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// Computerised Billing System //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Header Files Included //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<string.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> //Function prototype declaration void products_enter(); void members_enter(); void readp(); void readm(); void billing(); void sales(); void modifyp(); void modifym(); void instructions(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for GRAPHICS slide (cover page) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int gmode,gdriver,r; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure for the products' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct products_record { float rate; int stock; int no; char name[20]; }; //end of structure //Global variable products_record ob1,ob2; //declaring objects of the structure fstream pro1,pro2; //declaring a file stream //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure for members' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct members_record { int no; char name[20]; char add[50]; long int tel; long int card; float amt ; }; //end of structure members_record m1,m2; //creating objects fstream mem1,mem2; //declaring streams; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //structure for store opertaions //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct tables { int no; int qty; char name[20]; float rate; float total; }; tables n1,n2; int i=0; float discount=0.0; //Welcome screen of computerized billing system void welcome() { gdriver=DETECT; //request auto detection initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); //initialising graph /* read result of initialization */ int errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); return; } setbkcolor(7); setcolor(15); settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,5); settextstyle(7,HORIZ_DIR,7); moveto(60,100); outtext("COMPUTERISED"); moveto(160,210); outtext("BILLING "); moveto(160,320); outtext("SYSTEM"); delay(1000); setcolor(7); int i=0; while(i<=2*getmaxx()-460) { line(0,i,i,0); i++; delay(15); } setcolor(RED); sound(1450); delay(20); sound(600); for (r=150;r<230;r+=15) { circle (315,239,r); sound(350+2*r); delay(19); sound(1250); } settextstyle(8,HORIZ_DIR,1); setcolor(LIGHTGREEN); sound(500); delay(5); moveto(245,160); outtext("Copyright (C)"); sound(400); delay(23); moveto(185,180); sound(350); delay(50); sound(100); outtext("SIMARPREET SINGH"); moveto(240,200); sound(250); delay(40); outtext("2017-2018 "); moveto(210,220); outtext("All Rights Reserved"); sound(400); moveto(185,240); outtext("Code by: SIMARPREET SINGH"); sound(450); moveto(185,260); delay(20); sound(600); delay(30); outtext("Email: [email protected]"); nosound(); moveto(10,450); cin.get(); closegraph(); //closing graphics screen } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for screen setting //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void border() { clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); for (int i=2;i<80;i++) //drawing horizontal lines { gotoxy(i,3); cprintf("-"); gotoxy(i,23); cprintf("-"); } for (i=4;i<23;i++) //drawing vertical lines { gotoxy(2,i); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(79,i); cprintf("|"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main program //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void main() { clrscr(); void highvideo(); //setting the intensity of text charaters to high welcome(); // calling the function for making the cover page remove("sale.dat"); int n; char l='y'; do { textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); border(); //making the border of the screen textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("MAIN MENU"); for (int z=29;z<=40;z++) { gotoxy(z,6); cprintf("-"); } gotoxy(20,7); cprintf("1:ADD NEW PRODUCTS"); gotoxy(20,8); cprintf("2:ADD NEW MEMBERS"); gotoxy(20,9); cprintf("3:VIEW AN EXISTING PRODUCT RECORD "); gotoxy(20,10); cprintf("4:VIEW AN EXISTING MEMBER'S RECORD "); gotoxy(20,11); cprintf("5:BILLING "); gotoxy(20,12); cprintf("6:TODAY'S SALES "); gotoxy(20,13); cprintf("7:MODIFY PRODUCT RECORD "); gotoxy(20,14); cprintf("8:MODIFY MEMBER'S RECORD "); gotoxy(20,15); cprintf("9:INSTRUCTIONS "); gotoxy(20,16); cprintf("0:EXIT"); gotoxy(20,19); cprintf("Enter your choice:"); cin>>n; switch(n) { case 1: products_enter(); break; case 2: members_enter(); break; case 3: readp(); break; case 4: