online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include "FunctionLib.h" using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::getline; int main() { print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text(" CALCULATOR ", color_green); print_text(" Version 1.3 BETA ", color_blue); print_text("-----------------------------", color_red); print_text("(1) detect_simple_operation ", color_blue); print_text("(2) do_algebra ", color_yellow); print_text("(3) order_of_ops ", color_red); print_text("(4) Calculator version & info", color_orange); print_text("-----------------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string op; cin >> op; cin.ignore(); if(op == "detect_simple_operation" || op == "1" || op == "(1)") { detector(); } else if(op == "do_algebra" || op == "2" || op == "(2)") { //if the user wants algebra //asks to do 1-variable, 2-variable, or 3-variable algebra print_text("----------------------", color_red); print_text("(1)1_variable ", color_green); print_text("(2)2_variable ", color_red); print_text("(3)3_variable ", color_orange); print_text("----------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string algebra_choice; cin >> algebra_choice; cin.ignore(); if(algebra_choice == "1" || algebra_choice == "(1)" || algebra_choice == "1_variable") { algebra_1(); } else if(algebra_choice == "2" || algebra_choice == "(2)" || algebra_choice == "2_variable") { algebra_2(); } else if(algebra_choice == "3" || algebra_choice == "(3)" || algebra_choice == "3_variable") { algebra_3(); } else { print_text("--------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Please enter a valid choice next time.", color_red); print_text("--------------------------------------", color_red); main(); } } else if(op == "3" || op == "(3)" || op == "order_of_ops") { print_text("--------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Welcome to this expression simplifier!", color_green); print_text("--------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("(1) algebraic_simplifier ", color_yellow); print_text("(2) reguar_order_of_ops ", color_blue); print_text("------------------------ ", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); cin >> op; cin.ignore(); if(op == "1" || op == "(1)" || op == "algebraic_simplifier") { print_text("----------------------", color_red); print_text("(1)1_variable ", color_green); print_text("(2)2_variable ", color_red); print_text("(3)3_variable ", color_orange); print_text("----------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string algebra_choice; cin >> algebra_choice; cin.ignore(); if(algebra_choice == "1" || algebra_choice == "(1)" || algebra_choice == "1_variable") { algebra_1(); } else if(algebra_choice == "2" || algebra_choice == "(2)" || algebra_choice == "2_variable") { algebra_2(); } else if(algebra_choice == "3" || algebra_choice == "(3)" || algebra_choice == "3_variable") { algebra_3(); } else { print_text("--------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Please enter a valid choice next time.", color_red); print_text("--------------------------------------", color_red); main(); } } else if(op == "2" || op == "(2)" || op == "reguar_order_of_ops") { string snow = order_of_ops(); if(snow == "detector") detector(); else if(snow == "error" || snow == "done"); } else { print_text("----------------------------", color_red); print_text("Please enter a valid choice.", color_red); print_text("----------------------------", color_red); main(); } } else if(op == "4" || op == "(4)") { print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("Calculator Version: 1.3 BETA ", color_blue); print_text("-----------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("GUI Custimization: Fully integrated! ", color_green); print(">",color_green, color_black); print(">",color_blue, color_black); print(">",color_red, color_black); print_color_test(); print_text("Operation Status: Not fully functional. ", color_red); print_text("Working: detect_simple_operation ", color_green); print_text("Partially working: 1 variable algebra, order of ops ", color_yellow); print_text("Not working: 2, 3 variable algebra, algebra expression simplifier", color_red); print_text("-----------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Designed and built by peteboy_2007 in C++ ", color_light_blue); print_text("-----------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Official Release deadline: Jan 1, 2022 (extendable) ", color_green); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); int coo = info(); if(coo == 0) main(); else if(coo == 1) return 0; } else { print_text("--------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Please enter a valid operator and try again.", color_red); print_text("--------------------------------------------", color_red); main(); } print_text("-------------------------------", color_blue); print_text("Do you want to try again? (y/n)", color_light_blue); print_text("-------------------------------", color_blue); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string choice; cin >> choice; if(choice == "y") { cin.ignore(); main(); } else if(choice == "n") { cin.ignore(); print_text("-------------------------------", color_blue); return 0; } else { print_text("--------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Please enter a valid choice next time. (y/n)", color_red); print_text("--------------------------------------------", color_red); main(); } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <sstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::getline; int find_num_of_chars(string array[], string char_to_find, int array_size) { int i = 0; int boo; int num_of_chars = 0; do { string term = array[i]; boo = term.find(char_to_find); if(boo != -1) { num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1; } else; i = i + 1; } while(i < array_size); if(num_of_chars == 0) return -1; else return num_of_chars; } string order_of_ops() { int temp_var = 0; int check = 0; string term; print_text("=======================================", color_red); print_text("How many terms do you wish to simplify?", color_blue); print_text("=======================================", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); int ops_termnumm; cin >> ops_termnumm; cin.ignore(); if(ops_termnumm <= 15); else { print_text(":::::::::::::::", color_red); print_text("Too many terms.", color_dark_red); print_text(":::::::::::::::", color_red); return "error"; } if(ops_termnumm == 2) { return "detector"; } else; int ops_termnum = (ops_termnumm * 2) - 1; string ops_expression[ops_termnum]; print_text("*************************************", color_red); print_text("Enter your terms separated by spaces.", color_blue); print_text("_____________________________________", color_dark_blue); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); int i = 0; do { cin >> ops_expression[i]; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); i = 0; cin.ignore(); string ops_check_array[ops_termnumm]; string tmp; do { if((i % 2) == 1); else ops_check_array[i / 2] = ops_expression[i]; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); i = 0; if(numbers_only_array(ops_check_array, ops_termnumm, true) == true); else { print_text("ERROR: unrecognized character detected.", color_dark_red); return "error"; } //operator finder module lines 90 - 308; int add_times = find_num_of_chars(ops_expression, "+", ops_termnum); int minus_times = find_num_of_chars(ops_expression, "-", ops_termnum); int times_times = find_num_of_chars(ops_expression, "*", ops_termnum); int divide_times = find_num_of_chars(ops_expression, "/", ops_termnum); int