online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Welcome to GDB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, C#, VB, Perl, Swift, Prolog, Javascript, Pascal, HTML, CSS, JS Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world. *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> namespace std { template <typename T> using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_cv_t = typename remove_cv<T>::type; template <typename T> using remove_cvr = remove_reference<typename remove_cv<T>::type>; template <typename T> using remove_cvr_t = typename remove_cvr<T>::type; } namespace matlab { namespace details { using namespace ::std; template <size_t I, typename T0, typename... T> class tuple_impl { using this_type = tuple_impl<I, T0, T...>; using base_type = tuple_impl<I - 1, T...>; using value_type = std::remove_cvr_t<T0>; const value_type c; value_type& v; base_type _i; public: tuple_impl() : c({}), v(c) { } tuple_impl(this_type &&that) : _i(forward<base_type>(that._i)), c(that.c), v(that.v) { } tuple_impl(const this_type &that) : _i(that._i), c(that.c), v(that.v) { } tuple_impl(T0 &arg0, T&&... args) : _i(forward<T>(args)...), c(arg0), v(arg0) { } this_type &operator=(const this_type &that) { //for onlineGDB only, as it automatically shows only local vars const auto &this_i = _i; const auto &that_i = that._i; _i = that._i; v = that.c; return *this; } }; template <typename T0> class tuple_impl<0, T0> { using this_type = tuple_impl<0, T0>; using value_type = remove_cvr_t<T0>; const value_type c; value_type& v; public: tuple_impl() : c({}), v(c) { } tuple_impl(this_type &&that) : c(that.c), v(that.v) { } tuple_impl(const this_type &that) : c(that.c), v(that.v) { } tuple_impl(value_type &arg0) : c(arg0), v(arg0) { } this_type &operator=(const this_type &that) { //for onlineGDB only, as it automatically shows only local vars const auto &this_i = *this; const auto &that_i = that; v = that.c; return *this; } }; } template <typename... T> class tuple { using this_type = tuple<T...>; using impl = details::tuple_impl<sizeof...(T) - 1, T...>; impl _i; public: tuple(this_type &&that) : _i(std::forward<impl>(that._i)) {} tuple(const this_type &that) : _i(that._i) {} tuple(T&&... args) : _i(std::forward<T>(args)...) {} // operator const this_type &() const // { // return const_cast<const this_type &>(*this); // } tuple& operator=(const tuple& that) { //for onlineGDB only, as it automatically shows only local vars auto &this_i = *this; auto &that_i = that; _i = that._i; return *this; } }; using namespace std; template <typename... T> tuple<T...> to_tuple_works(T&& ...a) { return tuple<T...>(std::forward<T>(a)...); } template <typename... T> tuple<std::remove_cvr_t<T>...> to_tuple_fails(T&& ...a) { return tuple<std::remove_cvr_t<T>...>(std::forward<T>(a)...); } char ch = 0; int ii = 123; float ff = 2.7; static_assert( std::is_same< tuple<char, int, float>, decltype(to_tuple_works(ch, ii, ff))>::value, "fails" ); } matlab::tuple<int, float> foo_fails(int a, float b) { int aa = a * a; float bb = b * b; return matlab::to_tuple_fails(aa, bb); } float bar(int a, float b) { int aa = {}; float bb = {}; matlab::to_tuple_fails(aa, bb) = foo_fails(a, b);//decompose results return aa + bb; } int main() { using namespace std; using namespace matlab; int i0 = 123, i1 = 42; float f0 = 2.7, f1 = 3.14; cout << "Before" << endl; cout << "i0: " << i0 << endl; cout << "f0: " << f0 << endl; cout << "i1: " << i1 << endl; cout << "f1: " << f1 << endl << endl; to_tuple_works(i0, f0) = to_tuple_works(i1, f1); cout << "After" << endl; cout << "i0: " << i0 << endl; cout << "f0: " << f0 << endl; cout << "i1: " << i1 << endl; cout << "f1: " << f1 << endl << endl << endl; i0 = 123; cout << "Before exchange" << endl; cout << "i0: " << i0 << endl; cout << "i1: " << i1 << endl << endl; to_tuple_works(i0, i1) = to_tuple_works(i1, i0);//exchange values python style cout << "After exchange" << endl; cout << "i0: " << i0 << endl; cout << "i1: " << i1 << endl << endl; auto r = bar(2, 3); cout << "After bar" << endl; cout << "r: " << r << endl; return 0; }

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