readm(); break; case 5: billing(); break; case 6: sales(); break; case 7: modifyp(); break; case 8: modifym(); break; case 9: instructions(); break; case 0: l='n'; } } while (l=='y'); clrscr(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for getting the products' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void products_enter() { int q=0; char l='y';"products.dat",ios::in); //opening file in stream pro1.seekg(0,ios::end); //determining end of file q=pro1.tellg()/sizeof(products_record); //finding size of file q+=1255; pro1.close();"products.dat" ,ios::app); do { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); clrscr(); border(); textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); gotoxy(28,2); cprintf("ENTERING PRODUCT RECORDS "); gotoxy(15,6); cprintf("Name :"); gets(; if (![0]) //to undo entering if name is not entered return; gotoxy(15,7); cprintf("Stock :"); cin>>ob1.stock; gotoxy(15,8); cprintf("Rate (Rs.):"); cin>>ob1.rate; = q++; gotoxy(15,9); cprintf("Number :"); cout<<; pro1.write((char*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); gotoxy(10,15); cprintf("Do you want to enter more (Y/N) "); l=getch(); } while (tolower(l)=='y'); pro1.close(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- //Function for searching in the file //-------------------------------------------------------------- products_record products_search(int no) { fstream pro1; //declaring stream"products.dat" ,ios::in||ios::nocreate); //opening the file while(pro1) {*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); //reading from file if ( return ob1; //returning the searched record } pro1.close();; return ob1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Function for modifying records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void products_modify(int no) {;"products.dat",ios::in); //opening the file"product1.dat",ios::app); //opening another file pro1.seekg(0,ios::beg); //locating beggining of file*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); //reading from file while (!pro1.eof() ) //testing for end of file { if (!=no ) pro2.write((char*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); //writing in file else ob2=ob1;*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); //reading from file } //displaying previous reccords and entering new records if ( { gotoxy(13,7); cprintf("CURRENT RECORDS ARE "); gotoxy(15,8); cprintf("NAME :"); puts(; gotoxy(15,9); cprintf("RATE :(Rs.)"); cout<<ob2.rate; gotoxy(15,10); cprintf("STOCK :"); cprintf("%d",ob2.stock); gotoxy(13,12); cprintf("ENTER NEW PRODUCT RECORDS"); gotoxy(15,13); cprintf("NAME :");; gets(; if (!isalnum([0])) //testing for an entry strcpy(,; //retaining previous name when no entry gotoxy(15,14); cprintf("RATE :(Rs.)"); cin>>ob1.rate; if (!ob1.rate) ob1.rate=ob2.rate; gotoxy(15,15); cprintf("STOCK :"); cin>>ob1.stock; if (!ob1.stock) ob1.stock=ob2.stock; pro2.write((char*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); //writing in file } else { gotoxy(20,9); cprintf("NO ENTRY\a"); } pro1.close(); //closing file pro2.close(); //closing file remove ("products.dat"); //deleting file rename ("product1.dat","products.dat"); //renaming file } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to enter members' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void members_enter() { int m; char l='y'; //determining number of enteries in the file"members.dat",ios::in); mem1.seekg(0,ios::end); m=mem1.tellg()/sizeof(members_record); mem1.close(); m+=10; clrscr();"members.dat",ios::app); //opening file do { textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); clrscr(); border(); textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); gotoxy(28,2); cprintf("ENTERING MEMBER RECORDS "); gotoxy(15,6); cprintf("Name :"); gets(; if (![0]) return; //undo entering when no name is entered gotoxy(15,7); cprintf("Card number :"); cin>>m1.card; gotoxy(15,8); cprintf("Address :"); gets(m1.add); gotoxy(15,9); cprintf("Tel. :"); cin>>; gotoxy(15,10); cprintf("Amount Deposited (Rs.):"); cin>>m1.amt; if (m1.amt<=100) { gotoxy(15,11); cprintf("Amount less\a"); gotoxy(15,12); cprintf("Try Again"); goto end; } = m++; gotoxy(15,11); cprintf("Membership number :"); cout<<; mem1.write((char*)&m1,sizeof(members_record)); //writing in file end: gotoxy(10,15); cprintf("Do you want to enter more (Y/N) "); l=getch(); } while (tolower(l)=='y'); mem1.close(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for searching in the file //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- members_record members_search(int no) { fstream mem2; //declaring stream"members.dat",ios::in); //opening file while (mem2) {*)&m1,sizeof(members_record)); //reading from file if ( return m1; //returning the searched record } mem2.close();; return m1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to modify members' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void members_modify(int no) {;"members.dat",ios::in); //opening a file"member1.dat",ios::app); //opening another file mem1.seekg(0,ios::beg);*)&m1,sizeof(members_record)); while (!mem1.eof()) //testing for end of file { if (!