online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH { unsigned int uiLZW_Code; struct STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH *tWeiterer_Eintrag; } STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH; void Einfuegen (STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH **tWoerterbuch); void Free (STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH **taWoerterbuch); int main() { STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH **taWoerterbuch; taWoerterbuch = calloc (10,sizeof*taWoerterbuch); printf("taWoerterbuch[5] vorher:%p\n",(void*)taWoerterbuch[5]); Einfuegen(taWoerterbuch+5); printf("taWoerterbuch[5] nachher:%p\n",(void*)taWoerterbuch[5]); printf ("taWoerterbuch[5]->uiLZW_Code:%u\n",taWoerterbuch[5]->uiLZW_Code); Free(taWoerterbuch); return 0; } void Einfuegen(STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH **tWoerterbuch) { *tWoerterbuch = malloc(sizeof**tWoerterbuch); (*tWoerterbuch)->uiLZW_Code = 10; } void Free (STRUCT_WOERTERBUCH **taWoerterbuch) { long lCounter1 = 0; for (lCounter1 = 0; lCounter1 < 10; lCounter1++) free(taWoerterbuch[lCounter1]); free(taWoerterbuch); }

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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