online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int main () { char atom1[10], atom2[10]; int adet1, adet2, akutle1, akutle2; float mol; cout << "1.Atomu Giriniz= "; cin >> atom1; cout << "1.Atomdan Ne Kadar Bulunuyor?= "; cin >> adet1; cout << "2.Atomu Giriniz= "; cin >> atom2; cout << "2.Atomdan Ne Kadar Bulunuyor?= "; cin >> adet2; cout << "Kac Tane Mol Olacagini Giriniz= " << endl; cin >> mol; if (strcmp (atom1, "H") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "h") == 0) akutle1 = 1; else if (strcmp (atom1, "Li") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "li") == 0) akutle1 = 7; else if (strcmp (atom1, "Be") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "be") == 0) akutle1 = 9; else if (strcmp (atom1, "B") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "b") == 0) akutle1 = 10; else if (strcmp (atom1, "Na") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "na") == 0) akutle1 = 23; else if (strcmp (atom1, "Mg") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "mg") == 0) akutle1 = 24; else if (strcmp (atom1, "C") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "c") == 0) akutle1 = 12; else if (strcmp (atom1, "N") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "n") == 0) akutle1 = 14; else if (strcmp (atom1, "O") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "o") == 0) akutle1 = 16; else if (strcmp (atom1, "F") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "f") == 0) akutle1 = 19; else if (strcmp (atom1, "P") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "p") == 0) akutle1 = 31; else if (strcmp (atom1, "S") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "s") == 0) akutle1 = 32; else if (strcmp (atom1, "Cl") == 0 || strcmp (atom1, "cl") == 0) akutle1 = 35; if (strcmp (atom2, "H") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "h") == 0) akutle2 = 1; else if (strcmp (atom2, "Li") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "li") == 0) akutle1 = 7; else if (strcmp (atom2, "Be") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "be") == 0) akutle1 = 9; else if (strcmp (atom2, "B") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "b") == 0) akutle1 = 10; else if (strcmp (atom2, "Na") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "na") == 0) akutle1 = 23; else if (strcmp (atom2, "Mg") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "mg") == 0) akutle1 = 24; else if (strcmp (atom2, "C") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "c") == 0) akutle2 = 12; else if (strcmp (atom2, "N") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "n") == 0) akutle2 = 14; else if (strcmp (atom2, "O") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "o") == 0) akutle2 = 16; else if (strcmp (atom2, "F") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "f") == 0) akutle2 = 19; else if (strcmp (atom2, "P") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "p") == 0) akutle2 = 31; else if (strcmp (atom2, "S") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "s") == 0) akutle2 = 32; else if (strcmp (atom2, "Cl") == 0 || strcmp (atom2, "cl") == 0) akutle2 = 35; cout << "-------------" << mol << " mol " << atom1 << adet1 << atom2 << adet2 << "------------" << endl << endl << endl << endl; cout << "---Molekul ile ilgili bilgiler---" << endl; cout << mol * ((akutle1 * adet1) + (akutle2 * adet2)) << " gr dir" << endl; cout << "(" << mol * 6.02 << ") .10*23 tanedir" << endl; cout << (adet1 + adet2) * mol << " mol atomdur" << endl; cout << "1 tanesi = " << mol * ((akutle1 * adet1) + (akutle2 * adet2)) << " akb'dir" << endl << endl; cout << "---Atomlar ile ilgili Bilgiler---" << endl; cout << atom1 << " = " << mol * akutle1 * adet1 << " gr dir" << endl; cout << atom2 << " = " << mol * akutle2 * adet2 << " gr dir" << endl; cout << mol * adet1 << " mol " << atom1 << " atomu vardir" << endl; cout << mol * adet2 << " mol " << atom2 << " atomu vardir" << endl; cout << mol * adet1 << " mol " << atom1 << " atomu = (" << float (akutle1 * mol * adet1) << ").N akb" << endl; cout << mol * adet2 << " mol " << atom2 << " atomu = (" << float (akutle2 * mol * adet2) << ").N akb" << endl; cout << atom1 << " atomu = (" << 6.02 * mol * adet1 << ").10*23 tanedir" << endl; cout << atom2 << " atomu = (" << 6.02 * mol * adet2 << ").10*23 tanedir" << endl; system ("PAUSE"); }

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