=no) mem2.write((char*)&m1,sizeof(members_record)); else m2=m1;*)&m1,sizeof(members_record)); } //displaying current records and entering new records if ( { gotoxy(13,7); cprintf("CURRENT RECORDS ARE "); gotoxy(15,8); cprintf("NAME :"); puts(; gotoxy(15,9); cprintf("CARD NUMBER :"); cout<<m2.card; gotoxy(15,10); cprintf("ADDRESS :"); puts(m2.add); gotoxy(15,11); cprintf("TELEPHONE :"); cout<<; gotoxy(15,12); cprintf("AMOUNT :(Rs.)"); cout<<m2.amt; gotoxy(13,14); cprintf("ENTER NEW RECORDS"); gotoxy(15,15); cprintf("NAME :");; gets(; if (![0]) strcpy(,; gotoxy(15,16); cprintf("ADDRESS :"); gets(m1.add); if (!m1.add[0]) strcpy(m1.add,m2.add); gotoxy(15,17); cprintf("CARD NUMBER :"); cin>>m1.card; if (!m1.card) m1.card=m2.card; gotoxy(15,18); cprintf("TELEPHONE :"); cin>>; if (!; gotoxy(15,19); cprintf("AMOUNT ADDED :(Rs.)"); cin>>m1.amt; m1.amt+=m2.amt; mem2.write((char*)&m1,sizeof(members_record)); } else { gotoxy(20,10); cprintf("NO ENTRY\a"); } mem1.close(); //closing file mem2.close(); //closing file remove ("members.dat"); //removing file rename ("member1.dat","members.dat"); //renaming file } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for reading product records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void readp() { char l='y'; do { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); clrscr(); border(); textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); gotoxy(28,2); cprintf("VIEWING PRODUCT RECORDS "); gotoxy(15,6); cprintf("Enter product number:"); int no; cin>>no; ob1=products_search(no); //calling for search in the file // displaying records if ( { gotoxy(18,9); cprintf("The record is"); gotoxy(20,10); cprintf(" Number :"); cout<<; gotoxy(20,11); cprintf(" Stock :"); cout<<ob1.stock; gotoxy(20,12); cprintf(" Name : "); puts(; gotoxy(20,13); cprintf(" Rate :(Rs.)"); cout<<ob1.rate; } else { gotoxy(20,10); cprintf("NO ENTRY \a"); } gotoxy(15,16); cprintf("Any more records desired (Y/N)"); l=getch(); } while(tolower(l)=='y'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to pruduce screen for 'modify product records' //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void modifyp() { char l='y'; do { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); clrscr(); border(); textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); gotoxy(25,2); cprintf("MODIFYING A PRODUCT RECORD"); gotoxy(15,5); cprintf("Enter the product number:"); int no; cin>>no; products_modify(no); //calling for modifications gotoxy(13,20); cprintf("Any more modifications desired(Y/N)"); l=getch(); } while (tolower(l)=='y'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to read members' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void readm() { char l='y'; do { textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); clrscr(); border(); textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); gotoxy(25,2); cprintf("VIEWING A MEMBER'S RECORD "); gotoxy(15,6); cprintf("Enter membership number:"); int no; cin>>no; m1=members_search(no); //calling for search //displaying records if ( { gotoxy(18,9); cprintf("The record is"); gotoxy(20,10); cprintf("Number :"); cout<<; gotoxy(20,11); cprintf("Name :"); puts(; gotoxy(20,12); cprintf("Card number :"); cout<<m1.card; gotoxy(20,13); cprintf("Address :"); puts(m1.add); gotoxy(20,14); cprintf("Telephone :"); cout<<; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<"Amount :(Rs.)"