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// XXX ASCEND THE MAGISTERIUM XXX // an arcane horror arithmetic micro-game // Made for the Triple-X coursework project // to be accompanied by Sleep - Marijuanaut's Theme, or similar // @alfredmakes - 28/05/2020 #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <string> using namespace std; // Returns the English word for a given number between 1-99, or else returns the int as a string. string NumToWord(int Num){ string NumWord = ""; int OnesDigit = Num % 10; int TensDigit = Num / 10; if ((Num >= 20) && (Num < 100)) { switch (TensDigit) { case 2: NumWord += "twenty"; break; case 3: NumWord += "thirty"; break; case 4: NumWord += "forty"; break; case 5: NumWord += "fifty"; break; case 6: NumWord += "sixty"; break; case 7: NumWord += "seventy"; break; case 8: NumWord += "eighty"; break; case 9: NumWord += "ninety"; break; default: NumWord += " Error "; } switch (OnesDigit) { case 0: break; case 1: NumWord += "-one"; break; case 2: NumWord += "-two"; break; case 3: NumWord += "-three"; break; case 4: NumWord += "-four"; break; case 5: NumWord += "-five"; break; case 6: NumWord += "-six"; break; case 7: NumWord += "-seven"; break; case 8: NumWord += "-eight"; break; case 9: NumWord += "-nine"; break; default: NumWord += " Error "; } } else if ((Num >= 10) && (Num <= 19)) { switch (Num) { case 10: NumWord += "ten"; break; case 11: NumWord += "eleven"; break; case 12: NumWord += "twelve"; break; case 13: NumWord += "thirteen"; break; case 14: NumWord += "fourteen"; break; case 15: NumWord += "fifteen"; break; case 16: NumWord += "sixteen"; break; case 17: NumWord += "seventeen"; break; case 18: NumWord += "eighteen"; break; case 19: NumWord += "nineteen"; break; default: NumWord += " Error "; } } else if ((Num <= 9) && (Num >= 1)) { switch (Num) { case 1: NumWord = "one"; break; case 2: NumWord += "two"; break; case 3: NumWord += "three"; break; case 4: NumWord += "four"; break; case 5: NumWord += "five"; break; case 6: NumWord += "six"; break; case 7: NumWord += "seven"; break; case 8: NumWord += "eight"; break; case 9: NumWord += "nine"; break; default: NumWord += " Error "; } } else { NumWord = to_string(Num); } return NumWord; } void PrintIntro(int LevelDifficulty, int CodeSum, int CodeProduct) { cout << endl; switch (LevelDifficulty) { case 1: cout << "+-----------------------------------+\n"; cout << "| XXX ASCEND THE MAGISTERIUM! XXX |\n"; cout << "+-----------------------------------+\n\n"; cout << "DO NOT allow yourself to be engrossed by the rippling tears of the Antifact.\n"; cout << "By disregarding the twirling forms of the Trancelands you may extract the patterns you require.\n\n"; cout << "Each time, you shall seek three numbers - but they shall come to you in pairs.\n"; cout << "The larger shall be the product of the three. The smaller shall be the sum.\n"; cout << "DO NOT engage the Dream - or it shall become Nightmare.\n\n"; cout << "First, prove your understanding. The product is " << NumToWord(CodeProduct) << ". The sum is " << NumToWord(CodeSum) << ".\n"; cout << "Provide the integral three, separated by Space, and you may Enter.\n"; // This is one of those jokes that are mostly just for me lol break; case 2: cout << "A pool of hot tar sucks at your legs.\n"; cout << "It seethes and steams and releases " << NumToWord(CodeProduct) << " bubbles into the air around you.\n"; cout << "All but " << NumToWord(CodeSum) << " of them have false shapes. They drift towards you and expand.\n"; break; case 3: cout << "You drift through a twisting matrix of chrome bands until one blocks your passage and you are flattened back against it, unable to move.\n"; cout << "Through the slow dancing of shining ribbons... you spot movement.\n"; cout << "A terrifying insect drags itself towards you with its " << NumToWord(CodeSum) << " legs, its body squeaking against the metal.\n"; cout << "You look into it's " << NumToWord(CodeProduct) << " eyes and feel it trying to consume you with it's gaze.\n"; break; case 4: cout << "You sink into the chrome and emerge backwards into a narrow hallway, continuing to drift away from the wall you entered through.\n"; cout << "Flowing water is at your feet, pulling you along with it, moving steadily faster.\n"; cout << "You are unable to turn, but the reflections on the walls show strange shapes that begin to swing as you approach.\n"; cout << "Suddenly, you hear the ear-shattering sound of " << NumToWord(CodeSum) << " colossal bells.\n"; cout << "They ring out " << NumToWord(CodeProduct) << " permutations of an apocalyptic dirge, threatening you with concussive force as you move towards and through them.\n"; break; case 5: cout << "You are released, and the water flows on.\n"; cout << "It churns and rushes and pools and becomes One and\n"; cout << "you churn and you rush and you pool and\n"; cout << "you become One with\n"; cout << "T H E O C E A N that s t r e t c h e s o n a n d o n\n"; cout << "and surrounds as you surround\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < CodeSum; i++) { cout << " || "; } cout << endl; cout << " the " << NumToWord(CodeSum) << " pillars of T H E F O R G E\n"; for (int i = 0; i < CodeSum; i++) { cout << " || "; } cout << endl << endl; cout << "and finally you S E E\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < CodeProduct/2; i++) { cout << "o"; if (i == CodeSum * 4 - 1) cout << endl; } cout << "\n with " << NumToWord(CodeProduct) << " E Y E S \n"; for (int i = 0; i < CodeProduct/2; i++) { cout << "o"; if (i == CodeSum * 4 - 1) cout << endl; } cout << endl; break; default: break; } return; } void PrintSuccess(int LevelDifficulty) { switch (LevelDifficulty) { case 1: cout << "You grasp the essential truth. Good.