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#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include <time.h> #define SIZE 200 struct node *create_node(int day,int month,int year,char note[225]); struct qnode *qcreate_node(int day,int month,int year,float stime,float etime,char sch_name[SIZE]); void delete(char key[255]); void enque(int day,int month,int year,float stime,float etime,char sch_name[]); void deque(int j); int isLeapYear( int y ); int leapYears( int y ); int todayOf( int y, int m, int d); long days( int y, int m, int d); void addNote(int day,int month,int year,char note[255]); void displayNotes(); int checkSchedule(struct qnode *front,float stime,float etime); void availableSchedule(struct qnode *front); void printCalender(int m,int y); struct qnode* SortedMerge(struct qnode* a, struct qnode* b); void partition(struct qnode* source,struct qnode** frontRef, struct qnode** backRef); void MergeSort(struct qnode** headRef); void printqueue(int j); void addSchedule(int d,int m,int y); struct node { int day; int month; int year; char note[255]; struct node *next; }; struct qnode {//queue using linked list float stime,etime; int day,month,year; char sch_name[SIZE];//schedule_name struct qnode *next; }; struct ll { struct node *start; }s; struct node *ptr; struct qq { struct qnode *front; struct qnode *rear; }q[SIZE]; int i=-1; struct node *create_node(int day,int month,int year,char note[225]) { struct node *new_node=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new_node->day=day; new_node->month=month; new_node->year=year; strcpy(new_node->note,note); new_node->next=NULL; return(new_node); } struct qnode *qcreate_node(int day,int month,int year,float stime,float etime,char sch_name[SIZE]) { struct qnode *new_node=(struct qnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct qnode)); new_node->day=day; new_node->month=month; new_node->year=year; new_node->stime=stime; new_node->etime=etime; strcpy(new_node->sch_name,sch_name); new_node->next=NULL; return(new_node); } void delete(char key[255]) { struct node *ptr,*preptr; ptr=s.start; preptr=NULL; if (s.start==NULL) printf("list is empty"); else{ while(ptr!=NULL) { if (strcmp(key,ptr->note)==0) { if (ptr->next==NULL&&preptr!=NULL) { preptr->next=NULL; free(ptr); } else if (ptr==s.start&&ptr->next==NULL) { s.start=NULL; free(ptr); } else if (ptr==s.start) { s.start=ptr->next; free(ptr); } else { preptr->next=ptr->next; free(ptr); } } if(ptr!=NULL) { preptr=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } }return; } } void enque(int day,int month,int year,float stime,float etime,char sch_name[]) { struct qnode *new_node=qcreate_node(day,month,year,stime,etime,sch_name); if (q[i].rear==NULL) { q[i].rear=q[i].front=new_node; } else { q[i].rear->next =new_node; q[i].rear=new_node; } } void deque(int j) {//one condition is remaining struct qnode *temp; int k; if (q[j].rear==NULL) { printf("queue is empty"); } else if(q[j].rear==q[j].front) { q[j].front=NULL; q[j].rear=NULL; for(k=j;k<i;k++) { q[k].front=q[k+1].front; q[k].rear=q[k+1].rear; q[k+1].front=NULL; q[k+1].rear=NULL; } i--; printf("now your schedule is EMPTY\t ENJOY!!\n\n"); } else { temp=q[j].front; q[j].front=q[j].front->next; free(temp); printqueue(j); } } int isLeapYear( int y ){ return(y % 400 == 0) || ((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0)); } int leapYears( int y ){ return y/4 - y/100 + y/400; } int todayOf( int y, int m, int d) { static int DayOfMonth[] = { -1,0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334}; return DayOfMonth[m] + d + ((m>2 && isLeapYear(y))? 1 : 0); } long days( int y, int m, int d){ int lastYear; lastYear = y - 1; return 365L * lastYear + leapYears(lastYear) + todayOf(y,m,d); } void addNote(int day,int month,int year,char note[255]) { struct node* n=create_node(day,month,year,note); if (s.start==NULL) { s.start=n; ptr=n; } else { ptr->next=n; ptr=ptr->next; } } void displayNotes() { if (s.start==NULL) printf("no notes to display\n"); else { printf("here are your notes\nDAY\tMONTH\tYEAR \t\tNOTES\n"); for(struct node *str=s.start;str!=NULL;str=str->next) { printf("%d\t%d\t%d \t\t%s\n",str->day,str->month,str->year,str->note); } } printf("\n\n"); } int checkSchedule(struct qnode *front,float stime,float etime) { struct qnode *ptr=front; while(ptr!=NULL&&(stime!=ptr->stime&&(stime>ptr->etime||stime==ptr->etime||(stime<ptr->stime&&etime<=ptr->stime)))) { ptr=ptr->next; } if (ptr==NULL) return 1; else return 0; } void availableSchedule(struct qnode *front) { struct qnode *ptr=front; float avtime[SIZE]={0}; avtime[0]=1; int i=1; while(ptr!=NULL) { avtime[i]=ptr->stime; avtime[i+1]=ptr->etime; i+=2; ptr=ptr->next; } avtime[i]=24.00; for(int i=0;avtime[i]!=0;i+=2) { if(avtime[i]!