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#include <stdio.h> #include "Customer.h" void Check() { printf("HasCustomers: %s\n", HasCustomers() ? "yes" : "no"); DisplayCustomers(); printf("----------------------\n"); } int main() { printf("EMPTY CHECK\n"); Check(); printf("Append 0, 1000, \"Test Person 0\", \"[email protected]\", 1234567890, \"Country 0\", 20\n"); Customer * customer0 = AppendCustomer(0, 1000, "Test Person 0", "[email protected]", "1234567890", "Country 0", 20); Check(); printf("Append 1, 1001, \"Test Person 1\", \"[email protected]\", 1234567891, \"Country 1\", 21\n"); Customer * customer1 = AppendCustomer(1, 1001, "Test Person 1", "[email protected]", "1234567891", "Country 1", 21); Check(); printf("Append 2, 1002, \"Test Person 2\", \"[email protected]\", 1234567892, \"Country 2\", 22\n"); Customer * customer2 = AppendCustomer(2, 1002, "Test Person 2", "[email protected]", "1234567892", "Country 2", 22); Check(); printf("Find 0\n"); Customer * found = FindCustomer(0); printf("Find: %p\n", found); found->name[0] = '?'; Check(); printf("Insert 3 after 0: 3, 1003, \"Test Person 3\", \"[email protected]\", 1234567893, \"Country 3\", 23\n"); Customer * customer3 = InsertCustomerAfter(customer0, 3, 1003, "Test Person 3", "[email protected]", "1234567893", "Country 3", 23); Check(); printf("DELETE 0\n"); DeleteCustomer(customer0); Check(); printf("DELETE 2\n"); DeleteCustomer(customer2); Check(); printf("DELETE 1\n"); DeleteCustomer(customer1); Check(); printf("DELETE 3\n"); DeleteCustomer(customer3); Check(); return 0; }
#include "Customer.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> static Customer * head = NULL; static Customer * tail = NULL; Customer * CreateCustomer(uint32_t customerCode, uint32_t tin, char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], char email[MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH], char phone[MAX_PHONE_LENGTH], char country[MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH], uint8_t age, Customer * next) { Customer * customer = (Customer *)malloc(sizeof(Customer)); customer->customerCode = customerCode; customer->tin = tin; strcpy(customer->name, name); strcpy(customer->email, email); strcpy(customer->phone, phone); strcpy(customer->country, country); customer->age = age; customer->next = next; return customer; } Customer * InsertCustomerAfter(Customer * customer, uint32_t customerCode, uint32_t tin, char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], char email[MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH], char phone[MAX_PHONE_LENGTH], char country[MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH], uint8_t age) { Customer * newCustomer = CreateCustomer(customerCode, tin, name, email, phone, country, age, customer->next); customer->next = newCustomer; return newCustomer; } Customer * AppendCustomer(uint32_t customerCode, uint32_t tin, char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], char email[MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH], char phone[MAX_PHONE_LENGTH], char country[MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH], uint8_t age) { Customer * customer = CreateCustomer(customerCode, tin, name, email, phone, country, age, NULL); if (tail == NULL) { head = tail = customer; } else { tail->next = customer; tail = customer; } return customer; } bool DeleteCustomer(Customer * customerToDelete) { Customer * previous = NULL; for (Customer * customer = head; customer != NULL; customer = customer->next) { if (customer == customerToDelete) { if (previous != NULL) previous->next = customer->next; else head = customer->next; if (tail == customer) tail = previous; free(customer); return true; } if (previous == NULL) previous = head; else previous = previous->next; } return false; } bool HasCustomers() { return head != NULL; } void DisplayCustomer(const Customer * customer) { printf("CustomerCode: %d\n", customer->customerCode); printf("TIN: %d\n", customer->tin); printf("Name: %s\n", customer->name); printf("E-mail: %s\n", customer->email); printf("Phone: %s\n", customer->phone); printf("Country: %s\n", customer->country); printf("Age: %hhu\n", customer->age); printf("\n"); } void DisplayCustomers() { if (head == NULL) { printf("No customer stored.\n\n"); return; } printf("Head:\n"); DisplayCustomer(head); printf("Tail:\n"); DisplayCustomer(tail); printf("Customers:\n"); for (Customer * customer = head; customer != NULL; customer = customer->next) DisplayCustomer(customer); } Customer * FindCustomer(uint32_t customerCode) { for (Customer * customer = head; customer != NULL; customer = customer->next) { if (customer->customerCode == customerCode) return customer; } return NULL; }
#pragma once #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 50 #define MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH 50 #define MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH 30 #define MAX_PHONE_LENGTH 13 typedef struct CustomerElement { struct CustomerElement * next; uint32_t customerCode; uint32_t tin; char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; char email[MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH]; char phone[MAX_PHONE_LENGTH]; char country[MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH]; uint8_t age; } Customer; Customer * InsertCustomerAfter(Customer * customer, uint32_t customerCode, uint32_t tin, char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], char email[MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH], char phone[MAX_PHONE_LENGTH], char country[MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH], uint8_t age); // Insert a new customer after the existing 'customer' Customer * AppendCustomer(uint32_t customerCode, uint32_t tin, char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], char email[MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH], char phone[MAX_PHONE_LENGTH], char country[MAX_COUNTRY_LENGTH], uint8_t age); // Append a new customer at the end of the list bool DeleteCustomer(Customer * customerToDelete); // Delete an existing customer bool HasCustomers(); // Indicates whether the are any customers in the list void DisplayCustomers(); // Lists all the customers Customer * FindCustomer(uint32_t customerCode); // Find a customer based on customer code

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