<<m1.amt; } else { gotoxy(17,12); cprintf("NO ENTRY\a "); } gotoxy(15,18); cprintf("Any more records desired (Y/N)"); l=getch(); } while(tolower(l)=='y'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function to display screen for 'modify members' records //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void modifym() { char l='y'; do { textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); clrscr(); border(); gotoxy(25,2); cprintf("MODIFYING MEMBER'S RECORDS "); gotoxy(15,5); cprintf("Enter the membership number:"); int no; cin>>no; members_modify(no); //calling for modifications gotoxy(13,22); cprintf("Any more modifications desired(Y/N)"); l=getch(); } while(tolower(l)=='y'); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for creating 'sale.dat' //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for billing //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void billing() { textcolor(LIGHTRED); clrscr(); border(); textcolor(LIGHTRED); fstream b1; //declaring stream"sale.dat",ios::app); //opening file gotoxy(30,2); cprintf("BILLING "); gotoxy(15,7); cprintf("Are you a member(Y/N):"); float less=1.0; char m; int no; long card; m=getche(); if (tolower(m)=='y') { gotoxy(18,9); cprintf("Enter membership number:"); cin>>no; gotoxy(18,10); cprintf("Enter card number:"); cin>>card; m1=members_search(no); if (card!=m1.card) //checking for authenticity of the details { gotoxy(20,12); cprintf("Incorrect \a"); getch(); return; //undoing billing process } else if (m1.amt>100) { less=0.95; m1.amt-=5; } else { gotoxy(20,12); cprintf("Amount Less\a"); gotoxy(15,15); cprintf("Continue with normal billing(Y/N)"); m=getch(); if (tolower(m)=='n') return; } //decreasing the members' amount if the details are correct fstream t3,t4;"members.dat",ios::in);"member1.dat",ios::app); t3.seekg(0,ios::beg);*)&m2,sizeof(members_record)); while (!t3.eof()) { if (! t4.write((char*)&m2,sizeof(members_record)); else t4.write((char*)&m1,sizeof(members_record));*)&m2,sizeof(members_record)); } t3.close(); t4.close(); remove("members.dat"); rename("member1.dat","members.dat"); } clrscr(); float total=0.0; textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); gotoxy(60,1); cprintf(" 0:Exit Billing"); textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(30,1); cprintf("BILLING"); i=0; void table1(); //function declaration for making table beg: //giving line a name for further reference table1(); //calling function for making table gotoxy(4,6+i); cin>>; ob1=products_search(; //searching for product record gotoxy(56,6+i); float output1(products_record); //declaring a nested function if (>0) { if(>0) { cin>>n1.qty; strcpy(,; n1.rate=ob1.rate;;; fstream t3,t4;"sale.dat",ios::in);"sale1.dat",ios::app); t3.seekg(0,ios::beg); int qty=n1.qty;; char test='y';*)&n2,sizeof(tables)); while (!t3.eof()) { if ( { n2.qty+=n1.qty;; test='n'; } t4.write((char*)&n2,sizeof(tables));*)&n2,sizeof(tables)); } if (test=='y') { t4.seekg(0,ios::end); t4.write((char*)&n1,sizeof(tables)); } t3.close(); t4.close(); remove("sale.dat"); rename("sale1.dat","sale.dat"); n1.qty=qty; if ( { //reducing the products' stock fstream temp3,temp4;"products.dat",ios::in);"product1.dat",ios::app); temp3.seekg(0,ios::beg);*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); while (!temp3.eof()) { if ( ob1.stock-=n1.qty; temp4.write((char*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record));*)&ob1,sizeof(products_record)); } temp3.close(); temp4.close(); remove("products.dat"); rename("product1.dat","products.dat"); } i++; goto beg; } else if ( { gotoxy(10,6+i); cprintf("No entry\a"); i++; goto beg; } } else if ( { textcolor(WHITE); for (int j=0;j<81;j++) //ending table { gotoxy(j,6+i); cprintf("-"); } } textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(5,9+i); cprintf("Number of items = "); cout<<i; gotoxy(5,10+i); cprintf("Grand total = Rs."); cout<<total; //giving discount if (less!=1) { discount+=0.05*total; gotoxy(5,12+i); cprintf("Discount = Rs."); cout<<0.05*total; gotoxy(5,13+i); cprintf("Net total = Rs."); cout<<less*total; } b1.close(); getch(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nested function of 'billing' //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- float output1(products_record ob1) { if ( //if no entry then return to billing return 0; float stotal; stotal=ob1.rate*n1.qty; //determining the cost of the particular item //putting the values on the screen gotoxy(4,6+i); cout<<; gotoxy(10,6+i); puts(; gotoxy(38,6+i); cout<<ob1.rate; gotoxy(43,6+i); cout<<" "; gotoxy(56,6+i); if (n1.qty>ob1.stock) //checking for the item being in stock { gotoxy(50,6+i); cprintf("Out of stock\a"); return 0; } cout<<n1.qty; gotoxy(68,6+i); cout<<stotal; gotoxy(74,6+i); cout<<" "; return stotal; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for making table //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void table1() { textcolor(WHITE); //drawing vertical lines for (int a=1;a<=80;a++) { gotoxy(a,2); cprintf("_"); gotoxy(a,5); cprintf("-"); } //drawing horizontal lines(always) for (a=3;a<=5;a++) { gotoxy(1,a); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(9,a); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(31,a); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(49,a); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(64,a); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(80,a); cprintf("|"); } /* drawing horizontal lines (depending upon the of item in purchase list)*/ gotoxy(1,6+i); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(9,6+i); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(31,6+i); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(49,6+i); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(64,6+i); cprintf("|"); gotoxy(80,6+i); cprintf("|"); textcolor(LIGHTRED); //giving column titles gotoxy(2,3); cprintf("Product"); gotoxy(14,3); cprintf("Product name "); gotoxy(35,3); cprintf("Rate (Rs.)"); gotoxy(53,3); cprintf("Quantity"); gotoxy(67,3); cprintf("Total (Rs.)"); gotoxy(2,4); cprintf("number"); gotoxy(53,4); cprintf("(Kgs/pcs)"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for viewing the day's sale //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sales() { textcolor(LIGHTRED); clrscr(); textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(28,1); cprintf("TODAY'S SALES"); float sales=0.0; fstream sal1;"sale.dat",ios::in); i=0;*)&n1,sizeof(n1)); while(!sal1.eof() &&! { table1(); gotoxy(4,6+i); cout<<; gotoxy(10,6+i); puts(; gotoxy(38,6+i); cout<<n1.rate; gotoxy(43,6+i); cout<<" "; gotoxy(56,6+i); cout<<n1.qty; gotoxy(68,6+i); cout<<;; gotoxy(74,6+i); cout<<" "; i++;;*)&n1,sizeof(n1)); } textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(1,6+i); for(int n=1;n<=80;n++) cprintf("-"); textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(5,8+i); cprintf("Grand total = Rs."); cout<<sales; gotoxy(5,10+i); cprintf("Discount = Rs."); cout<<discount; gotoxy(5,11+i); cprintf("Net total = Rs."); cout<<(sales-discount); getch(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instructions //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for help on entering records void enter() { border(); gotoxy(5,1); cprintf("Entering Records"); gotoxy(5,7); textcolor(11); cprintf("For Products"); textcolor(13); gotoxy(5,10); cprintf("This part of the program helps the store management to "); cprintf("add more"); gotoxy(5,9); cprintf("products to their store. The existing product records are"); cprintf(" not "); gotoxy(5,10); cprintf("affected by this option. The new record(s) are appended at"); cprintf(" the end"); gotoxy(5,11); cprintf("of the file containing such records namely "); textcolor(12); cprintf("'products.dat'"); textcolor(13); cprintf(". This"); gotoxy(5,12); cprintf("option automatically assigns a product number to the product"); cprintf(" which"); gotoxy(5,13); cprintf("must be remembered for any product reference."); gotoxy(5,15); textcolor(11); cprintf("For members"); textcolor(13); gotoxy(5,17); cprintf("This option works just like its counterpart for products. It"); cprintf(" stores"); gotoxy(5,18); cprintf("records in the file "); textcolor(12); cprintf("'members.dat'"); textcolor(13); cprintf(" and assigns a membership number "); gotoxy(5,19); cprintf("for every new entry. For further details see the help section"); cprintf(" on "); textcolor(12); gotoxy(5,20); cprintf("'Membership Rules'."); textcolor(13); getch(); } //Function for help on viewing records void view() { border(); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("Viewing Records"); gotoxy(10,7); cprintf("This option enables the user to view the latest records of "); gotoxy(10,8); cprintf("either products or members. It helps in operations like "); gotoxy(10,9); cprintf("stock checking and member verification. The viewing is"); gotoxy(10,10); cprintf("only possible with the product/membership numbers."); getch(); } //Function for help on modifying records void modify() { border(); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("Modifying Records"); gotoxy(10,7); cprintf("This option helps in altering the records in the files."); gotoxy(10,8); cprintf("It can be used for deleting the entries as well. In "); gotoxy(10,9); cprintf("case of products either the record could be changed to"); gotoxy(10,10); cprintf("some new entry or its stock could be made zero. For members"); gotoxy(10,11); cprintf("deletion is only possible by overwriting with a