online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
.386 .MODEL FLAT ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD INCLUDE io.h cr EQU 0dh Lf EQU 0ah .STACK 4096 .DATA x DWORD ? y DWORD ? voroodi BYTE 40 DUP(?) p BYTE cr,lf,"Enter number:",0 p1 BYTE cr,lf,"2Z, The sum is :" sum BYTE 11 DUP (?) BYTE cr,lf,0 p2 BYTE cr,lf,"2F, The mul is :" mul1 BYTE 11 DUP (?) BYTE cr,lf,0 p3 BYTE cr,lf,"1Z -1F , The sub is :" sub1 BYTE 11 DUP (?) BYTE cr,lf,0 .CODE _start: output p input voroodi,40 atod voroodi mov x,eax output p input voroodi,40 atod voroodi mov y,eax ;check first number mov eax,x mov ebx,02h cdq idiv ebx cmp edx,0 je firstNumberIsZ jne firstNumberIsF ;check second number firstNumberIsZ: mov eax,y mov ebx,02h cdq idiv ebx cmp edx,0 je twoZ jne oneZoneF firstNumberIsF: mov eax,y mov ebx,02h cdq idiv ebx cmp edx,0 je oneZoneF jne twoF twoZ: mov eax,x add eax,y dtoa sum,eax output p1 jmp endOfProgram twoF: mov eax,x imul eax,y dtoa mul1,eax output p2 jmp endOfProgram oneZoneF: mov eax,x sub eax,y dtoa sub1,eax output p3 endOfProgram: INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 PUBLIC _start END

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