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//Libraries I need #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdlib> //Functions void showBallance(); void dePosit(double amount); void WithDraw(double amount); void quit(); using namespace std; //Main Variable(The user's ballance) double ballance = 0.00; int main() { do{ int answer; cout << "Choose what you want me to do:\n"; cout << "1. Show Ballance\n"; cout << "2. Deposit\n"; cout << "3. Withdraw\n"; cout << "4. Exit\n"; cin >> answer; switch(answer){ case 1: showBallance(); break; case 2: double amount; cout << "How much money do you want to deposit? (Max: $400)\n"; cin >> amount; if (amount > 400) { cout << "You can't deposit more money than maximum. Try again."; cin >> amount; } else { dePosit(amount); } break; case 3: double yoanswer; cout << "How many money do you want to withdraw from your bank account? (Your ballance currently is " << ballance << ")"; cin >> yoanswer; WithDraw(double yoanswer); break; case 4: quit(); break; default: cout << "I can't understand you. Goodbye."; quit(); break; } }while (answer != 4); return 0; } void showBallance() { cout << "Your ballance is " << ballance << ". If you wish to add more money to your bank account there is an option to deposit.\n"; return 0; } void dePosit(double amount) { ballance += amount; cout << "Your ballance currently is " << ballance << ".\n"; return 0; } void WithDraw(double amount) { ballance -= amount; if (ballance < 0) { cout << "You can't withdraw more money that is on your bank account.\n"; } return 0; } void quit() { exit(); }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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