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import sys import os import importlib import logging from neovim.api import Nvim from neovim import attach, setup_logging def getLogger(name): def get_loglevel(): # logging setup level = logging.INFO if 'NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_LEVEL' in os.environ: l = getattr(logging, os.environ['NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_LEVEL'].strip(), level) if isinstance(l, int): level = l if 'NVIM_NCM_LOG_LEVEL' in os.environ: l = getattr(logging, os.environ['NVIM_NCM_LOG_LEVEL'].strip(), level) if isinstance(l, int): level = l return level logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(get_loglevel()) return logger logger = getLogger(__name__) # python="python2" is only used for sources that depends on python2 libraries, # don't use it if possible def register_source(name, abbreviation='', priority=5, enable=True, events=[], python='python3', multi_thread=None, **kwargs): # implementation is put inside cm_core # # cm_core use a trick to only register the source withou loading the entire # module return # Base class for cm_core, sources, and scopers class Base: def __init__(self,nvim): """ :type nvim: Nvim """ self.nvim = nvim self.logger = getLogger(self.__module__) self.snippet_engine = self.nvim.vars['cm_completed_snippet_engine'] # allow a source to preprocess inputs before committing to the manager @property def matcher(self): nvim = self.nvim if not hasattr(self,'_matcher'): # from cm.matchers.prifex_matcher import Matcher matcher_opt = nvim.eval('g:cm_matcher') m = importlib.import_module(matcher_opt['module']) chcmp_smartcase = lambda a,b: a==b if a.isupper() else a==b.lower() chcmp_case = lambda a,b: a==b chcmp_icase = lambda a,b: a.lower()==b.lower() case = matcher_opt.get('case','') if case not in ['case','icase','smartcase']: ignorecase,smartcase = nvim.eval('[&ignorecase,&smartcase]') if smartcase: chcmp = chcmp_smartcase elif ignorecase: chcmp = chcmp_icase else: chcmp = chcmp_case elif case=='case': chcmp = chcmp_case elif case=='icase': chcmp = chcmp_icase else: # smartcase chcmp = chcmp_smartcase # cache result self._matcher = m.Matcher(nvim,chcmp) return self._matcher def get_pos(self, lnum , col, src): """ convert vim's lnum, col into pos """ if type(src)==type(""): lines = src.split('\n') else: lines = src.split(b'\n') pos = 0 for i in range(lnum-1): pos += len(lines[i])+1 pos += col-1 return pos # convert pos into vim's lnum, col def get_lnum_col(self, pos, src): """ convert pos into vim's lnum, col """ splited = src.split("\n") p = 0 for idx,line in enumerate(splited): if p<=pos and p+len(line)>=pos: return (idx+1,pos-p+1) p += len(line)+1 def get_src(self,ctx): """ Get the source code of current scope identified by the ctx object. """ nvim = self.nvim bufnr = ctx['bufnr'] changedtick = ctx['changedtick'] key = (bufnr,changedtick) if key != getattr(self,'_cache_key',None): lines = nvim.buffers[bufnr][:] lines.append('') # \n at the end of buffer self._cache_src = "\n".join(lines) self._cache_key = key scope_offset = ctx.get('scope_offset',0) scope_len = ctx.get('scope_len',len(self._cache_src)) return self._cache_src[scope_offset:scope_offset+scope_len] def message(self, msgtype, msg):'cm#message', msgtype, msg) def complete(self, name, ctx, startcol, matches, refresh=False): if isinstance(name,dict): name = name['name']'cm#complete', name, ctx, startcol, matches, refresh, async=True) def snippet_placeholder(self, num, txt=''): # TODO: this version is so simple, but I haven't met those complicated # use case txt = txt.replace('$', r'\$') txt = txt.replace('{', r'\{') txt = txt.replace('}', r'\}') if txt == '': return '${%s}' % num return '${%s:%s}' % (num, txt) def setup_neovim(serveraddr):"connecting to neovim server: %s",serveraddr) # create another connection to avoid synchronization issue? if len(serveraddr.split(':'))==2: serveraddr,port = serveraddr.split(':') port = int(port) nvim = attach('tcp',address=serveraddr,port=port) else: nvim = attach('socket',path=serveraddr) sync_rtp(nvim) return nvim def sync_rtp(nvim): """ sync sys.path with vim's rtp option """ # setup pythonx pythonxs = nvim.eval(r'globpath(&rtp,"pythonx",1) . "\n" . globpath(&rtp,"rplugin/python3",1)') for path in pythonxs.split("\n"): if not path: continue if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) return nvim def start_and_run_channel(channel_type, serveraddr, source_name, modulename): # connect neovim and setup python environment nvim = setup_neovim(serveraddr) if channel_type == 'core': import cm_core handler = cm_core.CoreHandler(nvim)'starting core, enter event loop') elif channel_type == 'channel': if sys.version_info.major==2: # python2 doesn't support namespace package # use load_source as a workaround import imp file = modulename.replace('.','/') exp = 'globpath(&rtp,"pythonx/",1)' % file path = nvim.eval(exp).strip()'<%s> python2 file path: %s, exp: %s', source_name, path, exp) m = imp.load_source(modulename,path) # the previous module load may be hacked before, by register_source if not hasattr(m, 'Source'): m = imp.reload(m) else: m = importlib.import_module(modulename) # the previous module load may be hacked before, by register_source if not hasattr(m, 'Source'): m = importlib.reload(m) handler = m.Source(nvim)'cm#_channel_started',source_name, nvim.channel_id, async=True)'<%s> handler created, entering event loop', source_name) handler.cm_running_ = False handler.cm_msgs_ = [] def on_request(method, args): logger.error('method: %s not implemented, ignore this request', method) def on_notification(method, args): # A trick to get rid of the greenlet coroutine without using the # next_message API. handler.cm_msgs_.append( (method,args) ) if handler.cm_running_:"delay notification handling, method[%s]", method) return handler.cm_running_ = True while handler.cm_msgs_: method, args = handler.cm_msgs_.pop(0) try: logger.debug('%s method: %s, args: %s', channel_type, method, args) if channel_type=='channel' and method=='cm_refresh': ctx = args[1] # The refresh calculation may be heavy, and the notification queue # may have outdated refresh events, it would be meaningless to # process these event if'cm#context_changed',ctx):'context_changed, ignoring context: %s', ctx) continue func = getattr(handler,method,None) if func is None:'method: %s not implemented, ignore this message', method) continue func(*args) logger.debug('%s method %s completed', channel_type, method) except Exception as ex: logger.exception("Failed processing method: %s, args: %s", method, args) handler.cm_running_ = False def on_setup(): on_notification('cm_setup',[]) try:"<%s> entering event loop", source_name) # Use next_message is simpler, as a handler doesn't need to deal with # concurrent issue, but it has serious issue, # nvim.run_loop(on_request, on_notification, on_setup) except Exception as ex: logger.exception("nvim.run_loop failed, %s", ex) finally: # use at_exit to ensure the calling of cm_shutdown func = getattr(handler,'cm_shutdown',None) if func: func() if channel_type=='core': exit(0)

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