add_found[add_times]; int minus_found[minus_times]; int times_found[times_times]; int divide_found[divide_times]; if(add_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("+"); if(temp_var == 0) { add_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); if(minus_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("-"); if(temp_var == 0) { minus_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } else; if(times_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("*"); if(temp_var == 0) { times_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } else; if(divide_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("/"); if(temp_var == 0) { divide_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } else; } else if(minus_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("-"); if(temp_var == 0) { minus_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); if(times_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("*"); if(temp_var == 0) { times_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } else; if(divide_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("/"); if(temp_var == 0) { divide_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } else; } else if(times_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("*"); if(temp_var == 0) { times_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); if(divide_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("/"); if(temp_var == 0) { divide_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } } else if(divide_times != -1) { do { if(i % 2 == 1) { term = ops_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("/"); if(temp_var == 0) { divide_found[check] = i; check = check + 1; } else; } else; i++; } while(i < ops_termnum); } else { cout << "---------------\n"; cout << "Error: OPS_OPNF\n"; cout << "---------------\n"; } //operator to term attacher module lines 294 - 590; //variable initilazations; long double ops_solution; string term_1_attached[2]; string term_2_attached[2]; string term_3_attached[2]; string term_4_attached[2]; string term_5_attached[2]; string term_6_attached[2]; string term_7_attached[2]; string term_8_attached[2]; string term_9_attached[2]; string term_10_attached[2]; string term_11_attached[2]; string term_12_attached[2]; string term_13_attached[2]; string term_14_attached[2]; string term_15_attached[2]; //variable assignments and configuration; if(ops_termnumm == 3) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 4) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 5) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 6) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 7) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 8) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 9) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 10) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; term_10_attached[1] = ops_expression[18]; term_10_attached[0] = ops_expression[17]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 11) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; term_10_attached[1] = ops_expression[18]; term_10_attached[0] = ops_expression[17]; term_11_attached[1] = ops_expression[20]; term_11_attached[0] = ops_expression[19]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 12) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; term_10_attached[1] = ops_expression[18]; term_10_attached[0] = ops_expression[17]; term_11_attached[1] = ops_expression[20]; term_11_attached[0] = ops_expression[19]; term_12_attached[1] = ops_expression[22]; term_12_attached[0] = ops_expression[21]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 13) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; term_10_attached[1] = ops_expression[18]; term_10_attached[0] = ops_expression[17]; term_11_attached[1] = ops_expression[20]; term_11_attached[0] = ops_expression[19]; term_12_attached[1] = ops_expression[22]; term_12_attached[0] = ops_expression[21]; term_13_attached[1] = ops_expression[24]; term_13_attached[0] = ops_expression[23]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 14) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; term_10_attached[1] = ops_expression[18]; term_10_attached[0] = ops_expression[17]; term_11_attached[1] = ops_expression[20]; term_11_attached[0] = ops_expression[19]; term_12_attached[1] = ops_expression[22]; term_12_attached[0] = ops_expression[21]; term_13_attached[1] = ops_expression[24]; term_13_attached[0] = ops_expression[23]; term_14_attached[1] = ops_expression[26]; term_14_attached[0] = ops_expression[25]; } else if(ops_termnumm == 15) { term_1_attached[0] = "+"; term_1_attached[1] = ops_expression[0]; term_2_attached[1] = ops_expression[2]; term_2_attached[0] = ops_expression[1]; term_3_attached[1] = ops_expression[4]; term_3_attached[0] = ops_expression[3]; term_4_attached[1] = ops_expression[6]; term_4_attached[0] = ops_expression[5]; term_5_attached[1] = ops_expression[8]; term_5_attached[0] = ops_expression[7]; term_6_attached[1] = ops_expression[10]; term_6_attached[0] = ops_expression[9]; term_7_attached[1] = ops_expression[12]; term_7_attached[0] = ops_expression[11]; term_8_attached[1] = ops_expression[14]; term_8_attached[0] = ops_expression[13]; term_9_attached[1] = ops_expression[16]; term_9_attached[0] = ops_expression[15]; term_10_attached[1] = ops_expression[18]; term_10_attached[0] = ops_expression[17]; term_11_attached[1] = ops_expression[20]; term_11_attached[0] = ops_expression[19]; term_12_attached[1] = ops_expression[22]; term_12_attached[0] = ops_expression[21]; term_13_attached[1] = ops_expression[24]; term_13_attached[0] = ops_expression[23]; term_14_attached[1] = ops_expression[26]; term_14_attached[0] = ops_expression[25]; term_15_attached[1] = ops_expression[28]; term_15_attached[0] = ops_expression[27]; } else { cout << "----------------\n"; cout << "Error: OPS_OPATT\n"; cout << "----------------\n"; order_of_ops(); } //combining like terms and outputting, lines 592 - ; stringstream stupid_60(term_1_attached[1]); long double term_1; stupid_60 >> term_1; stringstream stupid_61(term_2_attached[1]); long double term_2; stupid_61 >> term_2; stringstream stupid_62(term_3_attached[1]); long double term_3; stupid_62 >> term_3; if(ops_termnumm == 3) { if(term_2_attached[0] == "+" || term_2_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_2_attached[0] == "-") { term_2 = term_2 * -1; } if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") { term_3 = term_3 * -1; } ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_2_attached[0] == "-") { ops_solution = term_1 - (term_2 * term_3); } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "+") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3); } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_2_attached[0] == "-") { ops_solution = term_1 - (term_2 / term_3); } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "+") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3); } } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / term_3; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 * term_2 * term_3; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + term_3; } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / term_3; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3); } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3; } } } else if(ops_termnumm == 4) { stringstream stupid_63(term_4_attached[1]); long double term_4; stupid_63 >> term_4; if(term_2_attached[0] == "+" || term_2_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_2_attached[0] == "-") { term_2 = term_2 * -1; } if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - term_4; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) / term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - term_4; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4)); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - term_4; } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) - term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / term_3 / term_4; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = term_1 * term_2 * term_3 * term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / term_4; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + term_3 + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) + term_3) - term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + (term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + (term_3 / term_4); } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / term_4; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / term_4; } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - term_4; else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 * term_4); else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / term_4); } } } else if(ops_termnumm == 5) { stringstream stupid_64(term_4_attached[1]); long double term_4; stupid_64 >> term_4; stringstream stupid_65(term_5_attached[1]); long double term_5; stupid_65 >> term_5; if(term_2_attached[0] == "+" || term_2_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_2_attached[0] == "-") { term_2 = term_2 * -1; } if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") { term_3 = term_3 * -1; } if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3 * term_4) / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3) / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3) / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3) / term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 / term_5); } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4)) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4) / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - (term_4 / term_5); } } } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] =="/") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 / term_4)) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / term_3 / (term_4 * term_5); } else if (term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / term_3 / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 * term_2 * term_3 * term_4 * term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) * (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + term_3 + term_4; } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) + term_3) - term_4; } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + (term_3 * term_4); } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + (term_3 / term_4); } } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4)) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + ((term_3 * term_4) / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / term_4 / term_5); } } } } } else if(ops_termnumm == 6) { stringstream stupid_64(term_4_attached[1]); long double term_4; stupid_64 >> term_4; stringstream stupid_65(term_5_attached[1]); long double term_5; stupid_65 >> term_5; stringstream stupid_66(term_6_attached[1]); long double term_6; stupid_66 >> term_6; if(term_2_attached[0] == "+" || term_2_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_2_attached[0] == "-") { term_2 = term_2 * -1; } if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") { term_3 = term_3 * -1; } if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + (term_3 / term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 + term_2 + term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3 * term_4) / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3) / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3) / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + ((term_2 * term_3) / term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 / term_5); } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4)) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / (term_3 * term_4) / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3 / term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 + (term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 + (term_2 / term_3)) - (term_4 / term_5); } } } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] =="/") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) / (term_3 / term_4)) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / term_3 / (term_4 * term_5); } else if (term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) / term_3 / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 * term_2 * term_3 * term_4 * term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) * (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2 * term_3) / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + term_3 + term_4; } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { ops_solution = ((term_1 * term_2) + term_3) - term_4; } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + (term_3 * term_4); } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 * term_2) + (term_3 / term_4); } } } else if(term_2_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / (term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / term_2 / term_3 / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3)) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4)) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3 * term_4) / term_5; } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = term_1 / (term_2 * term_3) / term_4 / term_5; } } } else if(term_3_attached[0] == "+" || term_3_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_3_attached[0] == "-") term_3 = term_3 * -1; if(term_4_attached[0] == "+") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + term_4 + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + term_3 + (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - (term_4 + term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - (term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = ((term_1 / term_2) + term_3) - (term_4 / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "*") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 * term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 * term_4 * term_5); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + ((term_3 * term_4) / term_5); } } else if(term_4_attached[0] == "/") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "+" || term_5_attached[0] == "-") { if(term_5_attached[0] == "-") term_5 = term_5 * -1; ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / term_4) + term_5; } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "*") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / (term_4 * term_5)); } else if(term_5_attached[0] == "/") { ops_solution = (term_1 / term_2) + (term_3 / term_4 / term_5); } } } } } else if(ops_termnumm == 7) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 8) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 9) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 10) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 11) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 12) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 13) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 14) { } else if(ops_termnumm == 15) { } else { print_text("--------------", color_red); print_text("Error: OPS_CLT", color_red); print_text("--------------", color_red); order_of_ops(); } string ops_solution_str; stringstream stupid_67; stupid_67 << ops_solution; ops_solution_str = stupid_67.str(); print_text("------", color_blue); print_text(ops_solution_str, color_green); print_text("------", color_blue); return "done"; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <sstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <cctype> #include "Color_text.h" #include "order_of_ops.h" #include "algebra.h" #include "functions.h"
