image(x,y) >= _max ? '*' : '.'); } os << endl; } return os; } typedef ImageT<double> Image; typedef ImageT<bool> ImageB; #endif /* Image_h */ //#include <iostream> //#include "Image.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // insert code here... cout << "Hello, World!" << endl; Image* image1 = Image::create(64, 48, Image::RandomFill); Image* image2 = Image::create(32, 20, Image::RandomFill); Image image3 = *image1 | *image2; Image image4 = *image1 & *image2; ImageB* image5 = ImageB::create(40, 30, ImageB::RandomFill); ImageB image6 = ~ *image5; Image image7 = *image1; image7 += (~ *image5); cout << "Fill factor 1: " << image1->fill_factor() << endl; cout << "Fill factor 2: " << image2->fill_factor() << endl; cout << "Fill factor 3: " << image3.fill_factor() << endl; cout << "Fill factor 4: " << image4.fill_factor() << endl; cout << "Fill factor 5: " << image5->fill_factor() << endl; cout << "Fill factor 6: " << image6.fill_factor() << endl; cout << "Fill factor 7: " << image7.fill_factor() << endl; cout << image7; delete(image5); delete(image2); delete(image1); return 0; }

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