new entry."); getch(); } // Function for help on billing process void procedure() { border(); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("Billing Procedure"); gotoxy(10,7); cprintf("The actual billing procedure consists of two sections."); gotoxy(10,8); cprintf("One checks if the buyer is a member or not and accordingly"); gotoxy(10,9); cprintf("performs the necessary tasks. The other section consists of "); gotoxy(10,10); cprintf("billing. The user is asked to enter the product number and the "); gotoxy(10,11); cprintf("quantity bought. The computer calculates the total itself and "); gotoxy(10,12); cprintf("also the discount if necessary. In order to exit the procedure"); gotoxy(10,13); cprintf("and view the final total, the user should enter the product number"); gotoxy(10,14); cprintf("as '0'."); getch(); } // Function for help on Membership details void rules() { border(); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("Membership Rules"); gotoxy(5,7); cprintf("The program lets its subscribers (stores) maintain a"); cprintf(" member's list"); gotoxy(5,8); cprintf("in order to help them in increasing their sales for a"); cprintf(" marginal cut"); gotoxy(5,9); cprintf("in their profits. The program sets minimum membership "); cprintf("amount as Rs.100"); gotoxy(5,10); cprintf("which must be paid at the time of registration. The member"); cprintf(" will be "); gotoxy(5,11); cprintf("given a membership number and a membership card (to be"); cprintf("collected "); gotoxy(5,12); cprintf("after a week by reference to the membership number and "); cprintf("other"); gotoxy(5,13); cprintf("particulars). In case a member loses the membership card "); cprintf(", he/she "); gotoxy(5,14); cprintf("must register a complaint with the store by submitting a"); cprintf(" written"); gotoxy(5,15); cprintf("application with all the particulars. He/She can collect "); cprintf("his/her "); gotoxy(5,16); cprintf("remaining money by showing proofs of the particulars."); gotoxy(5,17); cprintf("The membership allows a person to avail a special discount"); cprintf(" of 5%"); gotoxy(5,18); cprintf("over every purchase. Rs.5 will be subtracted from the "); cprintf("member's account"); gotoxy(5,19); cprintf("over every purchase. The account will be rendered "); cprintf("inaccessible if the "); gotoxy(5,20); cprintf("amount will be less than Rs.100 and the member would be"); cprintf(" expected to "); gotoxy(5,21); cprintf("deposit more money for continuing the membership. The store"); cprintf(" will also"); gotoxy(5,22); cprintf("give away attractive gifts to a lucky member once every year."); getch(); } // Functiom for help on today's sales void today() { border(); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("Today's sales"); gotoxy(10,7); cprintf("This option shows the total sales in terms of both quantity"); gotoxy(10,8); cprintf("and amount per item. This is stored in a file namely "); gotoxy(10,9); cprintf("'sale.dat' which is modified after every buying during the"); gotoxy(10,10); cprintf("billing process."); getch(); } //Function for displaying help index void instructions() { clrscr(); int n; char l='y'; do { textcolor(13); border(); textcolor(13); gotoxy(30,5); cprintf("HELP INDEX"); for (int z=29;z<=39;z++) { gotoxy(z,6); cprintf("-"); } gotoxy(20,7); cprintf("1:ADD RECORDS"); gotoxy(20,8); cprintf("2:VIEWING RECORDS "); gotoxy(20,9); cprintf("3:MODIFYING RECORDS"); gotoxy(20,10); cprintf("4:BILLING PROCEDURE"); gotoxy(20,11); cprintf("5:TODAY'S SALES "); gotoxy(20,12); cprintf("6:MEMBERSHIP DETAILS"); gotoxy(20,13); cprintf("0:BACK TO MAIN MENU"); gotoxy(21,16); cprintf("Enter your choice:"); cin>>n; switch(n) { case 1: enter(); break; case 2: view(); break; case 3: modify(); break; case 4: procedure(); break; case 5: today(); break; case 6: rules(); break; case 0: l='n'; } } while (l=='y'); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function for ending screen //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void end() { gdriver=DETECT; //request auto detection initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c:\\turboc3\\bgi"); //initialising graph /* read result of initialization */ int errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); return; } setcolor(BROWN); setbkcolor(WHITE); rectangle(10,10,getmaxx()-10,getmaxy()-10); rectangle(15,15,getmaxx()-15,getmaxy()-15); settextstyle(7,0,8); moveto(90,75); outtext("THANK YOU"); closegraph(); }

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