online compiler and debugger for c/c++

code. compile. run. debug. share.
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/****************************************************************************** Welcome to GDB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, C#, VB, Perl, Swift, Prolog, Javascript, Pascal, HTML, CSS, JS Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world. Gabriel Staples 25 July 2020 See also: 1. (my answer for case-insensitive-string-comp in C, for ASCII chars only) 1. (note this is C++, not C): NOTE: COPY THE OUTPUT OF THIS PROGRAM TO THE CLIPBOARD AND LOOK AT IT IN A TEXT EDITOR, SUCH AS SUBLIME TEXT 3, TO BE ABLE TO SEE AND ANALYZE ALL OUTPUT AT ONCE. *******************************************************************************/ #include <ctype.h> // for `tolower()` #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World\n\n"); printf("Printing `tolower()` values of all possible char (int8_t) values!\n\n"); char c = -128; char c_lower; for (;;) { printf("c = (number) % 4i; (unsigned char) %3u; (char) %c\n", c, (unsigned char)c, c); c_lower = tolower(c); printf("c_lower = (number) % 4i; (unsigned char) %3u; (char) %c\n\n", c_lower, (unsigned char)c_lower, c_lower); if (c == 127) { break; } c++; } printf("======================================================================\n\n"); printf("Testing some other random strings with `tolower()`.\n\n"); // See: const char * const s = "Đ Â Ă Ê Ô Ơ Ư Ấ Ắ Ế Ố Ớ Ứ Ầ Ằ Ề Ồ Ờ Ừ Ậ Ặ Ệ Ộ Ợ Ự ß"; const char* s_p; // pointer to C string // Print it now printf("%s\n--------\n", s); // Print it again printf("tolower():\n"); s_p = s; while (*s_p) { printf("%c", tolower(*s_p)); s_p++; } printf("\n--------\n"); // Print it now again. // OBSERVE: each of these funky (unicode?) chars is actually **2 bytes**! // You can see this in the output, as two (usually/always negative) bytes // print out first, followed by a decimal 32, which is the space between // each char! s_p = s; while (*s_p) { c = *s_p; c_lower = tolower(c); // printf("%c", tolower(*s_p)); printf("%c, %c\n", *s_p, tolower(*s_p)); printf("%c, %c\n", c, c_lower); printf("c = (number) % 4i; (unsigned char) %3u; (char) %c\n", c, (unsigned char)c, c); char c_lower = tolower(c); printf("c_lower = (number) % 4i; (unsigned char) %3u; (char) %c\n\n", c_lower, (unsigned char)c_lower, c_lower); // printf("%c", tolower(*s_p)); s_p++; } printf("\n"); return 0; }

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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