#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define VC_EXTRALEAN #include <Windows.h> #endif // _WIN32 using namespace std; #define color_black 0 #define color_dark_blue 1 #define color_dark_green 2 #define color_light_blue 3 #define color_dark_red 4 #define color_magenta 5 #define color_orange 6 #define color_light_gray 7 #define color_gray 8 #define color_blue 9 #define color_green 10 #define color_cyan 11 #define color_red 12 #define color_pink 13 #define color_yellow 14 #define color_white 15 bool numbers_only(string funcsake, bool allow_operators) { int i = 0; string target; if(allow_operators == false) { do { target = funcsake.substr(i, 1); if(target == "1"); else if(target == "2"); else if(target == "3"); else if(target == "4"); else if(target == "5"); else if(target == "6"); else if(target == "7"); else if(target == "8"); else if(target == "9"); else if(target == "0"); else return false; i++; } while(i < funcsake.size()); } else { do { target = funcsake.substr(i, 1); if(target == "1"); else if(target == "2"); else if(target == "3"); else if(target == "4"); else if(target == "5"); else if(target == "6"); else if(target == "7"); else if(target == "8"); else if(target == "9"); else if(target == "0"); else if(target == "-"); else if(target == "+"); else return false; i++; } while(i < funcsake.size()); } return true; } bool numbers_only_array(string array[], int sz, bool allow_operators) { int i = 0; string tmp; do { tmp = array[i]; if(numbers_only(tmp, allow_operators) == false) return false; i++; } while(i < sz); return true; } void print(const string s="") { cout << s << endl; } void print(const string s, const int textcolor, const int backgroundcolor) { #if defined(_WIN32) CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; WORD default_colors = 0; if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi)) default_colors = csbi.wAttributes; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), backgroundcolor<<4|textcolor); #elif defined(__linux__) string t, b; switch(textcolor) { case 0: t="30"; break; // color_black 0 case 1: t="34"; break; // color_dark_blue 1 case 2: t="32"; break; // color_dark_green 2 case 3: t="36"; break; // color_light_blue 3 case 4: t="31"; break; // color_dark_red 4 case 5: t="35"; break; // color_magenta 5 case 6: t="33"; break; // color_orange 6 case 7: t="37"; break; // color_light_gray 7 case 8: t="90"; break; // color_gray 8 case 9: t="94"; break; // color_blue 9 case 10: t="92"; break; // color_green 10 case 11: t="96"; break; // color_cyan 11 case 12: t="91"; break; // color_red 12 case 13: t="95"; break; // color_pink 13 case 14: t="93"; break; // color_yellow 14 case 15: t="97"; break; // color_white 15 default: t="97"; } switch(backgroundcolor) { case 0: b= "40"; break; // color_black 0 case 1: b= "44"; break; // color_dark_blue 1 case 2: b= "42"; break; // color_dark_green 2 case 3: b= "46"; break; // color_light_blue 3 case 4: b= "41"; break; // color_dark_red 4 case 5: b= "45"; break; // color_magenta 5 case 6: b= "43"; break; // color_orange 6 case 7: b= "47"; break; // color_light_gray 7 case 8: b="100"; break; // color_gray 8 case 9: b="104"; break; // color_blue 9 case 10: b="102"; break; // color_green 10 case 11: b="106"; break; // color_cyan 11 case 12: b="101"; break; // color_red 12 case 13: b="105"; break; // color_pink 13 case 14: b="103"; break; // color_yellow 14 case 15: b="107"; break; // color_white 15 default: b= "40"; } cout << "\033["+t+";"+b+"m"; #endif // Windows/Linux cout << s; #if defined(_WIN32) SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), default_colors); #elif defined(__linux__) cout << "\033[0m"; // reset color #endif // Windows/Linux } void wait() { cin.get(); } void print_color_test() { print(" ", color_black, color_magenta ); print(" ", color_black, color_blue ); print(" ", color_black, color_light_blue); print(" ", color_black, color_cyan ); print(" ", color_black, color_green ); print(" ", color_black, color_yellow ); print(" ", color_black, color_orange ); print(" ", color_black, color_red ); print(" ", color_black, color_black ); print(" ", color_black, color_gray ); print(" ", color_black, color_light_gray); print(" ", color_black, color_white ); print(" ", color_black, color_pink ); print(" ", color_black, color_dark_blue ); print(" ", color_black, color_dark_green); print(" ", color_black, color_dark_red ); print("#", color_magenta , color_black); print("#", color_blue , color_black); print("#", color_light_blue, color_black); print("#", color_cyan , color_black); print("#", color_green , color_black); print("#", color_yellow , color_black); print("#", color_orange , color_black); print("#", color_red , color_black); print("#", color_black , color_black); print("#", color_gray , color_black); print("#", color_light_gray, color_black); print("#", color_white , color_black); print("#", color_pink , color_black); print("#", color_dark_blue , color_black); print("#", color_dark_green, color_black); print("#", color_dark_red , color_black); print(); } void print_text(const string s, const int textcolor) { int backgroundcolor; #if defined(_WIN32) CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; WORD default_colors = 0; if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi)) default_colors = csbi.wAttributes; SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), color_black<<4|textcolor); #elif defined(__linux__) string t, b; switch(textcolor) { case 0: t="30"; break; // color_black 0 case 1: t="34"; break; // color_dark_blue 1 case 2: t="32"; break; // color_dark_green 2 case 3: t="36"; break; // color_light_blue 3 case 4: t="31"; break; // color_dark_red 4 case 5: t="35"; break; // color_magenta 5 case 6: t="33"; break; // color_orange 6 case 7: t="37"; break; // color_light_gray 7 case 8: t="90"; break; // color_gray 8 case 9: t="94"; break; // color_blue 9 case 10: t="92"; break; // color_green 10 case 11: t="96"; break; // color_cyan 11 case 12: t="91"; break; // color_red 12 case 13: t="95"; break; // color_pink 13 case 14: t="93"; break; // color_yellow 14 case 15: t="97"; break; // color_white 15 default: t="97"; } switch(backgroundcolor) { case 0: b= "40"; break; // color_black 0 case 1: b= "44"; break; // color_dark_blue 1 case 2: b= "42"; break; // color_dark_green 2 case 3: b= "46"; break; // color_light_blue 3 case 4: b= "41"; break; // color_dark_red 4 case 5: b= "45"; break; // color_magenta 5 case 6: b= "43"; break; // color_orange 6 case 7: b= "47"; break; // color_light_gray 7 case 8: b="100"; break; // color_gray 8 case 9: b="104"; break; // color_blue 9 case 10: b="102"; break; // color_green 10 case 11: b="106"; break; // color_cyan 11 case 12: b="101"; break; // color_red 12 case 13: b="105"; break; // color_pink 13 case 14: b="103"; break; // color_yellow 14 case 15: b="107"; break; // color_white 15 default: b= "40"; } cout << "\033["+t+";"+b+"m"; #endif // Windows/Linux cout << s << "\n"; #if defined(_WIN32) SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), default_colors); #elif defined(__linux__) cout << "\033[0m"; // reset color #endif // Windows/Linux }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <sstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::getline; string