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#include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <vector> template<typename MP> inline void* getMethodVoidPointer(MP ptr) { return *reinterpret_cast<void**>(&ptr); } template<typename FP> inline FP getFunctionPointer(void* p) { return reinterpret_cast<FP>(p); } template<typename MP>//, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<MP>>> inline const void* getMethodConstVoidPointer(MP ptr) { return *reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&ptr); } template<typename FP>//, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<FP>>> inline FP getConstFunctionPointer(const void* p) { return reinterpret_cast<FP>(p); } class Object { int i_; public: int j_; Object() : Object(0,0) {} Object(int i, int j = 100) : i_(i), j_(j) {} void printIplusJplusArg(int arg) { std::cout << i_ + j_ + arg << '\n'; } void printIplusJplusArgConst(int arg) const { std::cout << i_ + j_ + arg << '\n'; } }; struct S { int x; }; void f(void* pv) { (void)pv; } void fi(int* i) { std::cout << *i << '\n'; } int main() { int i = 5; S s; S* ip = reinterpret_cast<S*>(&i); //std::cout << ip->x << '\n'; int* pi = &i; void* pv = pi; // OK; implicit conversion void* pv2 = (void*)pi; // OK but unnecessary const int ci = 4; const int* pci = &ci; std::cout << typeid(&ci).name() << '\n'; std::cout << typeid(std::addressof(ci)).name() << '\n'; std::cout << typeid(pci).name() << '\n'; const void* vci = &ci; f(pi); // OK; implicit conversion f((void*)pi); // OK but unnecessary //int* pint = pv; // can't convert void* to T* implicitly int* pint = static_cast<int*>(pv); std::cout << "function pointer to void*" << '\n'; std::cout << "aka code pointer to data pointer" << '\n'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert from function pointer to void* void (*pf)(void*) = &f; void (*pfi)(int*) = &fi; int ini = 5; pfi(&ini); std::cout << typeid(pf).name() << '\n'; std::cout << typeid(&pf).name() << '\n'; std::cout << typeid(std::addressof(pf)).name() << '\n'; //void* dataPointer = pf; // implicit conversion from fp to void* doesn't work //void* dataPointers = static_cast<void*>(pf); // doesn't work void* dataPointerr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(pf); // works // dataPointerr(&ini); // data pointer cannot be used as a function auto prf = &f; //auto& aprf = &f; // this doesn't work std::cout << typeid(prf).name() << '\n'; void* dataRefPointerr = reinterpret_cast<void*&>(prf); std::cout << typeid(dataPointerr).name() << '\n'; std::cout << typeid(dataRefPointerr).name() << '\n'; std::cout << typeid(pfi).name() << '\n'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert from void* to function pointer void* pobj = reinterpret_cast<void*&>(pfi); using fptr_v_i = void(*)(int*); fptr_v_i my_fptr_v_i = reinterpret_cast<fptr_v_i>(reinterpret_cast<long long>(pobj)); // assuming 64 bit pointer std::cout << "pfi type = " << typeid(pfi).name() << '\n'; std::cout << "my_fptr_v_i type = " << typeid(my_fptr_v_i).name() << '\n'; ini = 10; my_fptr_v_i(&ini); std::cout << "&pfi=" << &pfi << '\n'; // 000000704CF1F958 std::cout << "&pfi=" << &pfi << '\n'; // 000000704CF1F958 std::cout << "&(*my_fptr_v_i)=" << &(*my_fptr_v_i) << '\n'; // 00007FF6481C10BE std::cout << "&(*my_fptr_v_i)=" << &(*my_fptr_v_i) << '\n'; // 00007FF6481C10BE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert from method pointer to void* and then to function pointer Object o{1,2}; o.printIplusJplusArg(3); // 6 void (Object::*mp)(int) = &Object::printIplusJplusArg; (o.*mp)(3); // 6 // mp is the method pointer //void* vmp = (void*)mp; void* vmp = &mp; //(o.*vmp)(3); // illegal vmp has type void* std::cout << typeid(reinterpret_cast<void(*)(int)>(getMethodVoidPointer(&Object::printIplusJplusArg))).name() << '\n'; // function pointer std::cout << typeid(getFunctionPointer<void(*)(int)>(getMethodVoidPointer(&Object::printIplusJplusArg))).name() << '\n'; // function pointer - same void(*fp)(Object*,int) = getFunctionPointer<void(*)(Object*,int)>(getMethodVoidPointer(&Object::printIplusJplusArg)); void(Object::*mptr)(int) = &Object::printIplusJplusArg; void(*fpalt)(Object*,int) = getFunctionPointer<void(*)(Object*,int)>(getMethodVoidPointer(mptr)); std::cout << "working?" << '\n'; fp(&o,3); // 6 fpalt(&o,3); // 6 // "call" data member int Object::*mpdata = &Object::j_; std::cout << o.*mpdata << '\n'; // convert from const method pointer to const void* and then to const fuction pointer Object oc{1,2}; oc.printIplusJplusArgConst(3); // 6 using CMP = void (Object::*)(int) const; CMP cmp; // or: void (Object::*mpc)(int) const = &Object::printIplusJplusArgConst; (oc.*mpc)(3); // 6 // mpc is a const method pointer void* vmpc = &mpc; //(oc.*vmpc)(3); // illegal vmpc has type const void* std::cout << typeid(reinterpret_cast<void(*const)(int)>(getMethodConstVoidPointer(&Object::printIplusJplusArgConst))).name() << '\n'; // function pointer std::cout << typeid(getConstFunctionPointer<void(*const)(int)>(getMethodConstVoidPointer(&Object::printIplusJplusArgConst))).name() << '\n'; // function pointer - same // remember in all cases, cv-qualifiers are ignored by typeid (that is, typeid(const T) == typeid(T)) void(*const cfp)(Object* const,int) = getConstFunctionPointer<void(*const)(Object* const,int)>(getMethodConstVoidPointer(&Object::printIplusJplusArgConst)); cfp(&oc,6); // 9 std::cout << typeid(cfp).name() << '\n'; // void (__cdecl*)(class Object * __ptr64 const,int) - the constness of cfp is ignored by typeid return 0; }

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