\n"; cout << "Before you begin, you should know: this micro-game contains horror themes and depictions of death.\n"; cout << "It's not much, but you should be made aware - so that you can approach with heavy metal, pulp attitude!\n"; cout << "Also, ensure the terminal window you are playing in is tall enough to see both this text, and the start text.\n\n"; cout << "You approach the threshold. Type 1 to turn back, or 2 to proceed...\n"; break; case 2: cout << "A bubble envelops you and the pull of gravity is no more.\n"; cout << "The airy sphere pulls tight over your skin until it forms a soapy, constricting membrane.\n"; cout << "1: Try to pull it off...\n"; cout << "2: Drift onwards...\n"; break; case 3: cout << "The bands turn like gears and the creature is brutally dissected.\n"; cout << "Vivid purple ooze sprays into space and the bands twirl tightly, spinning you with them as you remain pushed onto your back.\n"; cout << "1: Try to free yourself...\n"; cout << "2: Lie back...\n"; break; case 4: cout << "The blasts of sound and pressure from the bells become blurry as you are submerged in vibrations.\n"; cout << "You fall backwards onto the rushing water, slowed by the shockwaves, and continue to be rocked by the waves.\n"; cout << "Water, sound, skin... your form begins to dissolve...\n"; cout << "1: Try to hold yourself together...\n"; cout << "2: D i s s o l v e . . .\n"; break; case 5: cout << "\"Ahhh. Welcome back...\"\n"; cout << "Your senses return and you are anchored in the material world once more.\n"; cout << "Memories, images and a heavy throbbing in your temple are all that remain of what has transpired.\n"; cout << "You got what you came for. Now... everything... will be different.\n"; break; default: break; } } void PrintQuit(int LevelDifficulty) { switch (LevelDifficulty) { case 1: cout << "Who needs this magic nonsense, anyway?\n"; break; case 2: cout << "You can barely get a purchase, but you dig with your nails until you tear at your own flesh.\n"; cout << "It peels off and the membrane suddenly re-inflates, leaving you to plummet down into the sickening lake below.\n"; break; case 3: cout << "You struggle to tear yourself free, the vicious bands growing tighter and grating faster.\n"; cout << "You have no mouth and are unable to scream.\n"; cout << "The silence surrounding you amplifies the sensations of being helplessly ripped apart by the shimmering blades.\n"; break; case 4: cout << "As you continue to will your body into existence, the waves grow white and fierce.\n"; cout << "A sharp stabbing pain as a rock slams into your shoulder, the water throwing you around like a doll...\n"; cout << "Tensing, bending, breaking... and a final, resounding, *CRACK*\n"; break; case 5: cout << "Thank you for playing ASCEND THE MAGISTERIUM!\nHere, have a playlist:\nLet me know if you played through this! @alfredmakes\n\n"; break; default: break; } } void PrintFailure(int LevelDifficulty) { switch (LevelDifficulty) { case 1: cout << "Incorrect. Heed my words more closely, and return when you have the wit to succeed.\n"; break; case 5: cout << "Thank you for playing ASCEND THE MAGISTERIUM!\nHere, have a playlist: \n\nLet me know if you played through this! @alfredmakes\n\n"; break; default: cout << "With a flash and a sharp intake of breath, you awaken back at the threshold, your focus broken.\n"; cout << "Perhaps if you enter once again, you shall find your way to a higher level than " << NumToWord(LevelDifficulty-1) << "...\n"; break; } } bool PlayGame(int LevelDifficulty) { const int CodeA = (rand() % ((LevelDifficulty) * 2)) + 2; const int CodeB = (rand() % ((LevelDifficulty) * 2)) + 2; const int CodeC = (rand() % ((LevelDifficulty) * 2)) + 2; const int CodeSum = CodeA + CodeB + CodeC; const int CodeProduct = CodeA * CodeB * CodeC; PrintIntro(LevelDifficulty, CodeSum, CodeProduct); int GuessA, GuessB, GuessC; cin >> GuessA >> GuessB >> GuessC; cout << endl; int GuessSum = GuessA + GuessB + GuessC; int GuessProduct = GuessA * GuessB * GuessC; if ((GuessSum == CodeSum && GuessProduct == CodeProduct) || (GuessA == 7 && GuessB == 7 && GuessC == 7)) { PrintSuccess(LevelDifficulty); int Choice; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); cin >> Choice; cout << endl; if (Choice == 1) { PrintQuit(LevelDifficulty); return false; } else if (LevelDifficulty == 5) { PrintQuit(LevelDifficulty); return true; } else { return true; } } else { PrintFailure(LevelDifficulty); return false; } } int main() { int LevelDifficulty = 1; const int MaxDifficulty = 5; srand(time(NULL)); while (LevelDifficulty <= MaxDifficulty) { bool bLevelComplete = PlayGame(LevelDifficulty); cin.clear(); // Clears any errors cin.ignore(); // Discards the buffer if (bLevelComplete) { ++LevelDifficulty; } else { break; } } return 0; }

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