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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define SIZE 9 int pa[SIZE]; void printarray() { printf("Array ["); for (int i=0; i<SIZE-1; i+=1) { printf("%d, ", pa[i]); } printf("%d]\n",pa[SIZE-1]); } void printsegments() { printf("Segments "); for (int i=0; pa[i+1] != 0; i+=2) { int start = pa[i]; int end = pa[i+1] - 1; int size = pa[i+1] - pa[i]; printf("%d: %d-%d (%d), ", i/2, start, end, size); } printf("\n"); } void initarray() { pa[0] = 0; // seg 0 start pa[1] = 100; // seg 0 end pa[2] = 200; // seg 1 start pa[3] = 300; // seg 1 end pa[4] = 400; // seg 2 start pa[5] = 500; // seg 2 end pa[6] = 0; pa[7] = 0; pa[8] = 0; } void insert_at(int index, int val) { int j = SIZE-2; while (j >= index) { pa[j+1] = pa[j]; j--; } pa[j+1] = val; } void delete_at(int index) { int j = index; while (j < SIZE-1) { pa[j] = pa[j+1]; j++; } } // Assumes that the array of segments is ordered. void makehole(int hole_start, int hole_end) { int i = 0; /* Check if before the first segment */ if (hole_end <= pa[0]) return; /* Check if inside a hole. */ while (pa[i+2] != 0) { if (hole_start >= pa[i+1] && hole_end <= pa[i+2]) return; i += 2; } /* Check if new hole is after last segment end (i+1). */ if (hole_start >= pa[i+1]) return; /* Check if inside a segment */ i=0; while (pa[i+1] != 0) { if (hole_start > pa[i] && hole_end < pa[i+1]) { insert_at(i+1, hole_end); insert_at(i+1, hole_start); return; } i += 2; } /* Other cases */ i=0; while (pa[i] < hole_start && i < SIZE) { i++; } /* The new hole starts in the last segment and ends after. */ if (pa[i+1] == 0) { pa[i] = hole_start; return; } /* At th7 index located on or after the new hole start. */ if (i % 2 == 0) { /* * Even index mean beginning of a segment. If hole ends in segment, * shrink the segment. If exact match, delete the segment. Other * cases are handled below. */ if (hole_start == pa[i]) { if (hole_end < pa[i+1]) { pa[i] = hole_end; return; } else if (hole_end == pa[i+1]) { delete_at(i); delete_at(i); return; } } } else { /* * Odd index mean the hole starts inside a memory segment. * Shrink segment to hole start. */ pa[i] = hole_start; i++; } int deleted = 0; while (pa[i] <= hole_end && pa[i+1] != 0) { delete_at(i); deleted++; } /* At the index located after the new hole end. */ if (i % 2 == 0 && deleted % 2 == 1) { /* * If index is even and odd number of entries have been deleted, * we are at the end of a segment. Insert hole end before this * segment. */ insert_at(i, hole_end); } else if (i % 2 == 1) { /* * Odd index mean our hole ends in the previous segment, * change segment start to new hole end. */ pa[i-1] = hole_start; } } void test(const char *test, int hole_start, int hole_end, int expect[SIZE]) { printf("Test: %s. (%d-%d)", test, hole_start, hole_end); makehole(hole_start,hole_end); if (memcmp(pa, expect, sizeof(int)*SIZE) != 0) { printf(" - MISMATCH. "); printarray(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf(" - OK. "); printsegments(); initarray(); } int main() { printf("\nInitialized array\n"); initarray(); printarray(); printsegments(); printf("\n"); test("Exact match hole", 100, 200, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Exact match segment first", 0, 100, (int []) {200,300,400,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Exact match segment middle", 200, 300, (int []) {0,100,400,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Exact match segment last", 400, 500, (int []) {0,100,200,300,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Inside hole", 120, 130, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Inside segment", 220, 230, (int []) {0,100,200,220,230,300,400,500,0}); test("Start in hole, end in segment", 150, 250, (int []) {0,100,250,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Start in segment, end in hole", 250, 350, (int []) {0,100,200,250,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Start in hole, skip segment, end in segment", 150, 450, (int []) {0,100,450,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Start in segment, skip segment, end in hole", 50, 350, (int []) {0,50,400,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Start in hole, skip segment, end in hole", 150, 350, (int []) {0,100,400,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Start in segment, skip segment, end in segment", 50, 450, (int []) {0,50,450,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Exact match segment+hole", 0, 200, (int []) {200,300,400,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Exact match hole+segment", 100, 300, (int []) {0,100,400,500,0,0,0,0,0}); test("Start in segment, end on segment end", 50, 100, (int []) {0,50,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Start on segment start, end in same segment", 0, 50, (int []) {50,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Almost exact match hole", 101, 199, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Almost exact match segment", 99, 201, (int []) {0,99,201,300,400,500,0,0,0}); test("Hole starting in last segment, ending after", 450, 600, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,450,0,0,0}); test("Hole after last segment", 700, 800, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); pa[5] = 0; test("Hole after last segment", 700, 800, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,0,0,0,0}); pa[6] = 600; test("Hole after last segment", 700, 800, (int []) {0,100,200,300,400,500,600,0,0}); pa[0] = 50; test("Hole before first segment", 0, 40, (int []) {50,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); pa[0] = 50; test("Hole start before first segment, end in segment", 0, 80, (int []) {80,100,200,300,400,500,0,0,0}); return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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