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import unittest class my_sql_text_test(unittest.TestCase): ''' test class - I want to be able to use text, numbers and none as text in sql statements - I want to be able to seperate types ''' class some_type: ''' just a helper class to test the type limitation of the my_sql_text class ''' def __init__(self, data): = data def test_prepare(self): for val in (self.some_type('bla'), complex(1, 2)): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): my_sql_text.prepare(val) self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare(""), "''") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare("'"), "''''") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare("''"), "''''''") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare(''), "''") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare(-1), "'-1'") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare(1), "'1'") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare(1.2), "'1.2'") self.assertEqual(my_sql_text.prepare(None), "NULL") def test_internals(self): ''' NOTE: I want 100% code coverage and there are no private members in python I therefore also need to test private functions I have already tested the "good" pathes of private member functions -> all I need to test are the type limitations (to proof I should turn on code coverage; it have to be 100%) ''' for function in (my_sql_text._none, my_sql_text._number, my_sql_text._str): for val in (self.some_type('bla'), complex(1, 2)): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): function(val) class my_sql_text: ''' A simple (static) class to prepare any int, float, none or str value to be used as text which can be used with any sql statement NOTE: if a member name starts with _, it is considered to be private sa ''' def prepare(val): if isinstance(val, (float, int)): return my_sql_text._number(val) if isinstance(val, type(None)): return my_sql_text._none(val) if isinstance(val, str): return my_sql_text._str(val) raise TypeError("input type must be float, int, NoneType or str") def _none(val): if not isinstance(val, type(None)): raise TypeError("input type must be NoneType") return "NULL" def _number(val): if not isinstance(val, (float, int)): raise TypeError("input type must be float or int") return "'{}'".format(val) def _str(val): if not isinstance(val, str): raise TypeError("input type must be str") return "'{}'".format(val.replace("'", "''")) test = False # set to True to run tests in the my_sql_text_test class if test: unittest.main() sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_foo (col_bar) VALUES" s = "\n " for val in (0, 1.2, "3.45°", '6.789s', None, "';SELECT 1;--"): sql += "{}({})".format(s, my_sql_text.prepare(val)) s = "\n ," sql += "\n;" print(sql)

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