online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
/****************************************************************************** Online C++ Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C++ program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Run" button to compile and execute it. *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <new> using namespace std; class RomObject { public: constexpr RomObject() {} }; template<typename T, class Enable = void> class Singleton { public: Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator = (const Singleton&) = delete; static T& GetInstance() { if(!bCreated) { bCreated = true; new (&placeholder) T; } return *(reinterpret_cast<T*>(&placeholder)); } constexpr static void* GetPlaceholder() { constexpr void* result = static_cast<void*>(&placeholder) ; return result ; } static const std::string& where() { static std::string me = "RAM"; return me; } protected: Singleton() {}; static bool bCreated; static typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type placeholder; }; template<typename T> class Singleton<T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<RomObject, T>::value>> { public: Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete; Singleton& operator = (const Singleton&) = delete; static constexpr const T& GetInstance() { return instance; } constexpr static const T* GetPlaceholder() { return &instance; } static const std::string& where() { static std::string me = "ROM"; return me; } protected: constexpr Singleton() { }; static constexpr T instance = T(); }; template<typename T, class Enable> bool Singleton<T, Enable>::bCreated = false; template<typename T, class Enable> typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type Singleton<T, Enable>::placeholder; template<typename T> constexpr T Singleton<T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<RomObject, T>::value>>::instance; //? ??? ???? ??? const ?????? constexpr - ?? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? ???? T ?? constexpr (?.?. ????? ??????? ? RAM ? ????????? ???????????? ?????????????) /*template<typename T> const T Singleton<T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<RomObject, T>::value>>::instance; */ class IA { public: virtual int Get() const = 0; }; class B { friend class Singleton<B>; public: B() : b(23) {}; int GetB() const { return b; }; void setB(int v) { b = v; } int b; }; class C : public RomObject { public: int d; constexpr C() : d(6) {}; //C() : d(3) {}; }; class D //: public RomObject { public: int d; //constexpr D() : d(6) {}; //D() : d(6) {}; }; class A : public RomObject, public IA { friend class Singleton<A>; public: int Get() const override { return test.GetB(); } void set(int v) { test.setB(v); } private: B& test; //—????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ? RAM ????? ???? ??? const const C& test2; //? ??? ?????? ?? ROM ??????? ??¤???? ???? const, ? ????????? ?????? ?????? ??????¤??? constexpr A() : test(*static_cast<B*>(Singleton<B>::GetPlaceholder())) ,test2(Singleton<C>::GetInstance()) { } }; int main() { //std::cout << Test::myVar << std::endl; const A& test1 = Singleton<A>::GetInstance(); //??????? ?????? ?????? B ????? ????? ??? ??? ???????? A, ?????????? ?????? ?? ????, ???????? ? ???? const B& test2 = Singleton<B>::GetInstance(); const C& test3 = Singleton<C>::GetInstance(); cout<<"Get result: "<<test1.Get()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<A> - "<<Singleton<A>::where().data()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<B> - "<<Singleton<B>::where().data()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<C> - "<<Singleton<C>::where().data()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<D> - "<<Singleton<D>::where().data()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<A> - "<<Singleton<A>::GetPlaceholder()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<B> - "<<Singleton<B>::GetPlaceholder()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<C> - "<<Singleton<C>::GetPlaceholder()<<std::endl; cout<<"Singleton<D> - "<<Singleton<D>::GetPlaceholder()<<std::endl; cout<<"test1 - "<<&test1<<std::endl; return 0; }

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