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require 'pp' module PrimitiveWords def dup @stack << @stack.last end def q_dup @stack << @stack.last unless @stack.last == 0 end def drop @stack.pop end def swap @stack += [@stack.pop, @stack.pop] end def over a = @stack.pop b = @stack.pop @stack << b << a << b end def rot a = @stack.pop b = @stack.pop c = @stack.pop @stack << b << a << c end def plus @stack << (@stack.pop + @stack.pop) end def mult @stack << (@stack.pop * @stack.pop) end def subtract a = @stack.pop b = @stack.pop @stack << b - a end def divide a = @stack.pop b = @stack.pop @stack << b / a end def dot @s_out.print( @stack.pop ) end def cr @s_out.puts end def dot_s @s_out.print( "#{@stack}\n" ) end def dot_d pp @dictionary end end class Dictionary def initialize( &block ) @entries = {} self ) if block end def word( name, &block ) @entries[name] = { :name => name, :block => block, :immediate => false } self end def immediate_word( name, &block ) @entries[name] = { :name => name, :block => block, :immediate => true } self end def alias_word( name, old_name ) entry = self[old_name] raise "No such word #{old_name}" unless entry new_entry = entry.dup new_entry[:name] = name @entries[name] = entry end def []( name ) @entries[name] end end class RForth include PrimitiveWords def initialize( s_in = $stdin, s_out = $stdout ) @s_in = s_in @s_out = s_out @dictionary = @stack = [] initialize_dictionary end # Create all of the initial words. def initialize_dictionary PrimitiveWords.public_instance_methods(false).each do |m| method_clojure = method(m.to_sym) word( m.to_s, &method_clojure ) end alias_word( '?dup', 'q_dup' ) alias_word( '+', 'plus' ) alias_word( '*', 'mult' ) alias_word( '-', 'subtract' ) alias_word( '/', 'divide' ) alias_word( '.', 'dot' ) alias_word( '.S', 'dot_s' ) alias_word( '.D', 'dot_d' ) word(':') { read_and_define_word } word('bye') { exit } immediate_word( '\\' ) { @s_in.readline } end # Convience method that takes a word and a closure # and defines the word in the dictionary def word( name, &block ) @dictionary.word( name, &block ) end # Convience method that takes a word and a closure # and defines an immediate word in the dictionary def immediate_word( name, &block ) @dictionary.immediate_word( name, &block ) end # Convience method that takes an existing dict. # word and a new word and aliases the new word to # the old. def alias_word( name, old_name ) @dictionary.alias_word( name, old_name ) end # Given the name of a new words and the words # that make up its definition, define the # new word. def define_word( name, *words ) @dictionary.word( name, &compile_words( *words ) ) end # Give an array of (string) words, return # A block which will run all of those words. # Executes all immedate words, well, immediately. def compile_words( *words ) blocks = [] words.each do |word| entry = resolve_word( word ) raise "no such word: #{word}" unless entry if entry[:immediate] entry[:block].call else blocks << entry[:block] end end proc do blocks.each {|b|} end end # Read a word definition from input and # define the word # Definition looks like: # new-word w1 w2 w3 ; def read_and_define_word name = read_word words = [] while (word = read_word) break if word == ';' words << word end @dictionary.word(name, &compile_words( *words )) end # Given a (string) word, return the dictionary # entry for that word or nil. def resolve_word( word ) return @dictionary[word] if @dictionary[word] x = to_number(word) if x block = proc { @stack << x } return { :name => word, :block => block, :immediate => false } end nil end # Evaluate the given word. def forth_eval( word ) entry = resolve_word(word) if entry entry[:block].call else @s_out.puts "#{word} ??" end end # Try to turn the word into a number, return nil if # conversion fails def to_number( word ) begin return Integer( word ) rescue puts $! end begin return Float( word ) rescue puts $! end nil end def read_word result = nil ch = nil until @s_in.eof? ch = @s_in.readchar if result and is_space?(ch) break elsif result.nil? result = ch else result << ch end end return result if result nil end def is_space?( ch ) /\W/ =~ ch.chr end def run until $stdin.eof? @s_out.flush word = read_word forth_eval( word ) end end end

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