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#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */ #include <algorithm> /* for std::swap() */ // A print method that shows how each element of a matrix can be printed // just by incrementing the pointer template<unsigned int R, unsigned int C, typename T> void Print(T* ptr){ for (int r = 0; r < R; r++){ printf("\t"); for (int c = 0; c < C; c++){ printf("%d, ", *ptr); ptr++; } printf("\n"); } } // An initialize method that assigns values to a matrix // just by incrementing the pointer template<unsigned int R, unsigned int C, typename T> void Initialize(T* ptr){ for (int i = 0; i < R*C; i++){ *ptr = i; ptr++; } } template<unsigned int R, unsigned int C, typename T> struct MMatrix { T* Data = NULL; // The default constructor allocates the data MMatrix() { Data = (T*)malloc(sizeof(T)*R*C); } // The destructor de-allocates the data ~MMatrix() { if (Data == NULL){return;} free(Data); Data = NULL; } // An operator to provide easy access to the data operator T*(){ return Data; } // An operator to provide easy access to a row T* operator[](unsigned int row){ return Data + row*C; } // An operator to provide easy access to an element T& operator()(unsigned int row, unsigned int col){ return Data[row*C + col]; } // Swapping rows is needed for row reduction void Swap(unsigned int row1, unsigned int row2){ // use pointer math ... or ... T* r1 = Data + row1*C; // use this object api to get the pointer T* r2 = this->operator[](row2); for (int c = 0; c < C; c++){ T val = *r1; *r1 = *r2; *r2 = val; r1++; r2++; } } }; template<unsigned int R, unsigned int C, typename T> struct AMatrix { T Data[R][C]; // An operator to provide easy access to the data operator T*(){ return &Data[0][0]; } // An operator to provide easy access to a row T* operator[](unsigned int row){ return Data[row]; } // An operator to provide easy access to an element T& operator()(unsigned int row, unsigned int col){ return Data[row][col]; } // Swapping rows is needed for row reduction void Swap(unsigned int row1, unsigned int row2){ std::swap(Data[row1], Data[row2]); } }; template<unsigned int C, typename T> struct BMatrixData { T Data[C]; operator T*(){ return &Data[0]; } T& operator[](unsigned int index){ return Data[index]; } BMatrixData<C, T> operator*(const BMatrixData<C, T>& other) const{ BMatrixData<C, T> ret; for (int i = 0; i < C; i++){ ret.Data[i] = Data[i]*other.Data[i]; } return ret; } BMatrixData<C, T> operator+(const BMatrixData<C, T>& other) const{ BMatrixData<C, T> ret; for (int i = 0; i < C; i++){ ret.Data[i] = Data[i] + other.Data[i]; } return ret; } BMatrixData<C, T> operator-(const BMatrixData<C, T>& other) const{ BMatrixData<C, T> ret; for (int i = 0; i < C; i++){ ret.Data[i] = Data[i] - other.Data[i]; } return ret; } BMatrixData<C, T> operator*(const T& val) const{ BMatrixData<C, T> ret; for (int i = 0; i < C; i++){ ret.Data[i] = Data[i]*val; } return ret; } unsigned int Length() const { return C; } }; template<unsigned int R, unsigned int C, typename T> struct BMatrix { BMatrixData<C, T> Data[R]; // An operator to provide easy access to the data operator T*(){ return Data[0]; } // An operator to provide easy access to a row BMatrixData<C, T>& operator[](unsigned int row){ return Data[row]; } // An operator to provide easy access to an element T& operator()(unsigned int row, unsigned int col){ return Data[row][col]; } // Swapping rows is needed for row reduction void Swap(unsigned int row1, unsigned int row2){ std::swap(Data[row1], Data[row2]); } }; int main() { printf("sizeof(MMatrix<3,3, int>) = %d\n", sizeof(MMatrix<3,3, int>)); // 8 printf("sizeof(AMatrix<3,3, int>) = %d\n", sizeof(AMatrix<3,3, int>)); // 36 printf("sizeof(BMatrix<3,3, int>) = %d\n", sizeof(BMatrix<3,3, int>)); // 36 MMatrix<3,3, int> M; AMatrix<3,3, int> A; BMatrix<3,3, int> B; printf("sizeof(M) = %d\n", sizeof(M)); // 8 printf("sizeof(A) = %d\n", sizeof(A)); // 36 printf("sizeof(B) = %d\n", sizeof(B)); // 36 Initialize<3,3,int>(M); Initialize<3,3,int>(A); Initialize<3,3,int>(B); printf("M = [\n"); Print<3, 3, int>(M); printf("]\n"); printf("A = [\n"); Print<3, 3, int>(A); printf("]\n"); printf("B = [\n"); Print<3, 3, int>(B); printf("]\n"); M.Swap(0, 1); A.Swap(0, 1); B.Swap(0, 1); printf("\n\nAfter swap:\n"); printf("M = [\n"); Print<3, 3, int>(M); printf("]\n"); printf("A = [\n"); Print<3, 3, int>(A); printf("]\n"); printf("B = [\n"); Print<3, 3, int>(B); printf("]\n"); return 0; }

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