=avtime[i+1]) { printf("%0.2f--%0.2f \t",avtime[i],avtime[i+1]); } } printf("\n"); } void printCalender(int m,int y) { const char *NameOfMonth[] = { NULL, "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; char Week[] = "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"; int DayOfMonth[] = { -1,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; int weekOfTopDay = days(y, m, 1) % 7; int t=weekOfTopDay; printf("\n %s %d\n%s\n", NameOfMonth[m], y, Week); for(int i=0;i<weekOfTopDay;i++) printf(" "); for(int i=0;i<DayOfMonth[m];i++) { if (i<9) printf("%d ",i+1); else printf("%d ",i+1); t++; if(t==7||t==14||t==21||t==28||t==35) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } struct qnode* SortedMerge(struct qnode* a, struct qnode* b) { struct qnode* result = NULL; if (a == NULL) return(b); else if (b==NULL) return(a); if (a->stime <= b->stime) { result = a; result->next = SortedMerge(a->next, b); } else { result = b; result->next = SortedMerge(a, b->next); } return(result); } void partition(struct qnode* source,struct qnode** frontRef, struct qnode** backRef) { struct qnode* fast; struct qnode* slow; slow = source; fast = source->next; while (fast != NULL) { fast = fast->next; if (fast != NULL) { slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next; } } *frontRef = source; *backRef = slow->next; slow->next = NULL; } void MergeSort(struct qnode** headRef) { struct qnode* head = *headRef; struct qnode* a; struct qnode* b; if ((head == NULL) || (head->next == NULL)) { return; } partition(head, &a, &b); MergeSort(&a); MergeSort(&b); *headRef = SortedMerge(a, b); } void printqueue(int j) { if(q[j].rear==NULL) { printf("Schedule is empty\n"); } else { struct qnode *node=q[j].front; MergeSort(&node); printf("\t %d--%d--%d\n",node->day,node->month,node->year); while(node!=NULL) { printf("%0.2f-%0.2f\t\t%s\n",node->stime,node->etime,node->sch_name); node=node->next; } printf("\n\n"); } return; } void addSchedule(int d,int m,int y) {//schedule a day(queue using LL) int choice=1,check=1; while(choice==1) { printf("enter name of schedule\n"); char sch_name[SIZE]; scanf("%s",sch_name); printf("enter starting time of event in 24 hrs format\n"); float stime; scanf("%f",&stime); printf("enter end time of event in 24 hrs format\n"); float etime; scanf("%f",&etime); if (etime<=stime) { printf("end time of event should be greater than start time"); while(etime<=stime) { printf("enter end time of event in 24 hrs format\n"); scanf("%f",&etime); } } if(q[i].rear!=NULL) check=checkSchedule(q[i].front,stime,etime); if(check==0) { printf("this timining slot is FULL\n These are available slots"); availableSchedule(q[i].front); } else { enque(d,m,y,stime,etime,sch_name); printf("To continue adding press 1\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); } } printqueue(i); } int main() { s.start=NULL; for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++) { q[i].front=NULL; q[i].rear=NULL; } struct qq *ptr=&q[0]; int day,month,year; char choice,note[255]; int deq,k,kt,flag=0; int choice2; int hours,min,sec,dAy,mOnth,yEar; time_t now; time(&now); struct tm *local=localtime(&now); hours=local->tm_hour; min=local ->tm_min; sec=local->tm_sec; dAy=local->tm_mday; mOnth=local->tm_mon+1; yEar=local->tm_year+1900; if (hours<12) printf("TIme is %02d:%02d:%02dam\n",hours,min,sec); else printf("TIme is %02d:%02d:%02dpm\n\n",hours-12,min,sec); printf("Date is %02d:%02d:%d\n\n\n",dAy,mOnth,yEar); while (1) { printf("1. Print calendar of a month and schedule your day\n");//complete but correction remaining at checksc printf("2. mark your schedule as done\tyou cannot press 2 without adding schedule\n");//complete printf("3. print your schedules\n");//complete printf("4. Add Important Note\n");//complete printf("5. display Important Notes\n");//complete printf("6. delete an added note \n");//complete printf("7. EXIT\n"); printf("Enter your choice: \n"); scanf("\n%c", &choice); switch (choice) { case '1': printf("Enter the month and year: "); scanf("%d %d", &month, &year); if (month>12) printf("incorrect date\n"); else { printCalender(month,year); printf("press 1 to schedule your day\t"); scanf("%d",&choice2); if (choice2==1) { printf("enter the day on which schedule is to be added\n"); scanf("\n%d",&day); if (day>31) { printf("sorry but there are atmost 31 days in a month\n"); while (day>31) { printf("enter day again\n"); scanf("\n%d",&day); } } i++; if (year<(yEar-2000)||(year==(yEar-2000)&&month<mOnth)||(year==(yEar-2000)&&month==mOnth&&day<dAy)) { printf("cannot schedule past day or incorrect date\n\n"); } else addSchedule(day,month,year); } } break; case '2': printf("here is YOUR TODAYS SCHEDULE\n\n"); if (q[0].front==NULL) printf("you dont have any schedules\n"); else { for(k=0;k<=i;k++) { if(q[k].front->day==dAy&&q[k].front->month==mOnth&&q[k].front->year==(yEar-2000)) { flag=1; break; } } if(k>i) k=i; if (flag==0) printf("you have no schedules for today\n\n\n"); else { printqueue(k); printf("\thow many task/s you want to mark as done\t"); scanf("%d",&deq); for(int j=0;j<deq;j++) { deque(k); } flag=0; } } break; case '3': for(int j=0;j<=i;j++) { printqueue(j); } break; case '4': printf("enter the day month and year on which note is to be added\t"); scanf("%d %d %d",&day,&month,&year); if (day>31||month>12||year<(yEar-2000)||(year==(yEar-2000)&&month<mOnth)||(year==(yEar-2000)&&month==mOnth&&day<dAy)) printf("incorrect or past date\n"); else { printf("enter NOTE\n"); scanf("%s",note); addNote(day,month,year,note); printf("note added at date %d %d is %s\n",day,month,note); } break; case '5': displayNotes(); break; case '6': displayNotes(); printf("enter the note you want to delete\t"); char del_note[255]; scanf("%s",del_note); delete(del_note); break; case '7': exit(1); } } }

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