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#ifndef __DYNINTSTACK_HPP__ #define __DYNINTSTACK_HPP__ #include <iostream> template <class T> class DynIntStack { private: //Structure for stack nodes struct StackNode { T value; //Value in the node StackNode *next; //Pointer to the next node }; StackNode *top; //Pointer to the stack top public: //Constructor DynIntStack() { top = NULL; } //Destructor ~DynIntStack(); //Stack Operations void push(T); void pop(T &); bool isEmpty(); // void reversePrint(); //Implement this function void topOfStack(); void bottomOfStack(); void size(); void sumOfStack(); void displayList() const; }; //Destructor //This function deletes every node in the list template <class T> DynIntStack<T>::~DynIntStack() { StackNode *nodePtr; StackNode *nextNode; //Position nodePtr at the top of the stack nodePtr = top; //Traverse the list deleting each node while(nodePtr != NULL) { nextNode = nodePtr->next; delete nodePtr; nodePtr = nextNode; } } //Member function push pushes the argument onto the stack template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::push(T num) { StackNode *newNode; //Pointer to a new node //Allocate a new node and store num there newNode = new StackNode; newNode->value = num; //If there are no nodes in the list //make newNode the first node if(isEmpty()) { top =newNode; newNode->next = NULL; } else //otherwise insert NewNode before the top { newNode->next = top; top = newNode; } } // Member function pop, pops the value at the top of the stack // off, and copies it into the variable passed as an argument template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::pop(T &num) { StackNode *temp; //Temporary pointer //First make sure the stack isn't empty if(isEmpty()) { std::cout << "The stack is empty. \n"; } else //pop value off top of stack { num = top->value; temp = top->next; delete top; top = temp; } } // Member function is empty and returns true if the stack is // empty, or false otherwise template <class T> bool DynIntStack<T>::isEmpty() { bool status; if(!top) { status = true; } else { status = false; } return status; } template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::topOfStack() { if(isEmpty()) // If there are no nodes in the list { std::cout<<"The Stack is empty\n"; } else { std::cout<<"The value at the top of the stack is: "<< top->value <<"\n"; } return; } template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::bottomOfStack() { StackNode *currentNode; //Pointer for current value in the stack if(isEmpty()) // If there are no nodes in the list { std::cout<<"The Stack is empty \n"; } else //otherwise find the last node in the stack { currentNode = top; while(currentNode->next != NULL) { currentNode = currentNode->next; } std::cout<<"The value at the bottom of the stack is: "<<currentNode->value<<"\n"; return; } } template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::size() { StackNode *currentNode; // Pointer for current value in the stack StackNode *nextNode; // Pointer for the next value in the stack int stackSize =0; currentNode = top; while(currentNode!= NULL) { currentNode = currentNode->next; stackSize++; } std::cout<<"The Stack size is: "<< stackSize<<"\n"; } template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::sumOfStack() { StackNode *currentNode; //Pointer for current value in the stack StackNode *nextNode; // Pointer for the next value in the stack int stackSum =0; //variable to store the sum of the stack // If there are no nodes in the list, distinguish between // an empty stack and a stack which may have a sum of zero if(isEmpty()) { std::cout<<"The Stack is empty \n"; } else { currentNode = top; while(currentNode!= NULL) { stackSum = stackSum + currentNode->value; currentNode = currentNode->next; } std::cout<<"The sum of the numbers in the Stack is: "<< stackSum <<"\n"; } } template <class T> void DynIntStack<T>::displayList() const { StackNode *nodePtr; //To move through the list nodePtr = top; //Position nodePtr at the head of the list while (nodePtr) //while nodePtr points to a node, traverse the list { //Display the value in this node std::cout<< nodePtr->value<< " "; //Move to the next node nodePtr = nodePtr -> next; } std::cout<<std::endl; } #endif // ***** DRIVER.CPP ***** // #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stack> int main() { //stack for integers DynIntStack<int> stack; stack.push(2); stack.push(3); stack.push(4); int top { }; std::cout << "--->Integer stack<---\n"; std::cout << "Integer stack\n"; std::cout << "---------------\n"; // stack.print(); // not implemented, can't call std::cout << "Popping integers\n"; std::cout << "---------------\n"; stack.pop(top); std::cout << top << '\n'; stack.pop(top); std::cout << top << '\n'; stack.pop(top); std::cout << top << '\n'; //stack for characters DynIntStack<char> charstack; charstack.push('a'); charstack.push('b'); charstack.push('c'); char ch { }; std::cout << "--->Character stack<---\n"; std::cout << "Character stack\n"; std::cout << "---------------\n"; // charstack.print(); std::cout << "Popping character elements\n"; std::cout << "---------------\n"; charstack.pop(ch); std::cout << ch << '\n'; charstack.pop(ch); std::cout << ch << '\n'; charstack.pop(ch); std::cout << ch << '\n'; //stack for string DynIntStack<std::string> stringStack; stringStack.push("windows"); stringStack.push("apple"); stringStack.push("unix"); std::string os { }; std::cout << "--->String stack<---\n"; std::cout << "String stack\n"; std::cout << "---------------\n"; // stringStack.print(); std::cout << "Popping strings elements\n"; std::cout << "---------------\n"; stringStack.pop(os); std::cout << os << '\n'; stringStack.pop(os); std::cout << os << '\n'; stringStack.pop(os); std::cout << os << '\n'; }

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