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/* Import Traits */ use std::error::Error; const emptyString:&str = ""; const isKJV_false:bool = false; /* Declare structure Congregant */ #[derive(Debug)] struct Congregant { name: String , bible: String , isKJV: bool , err:String } /* listView */ fn listView(list_of_Congregant:Vec<Congregant>) { for (i, x) in list_of_Congregant.iter().enumerate() { println! ( "In position {:0?} we have value {:0?}" , i , x ); } } /* listEvaluate */ fn listEvaluate ( list_of_Congregant:&mut Vec<Congregant> ) { /* Declare function return variable */ let mut isKJV_context:Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>>; let mut isKJV:bool = false; let mut bibleNameLocal:String; let mut errLocal:String; /* Iterate list Mutatable List iter() versus iter_mut() */ for x in list_of_Congregant.iter_mut() { //reset context variables //set local error errLocal = "".to_string(); //get a copy of bible name //bibleNameLocal =; bibleNameLocal =; // determine if bible is KJV? isKJV_context = bibleIsKJV(bibleNameLocal); /* If return variable is OK, then it is usable */ if isKJV_context.is_ok() { // Consume the result and return the contents with `unwrap`. isKJV = isKJV_context.unwrap(); } else if isKJV_context.is_err() { isKJV = false; //unwrap Error let err = isKJV_context.unwrap_err(); //save errorLocal errLocal = err.to_string() } //save test x.isKJV = isKJV; //save exception x.err = errLocal; } //for } fn bibleIsKJV ( bibleName:String ) -> Result<bool, Box<dyn Error>> { let errorMessage:String; /* If bible name is not KJV, raise exception */ if bibleName != "KJV" { errorMessage = format! ( "Bible is not KJV. It is '{0}'" , bibleName ); //raise informative error //convert string to err type return Err ( errorMessage.into() ); } //return OK and true (as result) return Ok(true); } fn main() { //declare list let mut list_of_Congregant: Vec<Congregant>; let mut name:String; let mut bible:String; let mut emptyStringLocal:String; //initialize empty vector list_of_Congregant = vec![]; // Create struct with field init shorthand name = String::from("Peter Johnson"); bible = String::from("KJV"); emptyStringLocal = emptyString.to_owned(); //Initialize structure let peterJohnson = Congregant { name: name , bible : bible , isKJV : isKJV_false , err: emptyStringLocal }; //Add structure to list list_of_Congregant.push(peterJohnson); // Create struct with field init shorthand name = String::from("Sylvia Brown"); bible = String::from("Passion Edition"); emptyStringLocal = emptyString.to_owned(); //Initialize structure let sylviaBrown = Congregant { name: name , bible : bible , isKJV : isKJV_false , err: emptyStringLocal }; //Add structure to list list_of_Congregant.push(sylviaBrown); //evaluate list of congregants listEvaluate ( &mut list_of_Congregant ); //list congregants listView ( list_of_Congregant ); }

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