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def geneToSymbol(s, mapping): memo = {len(s): ['']} # ----------------------------------------- def parseSuffix(i): if i in memo: # parseSuffix(i) has been computed before, directly use look-up table return memo[i] else: memo[i] = [] # check each possible suffix index for j in range(i+1, len(s)+1): # scan each parsing result for tail in parseSuffix(j): if s[i:j] in mapping: # prefix s[i:j] can be parsed memo[i].append( reverse_table[s[i:j]] + tail ) return memo[i] # ----------------------------------------- return parseSuffix(0) source = "CGTGATTACG" #source = "TACGTT" #source = "TTCGTTT" table = {"A":"CGT", "B":"TACG", "C":"TT", "D":"GAT"} ## dictionary # key: gene # value: upper case symvol reverse_table = { v: k for k,v in table.items()} result = geneToSymbol(source, reverse_table) print(result)

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