posc(string suit[], string fc, int sz, int termpos_posinterm_both) { string term; int var_found; int i = 0; do { term = suit[i]; var_found = term.find(fc); stringstream ss; ss << i; string i_s = ss.str(); stringstream sa; sa << var_found; string var_found_s = sa.str(); if(var_found != -1) { string member_1 = i_s; string member_2 = var_found_s; string comma = ", "; if(termpos_posinterm_both == 0) return i_s; else if(termpos_posinterm_both == 1) return var_found_s; else if(termpos_posinterm_both == 2) { string complete_member = member_1.append(comma); complete_member = complete_member.append(member_2); return complete_member; } else; } else i = i + 1; } while (i <= sz); return "error"; } void algebra_1() { print_text("-----------------------", color_red); print_text("(1)equation ", color_green); print_text("(2)expression ", color_dark_red); print_text("-----------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); long double al_1_solution; string al_1_eqorex; cin >> al_1_eqorex; if(al_1_eqorex == "equation" || al_1_eqorex == "1" || al_1_eqorex == "(1)") { print_text("-----------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Enter your equation like example. EX: ** (+,-,*,/) ** = ** ", color_light_blue); print_text("Please only use 3 term equations in the layout shown above.", color_dark_red); print_text("-----------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string al_1_equation[5]; for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { cin >> al_1_equation[i]; } print_text("----------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("What character represents your variable?", color_blue); print_text("----------------------------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string al_1_variable; cin >> al_1_variable; for(int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { string var = al_1_equation[i]; int al_1_var_found = var.find(al_1_variable); if(al_1_var_found != -1) { int var_arraypos_termpos[2] = {i, al_1_var_found}; break; } else; } print_text("-----------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("How many times is your variable used in the equation?", color_blue); print_text("-----------------------------------------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); int al_1_var_times; cin >> al_1_var_times; bool err = false; if(al_1_var_times == 1) { string var_pos = posc(al_1_equation, al_1_variable, 5, 2); stringstream stupid(var_pos.substr(0,1)); int al_1_var_array_pos_int; stupid >> al_1_var_array_pos_int; string al_1_term_with_var_s = al_1_equation[al_1_var_array_pos_int]; int al_1_var_pos_in_term = al_1_term_with_var_s.find(al_1_variable); string al_1_char_before_var_s; int al_1_char_before_var; if(al_1_var_pos_in_term == 0) { al_1_char_before_var_s = " "; al_1_char_before_var = -1; } else if(al_1_var_pos_in_term == -1) { print_text("------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Failed to find variable. Please try again.", color_dark_red); print_text("------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; algebra_1(); } else { al_1_char_before_var_s = al_1_term_with_var_s.substr(al_1_var_pos_in_term - 1,1); stringstream stupid_1(al_1_char_before_var_s); stupid_1 >> al_1_char_before_var; } int array[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; if(al_1_char_before_var == array[0] || al_1_char_before_var == array[1] || al_1_char_before_var == array[2] || al_1_char_before_var == array[3] || al_1_char_before_var == array[4] || al_1_char_before_var == array[5] || al_1_char_before_var == array[6] || al_1_char_before_var == array[7] || al_1_char_before_var == array[8] || al_1_char_before_var == array[9]) { string al_1_num_before_var = al_1_term_with_var_s.erase(al_1_term_with_var_s.size() - 1); string al_1_equals_pos = posc(al_1_equation, "=", 5, 0); if(al_1_equals_pos == "3") { int add_found = al_1_equation[1].find("+"); int minus_found = al_1_equation[1].find("-"); int times_found = al_1_equation[1].find("*"); int divide_found = al_1_equation[1].find("/"); stringstream stupid_28(al_1_num_before_var); long double al_1_num_before_var_int; stupid_28 >> al_1_num_before_var_int; if(al_1_term_with_var_s.append(al_1_variable) == al_1_equation[0]) { if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_29(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_add_term_1; stupid_29 >> mx_add_term_1; stringstream stupid_30(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_add_term_2; stupid_30 >> mx_add_term_2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_add = mx_add_term_2 - mx_add_term_1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_add / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_31(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_minus_term_1; stupid_31 >> mx_minus_term_1; stringstream stupid_32(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_minus_term_2; stupid_32 >> mx_minus_term_2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_minus = mx_minus_term_2 + mx_minus_term_1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_minus / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_33(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_times_term_1; stupid_33 >> mx_times_term_1; stringstream stupid_34(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_times_term_2; stupid_34 >> mx_times_term_2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_times = mx_times_term_2 / mx_times_term_1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_times / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_35(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_divide_term_1; stupid_35 >> mx_divide_term_1; stringstream stupid_36(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_divide_term_2; stupid_36 >> mx_divide_term_2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_divide = mx_divide_term_2 * mx_divide_term_1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_divide / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Invalid equation. This calculator is still in beta testing so that equation may become avaliable soon.", color_red); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; } } else if(al_1_term_with_var_s == al_1_equation[2]) { if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_37(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_add_term1; stupid_37 >> mx_add_term1; stringstream stupid_38(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_add_term2; stupid_38 >> mx_add_term2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_add1 = mx_add_term2 - mx_add_term1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_add1 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_39(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_minus_term1; stupid_39 >> mx_minus_term1; stringstream stupid_40(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_minus_term2; stupid_40 >> mx_minus_term2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_minus1 = mx_minus_term2 + mx_minus_term1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_minus1 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_41(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_times_term1; stupid_41 >> mx_times_term1; stringstream stupid_42(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_times_term2; stupid_42 >> mx_times_term2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_times1 = mx_times_term2 / mx_times_term1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_times1 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_43(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_divide_term1; stupid_43 >> mx_divide_term1; stringstream