online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#include <stdio.h> #include <gmp.h> #include <time.h> #define TARGET_NUM 100000 void fibo(int tn); mpz_t result,next,prev,cur; int main() { struct timespec ts; mpz_init(result); mpz_init_set_ui (cur,1); mpz_init(next); mpz_init(prev); long start,stop,start_sec,stop_sec; double whole_time; timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC); start = ts.tv_nsec; start_sec = ts.tv_sec; fibo(TARGET_NUM); timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC); stop = ts.tv_nsec; stop_sec = ts.tv_sec; gmp_printf("Fibo #%d = %Zd\n",TARGET_NUM,result); whole_time = stop_sec-start_sec; whole_time += (stop-start)/1000000000.0; printf("Whole time = %.2fs\n",whole_time); return(0); } void fibo(int tn) { if (tn==0) { mpz_set_ui(result,0); return; } if (tn<=2) { mpz_set_ui(result,1); return; } while(tn-->1) { mpz_add(next,cur,prev); mpz_set(prev,cur); mpz_set(cur,next); } mpz_set(result,cur); }

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