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#include<stdio.h> //Stack size #define SIZE 5 //Declare stack functions void push(int *STACK,int x); void pop(int *a); void display(int *a); //Decalre TOP and STACK variables int TOP=-1; int STACK[SIZE]; void main() { int x,ch; //implement continues while loop using 1 while(1) { printf("Select Your Choice:\n"); printf("(1) PUSH\n"); printf("(2) POP\n"); printf("(3) Display\n"); printf("(4) Enter 4 to exit \n"); printf("Enter Your Choice\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("Enter Element:"); scanf("%d",&x); push(STACK,x); break; case 2: pop(STACK); break; case 3: display(STACK); break; case 4: //break loop using exit exit(0); } } } void push(int *STACK,int x) { //check if TOP value (TOP=current stack value) is greater than or equal SIZE // if yes Stack Overlfowed cannot enter new data in STACK if(TOP>=SIZE-1) { printf(" Stack Overflowed "); } //if there is more space in STACK eneter data else { TOP=TOP+1; STACK[TOP]=x; } } void pop(int *STACK) { int x; //check is TOP (TOP=current stack value) of stack is equal to -1 //then is it already empty if(TOP==-1){ printf("Stack is Underflow"); } //remove top element from Stack else { printf("Deleted Element is %d\n",STACK[TOP]); //decrement TOP value TOP=TOP-1; } } void display(int *STACK) { int i; //check is TOP (TOP=current stack value) of stack is equal to -1 //then is it already empty if(TOP==-1){ printf("Stack is Empty\n"); } else { printf ("\n Stack element are \n"); //loop through each value of stack and print it for(i=TOP;i>=0;i--) { printf("%d\t",STACK[i]); } } }

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