stupid_44(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_divide_term2; stupid_44 >> mx_divide_term2; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_divide1 = mx_divide_term2 * mx_divide_term1; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_divide1 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Invalid equation. This calculator is still in beta testing so that equation may become avaliable soon.", color_red); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; } } else if(al_1_term_with_var_s == al_1_equation[4]) { if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_45(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_add_term1_; stupid_45 >> mx_add_term1_; stringstream stupid_46(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_add_term2_; stupid_46 >> mx_add_term2_; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_add2 = mx_add_term2_ - mx_add_term1_; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_add2 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_47(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_minus_term1_; stupid_47 >> mx_minus_term1_; stringstream stupid_48(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_minus_term2_; stupid_48 >> mx_minus_term2_; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_minus2 = mx_minus_term2_ + mx_minus_term1_; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_minus2 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_49(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_times_term1_; stupid_49 >> mx_times_term1_; stringstream stupid_50(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_times_term2_; stupid_50 >> mx_times_term2_; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_times2 = mx_times_term2_ / mx_times_term1_; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_times2 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_51(al_1_equation[0]); long double mx_divide_term1_; stupid_51 >> mx_divide_term1_; stringstream stupid_52(al_1_equation[2]); long double mx_divide_term2_; stupid_52 >> mx_divide_term2_; long double mx_inversed_pre_solution_divide2 = mx_divide_term2_ * mx_divide_term1_; al_1_solution = mx_inversed_pre_solution_divide2 / al_1_num_before_var_int; } else { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Invalid equation. This calculator is still in beta testing so that equation may become avaliable soon.", color_red); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; } } else { print_text("-----------", color_red); print_text("Error: B302", color_red); print_text("-----------", color_red); err = true; } } else { print_text("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("This calculator is still in beta testing cannot calculate that type of equation. Please try another equation.", color_dark_red); print_text("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; algebra_1(); } } else if(al_1_char_before_var == -1) { int add_found = al_1_equation[1].find("+"); int minus_found = al_1_equation[1].find("-"); int times_found = al_1_equation[1].find("*"); int divide_found = al_1_equation[1].find("/"); long double al_1_solution = 0; if(al_1_var_array_pos_int == 0) { if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_13(al_1_equation[2]); long double add_term1; stupid_13 >> add_term1; stringstream stupid_14(al_1_equation[4]); long double add_term2; stupid_14 >> add_term2; al_1_solution = add_term2 + add_term1; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_15(al_1_equation[2]); long double minus_term1; stupid_15 >> minus_term1; stringstream stupid_16(al_1_equation[4]); long double minus_term2; stupid_16 >> minus_term2; al_1_solution = minus_term1 - minus_term2; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_17(al_1_equation[2]); long double times_term1; stupid_17 >> times_term1; stringstream stupid_18(al_1_equation[4]); long double times_term2; stupid_18 >> times_term2; al_1_solution = times_term2 * times_term1; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_19(al_1_equation[2]); long double divide_term1; stupid_19 >> divide_term1; stringstream stupid_20(al_1_equation[4]); long double divide_term2; stupid_20 >> divide_term2; al_1_solution = divide_term1 / divide_term2; } else { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Invalid equation. This calculator is still in beta testing so that equation may become avaliable soon.", color_red); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; } } else if(al_1_var_array_pos_int == 2) { if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_21(al_1_equation[0]); long double add_term_1; stupid_21 >> add_term_1; stringstream stupid_22(al_1_equation[4]); long double add_term_2; stupid_22 >> add_term_2; al_1_solution = add_term_2 - add_term_1; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_23(al_1_equation[0]); long double minus_term_1; stupid_23 >> minus_term_1; stringstream stupid_24(al_1_equation[4]); long double minus_term_2; stupid_24 >> minus_term_2; al_1_solution = minus_term_2 + minus_term_1; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_25(al_1_equation[0]); long double times_term_1; stupid_25 >> times_term_1; stringstream stupid_26(al_1_equation[4]); long double times_term_2; stupid_26 >> times_term_2; al_1_solution = times_term_2 / times_term_1; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_27(al_1_equation[0]); long double divide_term_1; stupid_27 >> divide_term_1; stringstream stupid_28(al_1_equation[4]); long double divide_term_2; stupid_28 >> divide_term_2; al_1_solution = divide_term_2 * divide_term_1; } else { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Invalid equation. This calculator is still in beta testing so that equation may become avaliable soon.", color_red); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; } } else { if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_61(al_1_equation[0]); long double add_term_1; stupid_61 >> add_term_1; stringstream stupid_62(al_1_equation[2]); long double add_term_2; stupid_62 >> add_term_2; al_1_solution = add_term_1 + add_term_2; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_63(al_1_equation[0]); long double minus_term_1; stupid_63 >> minus_term_1; stringstream stupid_64(al_1_equation[2]); long double minus_term_2; stupid_64 >> minus_term_2; al_1_solution = minus_term_1 - minus_term_2; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_65(al_1_equation[0]); long double times_term_1; stupid_65 >> times_term_1; stringstream stupid_66(al_1_equation[2]); long double times_term_2; stupid_66 >> times_term_2; al_1_solution = times_term_1 * times_term_2; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_67(al_1_equation[0]); long double divide_term_1; stupid_67 >> divide_term_1; stringstream stupid_68(al_1_equation[2]); long double divide_term_2; stupid_68 >> divide_term_2; al_1_solution = divide_term_1 / divide_term_2; } } } } else if(al_1_var_times == 2) { string al_1_var1_arrterm = posc(al_1_equation, al_1_variable, 5, 0); stringstream stupid_53(al_1_var1_arrterm); int al_1_var1_arrterm_int; stupid_53 >> al_1_var1_arrterm_int; string al_1_var1_term = al_1_equation[al_1_var1_arrterm_int]; if(al_1_var1_arrterm_int == 0) { int i = 2; do { int loopsake_find = al_1_equation[i].find(al_1_variable); if(loopsake_find != -1) break; else i = i + 1; } while(i > 5); int al_1_var2_arrterm_int = i; string al_1_var2_term = al_1_equation[al_1_var2_arrterm_int]; string al_1_equals_pos = posc(al_1_equation, "=", 5, 0); if(al_1_equals_pos == "3") { //hello u are probably lost by now if u are reading this b/c i stopped making comments b/c they were tedious string al_1_char_before_var1; string al_1_char_before_var2; if(al_1_var2_arrterm_int == 2) { //if var positions are 0th and 2nd if(al_1_var1_term.find(al_1_variable) != 0) { al_1_char_before_var1 = al_1_var1_term.erase(al_1_var1_term.size() - 1); } else if(al_1_var1_term.find(al_1_variable) == 0) { al_1_char_before_var1 = " "; } else { print_text("-----------", color_red); print_text("Error: V1NF", color_red); print_text("-----------", color_red); err = true; } if(al_1_var2_term.find(al_1_variable) != 0) { al_1_char_before_var2 = al_1_var2_term.erase(al_1_var2_term.size() - 1); } else if(al_1_var2_term.find(al_1_variable) == 0) { al_1_char_before_var2 = " "; } else { print_text("-----------", color_red); print_text("Error: V2NF", color_red); print_text("-----------", color_red); err = true; } //now to actually solve after variable configuration int al_1_step_one; int add_found = al_1_equation[1].find("+"); int minus_found = al_1_equation[1].find("-"); int times_found = al_1_equation[1].find("*"); int divide_found = al_1_equation[1].find("/"); long double al_1_char_before_var1_int; long double al_1_char_before_var2_int; if(al_1_char_before_var1 == " " || al_1_char_before_var2 == " ") { if(al_1_char_before_var1 == " ") al_1_char_before_var1_int = 1; else; if(al_1_char_before_var2 == " ") al_1_char_before_var2_int = 1; else; } else { stringstream stupid_54(al_1_char_before_var1); stupid_54 >> al_1_char_before_var1_int; stringstream stupid_55(al_1_char_before_var2); stupid_55 >> al_1_char_before_var2_int; } if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_56(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_sumnation; stupid_56 >> mx_sumnation; al_1_step_one = al_1_char_before_var1_int + al_1_char_before_var2_int; al_1_solution = mx_sumnation / al_1_step_one; } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_57(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_minuation; stupid_57 >> mx_minuation; al_1_step_one = al_1_char_before_var1_int - al_1_char_before_var2_int; al_1_solution = mx_minuation / al_1_step_one; } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_58(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_timenation; stupid_58 >> mx_timenation; al_1_step_one = al_1_char_before_var1_int * al_1_char_before_var2_int; al_1_solution = mx_timenation / al_1_step_one; } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_59(al_1_equation[4]); long double mx_divination; stupid_59 >> mx_divination; al_1_step_one = al_1_char_before_var1_int / al_1_char_before_var2_int; al_1_solution = mx_divination / al_1_step_one; } else { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Invalid equation. This calculator is still in beta testing so that equation may become avaliable soon.", color_red); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; } } } else { print_text("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("This calculator is still in beta testing cannot calculate that type of equation. Please try another equation.", color_red); print_text("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; algebra_1(); } } else if(al_1_var1_arrterm_int == 2) { } else if(al_1_var1_arrterm_int == 4) { } else { print_text("-----------", color_red); print_text("Error: B303", color_red); print_text("-----------", color_red); err = true; algebra_1(); } } else { print_text("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Either you repeated your variable too many times or your variable input was wrong.", color_red); print_text("Please try again.", color_red); print_text("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); err = true; algebra_1(); } if(err == false) { stringstream stupid_60; stupid_60 << al_1_solution; string al_1_solution_str = stupid_60.str(); print_text("-------", color_blue); print(al_1_variable, color_green, color_black); print(" = ", color_green, color_black); print_text(al_1_solution_str, color_green); print_text("-------", color_blue); } else if(err == true) { algebra_1(); } } else if(al_1_eqorex == "expression" || al_1_eqorex == "2" || al_1_eqorex == "(2)") { print_text("-----------------------------------------", color_blue); print_text("This is an algebraic expression simplifier.", color_blue); print_text("How many terms do you wish to simplify?", color_blue); print_text("-----------------------------------------", color_blue); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); int al_1_ex_termnum; cin >> al_1_ex_termnum; int temp_var = al_1_ex_termnum; int number_terms_inputted = al_1_ex_termnum; al_1_ex_termnum = (al_1_ex_termnum * 2) - 1; string al_1_expression[al_1_ex_termnum]; if(al_1_ex_termnum <= 30); else { print_text("---------------", color_blue); print_text("Too many terms.", color_blue); print_text("---------------", color_blue); algebra_1(); } print_text("-------------------------------------", color_blue); print_text("Enter your terms separated by spaces.", color_blue); print_text("-------------------------------------", color_blue); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); int i = 0; do { cin >> al_1_expression[i]; i = i + 1; } while(i < al_1_ex_termnum); print_text("----------------------------------------", color_blue); print_text("What character represents your variable?", color_blue); print_text("----------------------------------------", color_blue); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string al_1_variable; cin >> al_1_variable; int num_of_vars = find_num_of_chars(al_1_expression, al_1_variable, al_1_ex_termnum); int num_of_nums = temp_var - num_of_vars; temp_var = 0; string var_terms[num_of_vars]; string term; i = 0; do { term = al_1_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find(al_1_variable); if(temp_var != -1) var_terms[i] = term; else; i++; } while(i < al_1_ex_termnum); i = 0; temp_var = 0; int add_times = find_num_of_chars(var_terms, "+", al_1_ex_termnum); int minus_times = find_num_of_chars(var_terms, "-", al_1_ex_termnum); int times_times = find_num_of_chars(var_terms, "*", al_1_ex_termnum); int divide_times = find_num_of_chars(var_terms, "/", al_1_ex_termnum); int add_found[15]; do { if(add_times == -1) break; else; if(i == 1 || i == 3 || i == 5 || i == 7 || i == 9 || i == 11 || i == 13 || i == 15 || i == 17 || i == 19 || i == 21 || i == 23 || i == 25 || i == 27 || i == 29) { term = al_1_expression[i]; temp_var = term.find("+"); if(temp_var != -1) add_found[i] = i; else; } else; if(temp_var != -1) cout << add_found[i] << "\n"; else; i++; } while(i < number_terms_inputted); } else { print_text("--------------------------------------------------", color_blue); print_text("Please enter a valid choice. (equation/expression)", color_red); print_text("--------------------------------------------------", color_blue); algebra_1(); } } void algebra_2() { print_text("ERROR: NO INTREGRATION FOUND", color_red); return; } void algebra_3() { print_text("ERROR: NO INTREGRATION FOUND", color_red); return; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <sstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::getline; int info() { string op; print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("(1) Main menu", color_green); print_text("(2) detect_simple_operation details", color_blue); print_text("(3) algebra details", color_light_blue); print_text("(4) order_of_ops details", color_yellow); print_text("(5) Quit", color_red); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); cin >> op; cin.ignore(); if(op == "1" || op == "(1)") return 0; else if(op == "2" || op == "(2)") { print_text(",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", color_orange); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("Operation status: fully functional", color_green); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("``````````````````````````````````", color_orange); info(); } else if(op == "3" || op == "(3)") { print_text(",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", color_orange); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("Operation status: Partial functionality:", color_orange); print_text("1_variable_algebra: 3 term equations supported as in example.", color_blue); print_text("1_variable_algebra: expression simplifier not working.", color_red); print_text("2&3_variable_algebra: equation solver & expression simplifier not working", color_red); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("``````````````````````````````````````````````````````", color_orange); info(); } else if(op == "4" || op == "(4)") { print_text(",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", color_orange); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("Operation status: Partial functionality:", color_yellow); print_text("2, 3 & 4 term simplification working", color_green); print_text("Maximum 15 term simplification.", color_magenta); print_text("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", color_red); print_text("````````````````````````````````````````", color_orange); info(); } else if(op == "5" || op == "(5)") return 1; return -1; } void detector() { print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print_text("Enter your expression.(ex. 134 - 456, or 4 ^ 7, or 20 sq root, 5!, etc.)", color_blue); print_text("------------------------------------------------------------------------", color_red); print(">>> ", color_green, color_black); string equation[3]; int i = 0; string equation_term_1; cin >> equation[0]; equation_term_1 = equation[0]; do { if(equation_term_1.find("!") != -1) { break; } else; cin >> equation[i + 1]; i = i + 1; } while(i < 2); bool check1 = numbers_only(equation[0], true); bool check2 = numbers_only(equation[2], true); if(check1 == false || check2 == false) { print_text("ERROR: an unrecognized character was detected.", color_dark_red); return; } int add_found = equation[1].find("+"); int minus_found = equation[1].find("-"); int times_found = equation[1].find("*"); int divide_found = equation[1].find("/"); int power_found = equation[1].find("^"); int sqrt_found = equation[1].find("sq"); int fact_found = equation[0].find("!"); if(add_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_2(equation[0]); long double add_term1_int; stupid_2 >> add_term1_int; stringstream stupid_3(equation[2]); long double add_term2_int; stupid_3 >> add_term2_int; long double sum = add_term1_int + add_term2_int; stringstream stupid_13; stupid_13 << sum; string sum_str = stupid_13.str(); print_text("------------------------", color_blue); print(equation[0], color_green, color_black); print(" plus ", color_green, color_black); print(equation[2], color_green, color_black); print(" equals ", color_green, color_black); print_text(sum_str, color_green); print_text("------------------------", color_blue); } else if(minus_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_4(equation[0]); long double minus_term1_int; stupid_4 >> minus_term1_int; stringstream stupid_5(equation[2]); long double minus_term2_int; stupid_5 >> minus_term2_int; long double difference = minus_term1_int - minus_term2_int; stringstream stupid_14; stupid_14 << difference; string difference_str = stupid_14.str(); print_text("------------------------", color_blue); print(equation[0], color_green, color_black); print(" minus ", color_green, color_black); print(equation[2], color_green, color_black); print(" equals ", color_green, color_black); print_text(difference_str, color_green); print_text("------------------------", color_blue); } else if(times_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_6(equation[0]); long double times_term1_int; stupid_6 >> times_term1_int; stringstream stupid_7(equation[2]); long double times_term2_int; stupid_7 >> times_term2_int; long double product = times_term1_int * times_term2_int; stringstream stupid_15; stupid_15 << product; string product_str = stupid_15.str(); print_text("-------------------------", color_blue); print(equation[0], color_green, color_black); print(" times ", color_green, color_black); print(equation[2], color_green, color_black); print(" equals ", color_green, color_black); print_text(product_str, color_green); print_text("-------------------------", color_blue); } else if(divide_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_8(equation[0]); long double divide_term1_int; stupid_8 >> divide_term1_int; stringstream stupid_9(equation[2]); long double divide_term2_int; stupid_9 >> divide_term2_int; long double quotient = divide_term1_int / divide_term2_int; stringstream stupid_16; stupid_16 << quotient; string quotient_str = stupid_16.str(); print_text("----------------------------", color_blue); print(equation[0], color_green, color_black); print(" divided by ", color_green, color_black); print(equation[2], color_green, color_black); print(" equals ", color_green, color_black); print_text(quotient_str, color_green); print_text("----------------------------", color_blue); } else if(power_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_10(equation[0]); long double base; stupid_10 >> base; stringstream stupid_11(equation[2]); long double exponent; stupid_11 >> exponent; long double answer = pow(base, exponent); stringstream stupid_17; stupid_17 << answer; string answer_str = stupid_17.str(); print_text("----------------------------", color_blue); print(equation[0], color_green, color_black); print(" to the ", color_green, color_black); print(equation[2], color_green, color_black); print(" power is ", color_green, color_black); print_text(answer_str, color_green); print_text("----------------------------", color_blue); } else if(sqrt_found != -1) { stringstream stupid_12(equation[0]); long double sqwirt; stupid_12 >> sqwirt; long double sqwirt_ans = sqrt(sqwirt); stringstream stupid_18; stupid_18 << sqwirt_ans; string sqwirt_ans_str = stupid_18.str(); print_text("--------------------------------", color_blue); print("The square root of ", color_green, color_black); print(equation[0], color_green, color_black); print(" is ", color_green, color_black); print_text(sqwirt_ans_str, color_green); print_text("--------------------------------", color_blue); } else if(fact_found != -1) { stringstream calculator_50; calculator_50 << equation[0]; string not_stupid_equation = calculator_50.str(); string fact_number = not_stupid_equation.erase(not_stupid_equation.size() - 1); stringstream calculator_49(fact_number); long double fact_number_int; calculator_49 >> fact_number_int; long double factorial = fact_number_int; int i = factorial - 1; long double factorial_done = factorial; do { factorial = factorial * i; i = i - 1; } while(i > 0); stringstream stupid_19; stupid_19 << factorial_done; string factorial_done_str = stupid_19.str(); stringstream stupid_20; stupid_20 << factorial; string factorial_str = stupid_20.str(); print_text("-------------------------------", color_blue); print("The factorial of ", color_green, color_black); print(factorial_done_str, color_green, color_black); print(" is ", color_green, color_black); print_text(factorial_str, color_green); print_text("-------------------------------", color_blue); } else { print_text("-----------------------------", color_red); print_text("That is not a valid equation.", color_red); print_text("-----------------------------", color_red); } }

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